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Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence. Laura E. LevineЧитать онлайн книгу.

Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence - Laura E. Levine

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      Chapter 4

       Safety of Medications During Pregnancy 114

       Easing the Transition to Parenthood 134

      Chapter 5

       Brain and Body 142

       How Toys Stimulate Babies’ Senses 156

       Head-to-Body Proportions 157

       Checklist of Motor Skill Development in Infancy 163

      Chapter 6

       Organizing by Cognitive Schema 178

       Testing Object Permanence 181

       Infantile Amnesia 190

       Data Crunching to Learn Language 197

       Using Linguistic Constraints 205

       Background TV 209

      Chapter 7

       Why We Use Emoticons and Emoji 216

       Temperament 221

       Experiencing a Sense of Secure Attachment 226

       Educating Parents 233

      Chapter 8

       Checklist of Motor Skill Development in Early Childhood 253

       Developing Body Awareness 255

       Living With a Severe Allergy 267

       Creating a Personal Health History 270

      Chapter 9

       Conservation 287

       Executive Function 293

       Mind Reading and Mindblindness 295

       False Beliefs 296

       The Impact of Word Order 302

       Private Speech 303

       Using Dialogic Reading 306

      Chapter 10

       Shame and Guilt 322

       How Do Children Resist Temptation? 326

       Kohlberg’s Cognitive Developmental Theory of Gender Development 330

       Parents’ Reaction to Misbehavior 342

       Parten’s Stages of Social Play 347

       Intrusive Thoughts 352

      Chapter 11

       Your Growth in Childhood 361

       School Lunches 372

       Finding Local Sources of Support 378

       Stress and Coping 380

       After-School Physical Activity 383

      Chapter 12

       Working Memory 398

       Encoding Processes 399

       Creating False Memories 401

       Metalinguistic Awareness 404

       Teaching for Multiple Intelligences 417

       Teacher-Heroes in Movies and Real Life 423

       Academic Mindsets 426

      Chapter 13

       Self-Concept and Self-Esteem 433

       Examining Nonshared Environments 448

       Diagram Your Family 456

       Rejection Sensitivity 461

       Resilience 466

      Chapter 14

       Rites of Passage 478

       The Heterosexual Questionnaire 483

       Keeping a Sleep Diary 491

       Cigarettes in the Movies and TV 497

       Finding Resources to Cope with Stress 505

      Chapter 15

       Formal Operations 510

       Studying and Distractions 514

       Metacognition 516

       Creativity Tests 518

       Textisms 526

       Academic Motivation 530

       Implicit Associations Test 536

      Chapter 16

       Sources of Parent-Adolescent Conflict 562

       Family Mealtime 564

       Friends—Similar or Different? 567

       Recognizing a Crowd When You See One 568

       School Violence From a Student’s Perspective 571

       Romantic Attachment Styles 573

       Relationships With Nonparental Adults 575

      List of Journey of Research

      Chapter 2

       Children’s Eyewitness Testimony 54

       The Case of Henrietta Lacks 65

      Chapter 3

       The History of Research on Genetics 71

      Chapter 4

       Understanding the Effects of Alcohol on a Pregnancy 113

       From Child Hatchery to Modern NICU 128

      Chapter 5

       Do Infants Feel Pain? 154

      Chapter 6

       Is Object Permanence Learned or Innate? 185

       Is There a Critical Period for Language Learning? 199

      Chapter 7

       The History of the Study of Attachment 226

      Chapter 8

       Searching for the Cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder 260

       Child Protective Legislation 276

      Chapter 9

       Educational TV and Sesame Street 316

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