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A Smaller History of Rome. William SmithЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Smaller History of Rome - William  Smith

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Publilian Law transferring the election of the Tribunes from the Comitia of Centuries to those of the Tribes 36 462. Proposal of the Tribune Terentilius Arsa for the appointment of Decemviri 37 460. Seizure of the Capitol by Herdonius the Sabine 37 454. Appointment of three Commissioners to visit Greece 37 452. Their return to Rome 37 451. Appointment of the Decemviri 37 The Ten Tables 37 450. New Decemviri appointed 37 Their tyranny 38 Two new Tables added, making twelve in all 38 449. The Decemviri continue in office 38 Death of Sicinius Dentatus 38 Death of Virginia 39 Second secession to the Sacred Mount 39 Resignation of the Decemvirs 39 Election of ten Tribunes 40 Valerian and Horatian Laws 40 Death of Appius Claudius 40 The Twelve Tables 40 CHAPTER VI. FROM THE DECEMVIRATE TO THE CAPTURE OF ROME BY THE GAULS. B.C. 448–390. 445. Third secession to the Sacred Mount 41 Lex Canuleia for intermarriage between the two orders 41 Institution of Military Tribunes with consular powers 41 443. Institution of the Censorship 41 421. Quæstorship thrown open to the Plebeians 42 440. Famine at Rome 42 Death of Sp. Mælius 42 Foreign wars 42 Roman colonies 43 War with the Etruscans 43 437. Spolia Opima won by A. Cornelius Cossus 43 426. Capture and destruction of Fidenæ 43 403. Commencement of siege of Veii 43 Tale of the Alban Lake 43 396. Appointment of Camillus as Dictator 43 Capture of Veii 44 394. War with Falerii 44 Tale of the Schoolmaster 44 Unpopularity of Camillus 44 391. He goes into exile 44 CHAPTER VII. FROM THE CAPTURE OF ROME BY THE GAULS TO THE FINAL UNION OF THE TWO ORDERS. B.C. 390–367.
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