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Учись учить английскому: упражнения. Олег Владимирович БелоусовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Учись учить английскому: упражнения - Олег Владимирович Белоусов

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What do you take with you before leaving? – Before leaving I take with me…

      13. Ты едешь на работу на автобусе?        Do you go to work by bus? – Yes. I do. (No, I don’t.)

      14. Как ты добираешься до работы?        How do you get to work? – I get to work by…

      15. Сколько у тебя уходит времени, чтобы добраться до работы?        How long does it take you to get to work? – It takes me… to get to work.

      16. Когда начинается твой рабочий день?        When does your working day begin (start)? – It begins at…

      17. Что ты делаешь на своей работе?        What do you do at your work? – at work I …

      18. Когда у тебя обед обычно?        When do you usually have lunch? – I have lunch at…

      19. Что у тебя на обед?        What do you have for lunch? – For lunch I have…

      20. Где ты обычно обедаешь?        Where do you usually have lunch? – I have lunch…

      21. Во сколько заканчивается твой рабочий день?        What time does your working day finish (end)? – it finishes at…

      22. Во сколько ты приходишь домой?        What time do you come home? – I come home at…

      23. Что ты делаешь после того, как пришёл домой?        What do you do after coming home? – After coming home I …

      24. Во сколько ты ужинаешь?        What time do you have supper? – I have supper at…

      25. Ты принимаешь душ утром или перед тем, как лечь спать?        Do you take a shower in the morning or before going to bed? – I take a shower …

      26. Ты смотришь телевизор вечером?        Do you watch TV in the evening? – Yes. I do. (No, I don’t.)

      27. Что ты делаешь вечером?        What do you do in the evening? – in the evening I …

      28. Во сколько ты ложишься спать?        What time do you go to bed? – I go to bed at…

      29. Ты хорошо спишь?        Do you sleep well? – Yes. I do. (No, I don’t.)

      30. Почему ты не пьёшь водку?        Why don’t you drink vodka? – I don’t drink vodka because …

      Exercise 9

      Изменить подлежащее на единственное число, 3е лицо.

      Пример: I (you…we…they) like apples. – He (She…my sister…your brother) likes apples.

      My sisters want to give up smoking.       1. She wants to give up smoking.

      They forget nothing.      2. He forgets nothing.

      They receive o lot of letters every day.      3. She receives o lot of letters every day.

      They shave every day.      4. He shaves every day.

      Do you go to work every day?      5. Does he go to work every day?

      These students work hard.      6. This student works hard.

      We work in Washington.      7. She works in Washington.

      We live in Russia.      8. He lives in Russia.

      Where do you live?      9. Where does he live?

      You don’t live in Russia.      10. She doesn’t live in Russia.

      My friends play football every day.      11. My friend plays football every day.

      What do you do every day?      12. What does he do every day?

      My brothers don’t like football at all.      13. My brother doesn’t like football at all.

      The Robinsons have five rooms.       14. The Robinson has five rooms.

      How many rooms do you have?      15. How many rooms does she have?

      They want to rest in the country.      16. He wants to rest in the country.

      Where do you want to spend your weekend?      17. Where does she want to spend her weekend?

      Why do they get lots of problems?      18. Why does he get lots of problems?

      They bring potatoes every day.      19. She brings potatoes every day.

      My parents finish work at six o’clock.      20. My father finishes work at six o’clock.

      When do you finish work?      21. When does she finish work?

      These girls go to bed at 9 o’clock.      22. This girl goes to bed at 9 o’clock.

      What time do you go to bed?      23. What time does he go to bed?

      My neighbors know English very well.      24. My neighbor knows English very well.

      I don’t believe you.      25. He doesn’t believe you.

      What do you believe in?      26. What does she believe in?

      Exercise 10

      Translate into English:

      1.      Её будильник звенит в семь часов, но она встаёт в 7.30.       1.      Her alarm-clock rings at seven o’clock, but she gets up at seven thirty.

      2.      Она любит поспать.       2.      She likes to sleep.

      3.      Ей несколько трудновато встать утром.       3.      It’s rather difficult for her to get up in the morning.

      4.      Иногда она кидает будильник в угол.       4.      Sometimes she throws her alarm-clock in the corner.

      5.      Иногда она пинает его, но встаёт.       5.      Sometimes she kicks it, but she gets up.

      6.      Затем она ползёт в ванну.       6.      Then she creeps to the bathroom.

      7.      В ванной она принимает душ.       7.      In the bathroom she has a shower.

      8.      Иногда она чистит зубы.       8.      Sometimes she cleans her teeth.

      9.      После

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