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Cooking Made Easy with the Use of Canisters. Tressie SandersЧитать онлайн книгу.

Cooking Made Easy with the Use of Canisters - Tressie Sanders

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cups corn meal


      1 Mix together corn meal, baking powder, restaurant black pepper, and Lawry’s Seasoned Salt.

      Canisters used for:

      1 Catfish coating

      2 Chicken coating

      3 Seasonings for broiled Parmesan chicken, broiled Parmesan catfish fillets, broiled Parmesan tilapia fillets

      4 Corn meal

      5 All-purpose flour

      6 Cake flour

      7 Pure cane or granulated sugar

      Chicken Coating

      Ingredients × 1

      1 ½ cups Gold Medal Sifted Self-Rising Flour

      4 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon restaurant black pepper

      ½ teaspoon Lawry’s Seasoned Salt

      Ingredients × 6

      9 cups Gold Medal Sifted Self-Rising Flour

      ½ cup restaurant black pepper

      1 tablespoon Lawry’s Seasoned Salt

      Ingredients × 12

      18 cups Gold Medal Sifted Self-Rising Flour

      1 cup restaurant black pepper

      2 tablespoons Lawry’s Seasoned Salt


      1 Mix together Gold Medal Sifted Self-Rising Flour, restaurant black pepper, and Lawry’s Seasoned Salt.

      *Gold Medal Presifted Self-Rising Flour is on the flour bag, but I always sift the flour before making my Chicken Coating.

      I stir in the other ingredients.

      Catfish coating used for:

      1 Baking catfish fillets

      2 Frying catfish fillets

      3 Frying hush puppies

      Chicken coating used for:

      1 Coating pot roast

      2 Frying chicken

      3 Frying chicken tenders

      4 Frying hush puppies

      5 Frying onion rings

      6 Frying pork chops

      7 Frying steak

      8 Smothering chicken

      9 Smothering pork chops

      10 Smothering steak

      Dried basil, restaurant black pepper, creole seasoning, onion powder mixture used for:

      1 Broiling Parmesan catfish fillets

      2 Broiling Parmesan chicken

      3 Broiling Parmesan tilapia fillets

      Chicken Alfredo


      2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts

      4 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil

      1 cup Imperial Spread

      4 cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese

      2 cups heavy cream

      ⅛ teaspoon salt

      1 teaspoon restaurant black pepper

      ½ pound fettucine


      1 Heat oil in a large skillet.

      2 Cut chicken breasts into strips. Season strips with salt and pepper.

      3 Cook on medium to low heat until done. Do not overcook; no redness inside of chicken strips; light brown on the outside.


      1 Melt Imperial Spread in saucepan.

      2 Add cheese and cream. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly. Do not boil.

      3 Add chicken strips to sauce. Cook over low heat until slightly thickened. Set aside.


      1 Cook fettucine according to package directions.

      2 When ready to serve, serve sauce over fettucine.

      Broiled Parmesan Chicken, Broiled Parmesan Catfish Fillets,

       Broiled Parmesan Tilapia Fillets

      Ingredients × 1

      ½ teaspoon dried basil

      ½ teaspoon restaurant black pepper

      ¼ teaspoon creole seasoning

      ¼ teaspoon onion powder

      Ingredients × 20

      3 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon dried basil

      3 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon restaurant black pepper

      1 tablespoon and 2 teaspoons creole seasoning

      1 tablespoon and 2 teaspoons onion powder

      Baked Chicken Quarters


      ⅓ cup lemon juice (I use 2 lemons)

      ⅓ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

      1 ½ teaspoons dried leaf thyme

      1 ½ teaspoons dried leaf parsley

      1 teaspoon Lawry’s Seasoned Salt

      8 cloves garlic, grated

      1 chicken, about 3 ½ to 4 ½ pounds, quartered 1 teaspoon restaurant black pepper


      1 Heat oven to 375 ºF.

      2 Combine lemon juice, olive oil, thyme, parsley, Lawry’s Seasoned Salt, black pepper, and garlic.

      3 Toss the chicken with the mixture; arrange in a baking dish.

      4 Bake for about 1 ½ hours to 2 hours, turning approximately halfway through cooking. Chicken will be tender when done.

      Chicken Stew


      1 whole chicken (cut up) or chicken parts

      1 teaspoon salt (plain)

      2 teaspoons restaurant black pepper

      3 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil (cooking chicken)

      1 medium onion (broken in small pieces)

      3 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil (browning flour)

      4 tablespoons all-purpose flour

      1 red bell pepper (chopped)

      1 yellow pepper (chopped)

      1 green pepper (chopped)

      ½ small carrot (chopped)

      ½ stalk celery (chopped)

      2 teaspoons seasoned pepper

      1 teaspoon creole seasoning

      1 ½ cups water


      1 Season chicken with plain salt and restaurant black pepper. Place 3 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil in skillet; heat until hot. Place seasoned chicken in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Lightly brown chicken on all sides.

      2 Place onion in skillet with chicken; cook until lucent.

      3 Pour

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