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The Rocky Mountain Cook Book : For High Altitude Cooking. Caroline Trask NortonЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Rocky Mountain Cook Book : For High Altitude Cooking - Caroline Trask Norton

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      Beat two eggs very light, add one teaspoonful of salt and two tablespoonfuls of softened butter, one tablespoonful of sugar, one cup of warm milk, and one-half yeast cake dissolved in one-half cup of warm water; stir in enough flour to make a stiff batter, beat thoroughly and let stand over night in a cool place.

      In the morning beat thoroughly again, turn into well-buttered muffin pans and let rise slowly for one hour, then bake about twenty minutes.


      1/2 cup well-cooked rice.

      1 1/2 cups white flour.

      2 teaspoonfuls baking powder.

      1/4 teaspoonful salt.

      1 tablespoonful sugar.

      1 tablespoonful melted butter.

      1 cup milk.

      2 eggs.

      Sift flour, salt, sugar and baking powder together, then add rice, well beaten eggs, milk and butter. Bake in muffin pans for twenty minutes.


      2 cups flour.

      2 teaspoonfuls baking powder.

      1/4 teaspoonful salt.

      1 teaspoonful sugar.

      1 tablespoonful melted butter.

      1 egg.

      1 cup milk.

      Sift flour, salt, sugar and baking powder together. Stir in the beaten egg, milk and melted butter. Bake in hot gem pans ten or fifteen minutes.

      Rye Muffins.—Can be made the same, using one cup and a half of rye and one-half cup of white flour.

      Entire Wheat Muffins.—Made the same as muffins, using one cup and a half of entire wheat and one-half cup of white flour.

      Graham Muffins.—Make the same as muffins, using one and one-half cups graham to one-half cup of white flour.


      1 cup barley meal.

      1 cup white flour.

      1 tablespoonful sugar.

      1 tablespoonful shortening.

      1 egg.

      1/4 teaspoonful salt.

      1 cup milk.

      2 teaspoonfuls baking powder.

      Sift dry materials together. Add melted shortening, beaten egg, milk. Beat briskly. Bake in muffin pans for fifteen minutes.


      Beat 2 eggs light.

      Add 1 teaspoonful salt.

      1/2 cup of brown sugar or molasses.

      2 cups of sweet milk.

      3 cups of bran.

      1 cup of white flour with 2 slightly rounding teaspoonfuls of baking powder.

      POP-OVERS (For Colorado Altitude.)

      1 cup milk.

      1 cup flour.

      2 eggs.

      1/2 teaspoonful salt.

      These can be made with one egg at low altitude.

      Mix the salt with the flour. Beat the yolks well and add to the milk; then add slowly to the flour to make the batter smooth; then fold in the whites that have been beaten stiff. Fill the hot greased gem pans half full. Bake at once in a hot oven for thirty minutes.

      DATE GEMS.

      Beat two eggs very light, add one cup of milk, one-half cup of finely chopped dates, one cup of whole wheat flour and one-half cup of white flour sifted, with one teaspoonful of baking powder, a little salt, a tablespoonful melted butter; beat thoroughly; bake in hot gem pans in hot oven for about fifteen minutes.


      2 cups flour.

      2 teaspoonfuls baking powder.

      1/4 teaspoonful salt.

      2 eggs, beaten separately.

      3/4 cup milk.

      1/2 cup melted butter.

      Mix flour, baking powder and salt. Add the beaten yolks and melted butter; then add the stiffly beaten whites. Fill the muffin rings half full and bake ten minutes in hot oven. If liked sweet, add two tablespoonfuls of sugar to the flour.

      CORN CAKE.

      1 1/2 cups flour.

      1/4 teaspoonful salt.

      1 cup yellow corn meal.

      2 tablespoonfuls sugar.

      2 tablespoonfuls butter.

      2 teaspoonfuls baking powder.

      2 eggs, beaten separately.

      1 1/4 cups milk.

      Cream, butter and sugar together. Sift meal, flour, salt and baking powder together; add to them the creamed sugar and butter, beaten yolks. Mix well. Add milk slowly, and lastly whites beaten stiff. Bake in muffin rings or in a pan in hot oven.

      CORN CAKE (Mrs. Lincoln).

      1 cup corn meal.

      1/2 cup flour.

      1/4 teaspoonful salt.

      2 teaspoonfuls baking powder.

      1 tablespoonful melted butter.

      1 tablespoonful sugar.

      Yolks of two eggs, white of one.

      1 1/4 cups milk.

      Bake in a brick-loaf bread pan half an hour.

      SPIDER CORN CAKE (Miss Parloa).

      3/4 cup corn meal.

      Flour to fill the cup.

      1 tablespoonful sugar.

      1/2 teaspoonful salt.

      1/4 teaspoonful soda.

      1 egg.

      1 cup sweet milk.

      1/2 cup sour milk.

      1 tablespoonful butter.

      Mix together the meal, flour, salt and soda. Add the beaten egg. Add half the sweet milk and all the sour milk. Melt the butter in a hot spider or shallow, round pan and pour the mixture into it. Pour the other half of the mixture over the top, but do not stir it. Bake twenty minutes in hot oven.


      Put one quart of water on to boil with one teaspoonful salt. Sift together one cup of corn meal and two tablespoonfuls flour. Stir this gradually in the boiling water. Let it cook hard for five minutes, stirring all the time. If lumpy, beat with Dover beater. Then place in the double boiler and cook for two hours. Eat hot or pour in a pan. When cold cut in half-inch slices, dip in flour and brown each side in hot fat.


      One pint

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