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Учись учить английскому: упражнения. Олег Владимирович БелоусовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Учись учить английскому: упражнения - Олег Владимирович Белоусов

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проводим время. Мы обычно хорошо проводим время вдвоём.

      15.       Стоимость жизни возрастает сейчас. Стоимость жизни возрастает каждый год.

      16.       О, твой английский улучшается.

      17.       Он ухаживает за своей больной сестрой.

      Exercise 8

      Right – Wrong

      1.      I am drinking coffee every day.

      2.      Where do you go, Bob? – I go to the supermarket. I want to buy some bread.

      3.      The sun sets late in summer.

      4.      Look, the sun is shining brightly.

      5.      It is always shining brightly in summer.

      6.      What are you usually having for dinner?

      7.      Now I am having supper.

      8.      What do you read now?

      9.      What is she reading every day?

      10.       Why are you looking at me like that? Do you want anything?

      11.       Sometimes I am going to the sea.

      12.       How often do you go to the sea?

      Exercise 9

      Раскройте скобки

      1.      My girlfriend (to like) music very much.

      2.      Where you (to go) now?

      3.      I sometimes (to go) to the disco.

      4.      My sister seldom (to eat) fruit.

      5.      I (to go) to the party now.

      6.      He (to argue) with his wife every day.

      7.      Look, they (to argue) now.

      8.      Trains (to arrive) and (to depart) according to schedule.

      9.      Now this girl (to answer) these questions.

      10.      He always (to ask) stupid questions.

      11.      What you (to bake) now?

      12.      I am (to bake) a strawberry cake.

      13.      I always (to bake) strawberry cakes on Sunday.

      14.      He is tired now, that’s why he (to rest) in the armchair.

      15.      I (to be) afraid of dogs.

      16.      Look, the dog (to run) to me.

      17.      What you (to complain of)? – I (to have) a terribly headache.

      Exercise 10

      1.      What you (to do)? – I (to clean) my flat.

      2.      Why you (to clean) your flat at such a late hour? – I always (to clean) my flat at this time.

      3.      Why a baby (to cry)?

      4.      What you (to carry)?

      5.      Look, she (to dance) very nice.

      6.      What you (to discuss) now?

      7.      She (to dance) at the disco every weekend.

      8.      How much money he (to earn)? – He (to earn) a lot.

      9.      You (to enjoy) this party?

      10.      Usually I (to enjoy) parties but I not (to like) this one.

      11.      Now she (to explain) a very difficult rule.

      12.      She (to explain) difficult rules very good.

      13.      Where (to be) Bob? – He (to take) a shower.

      14.      She (to excite) now.

      15.      She (to excite) very often with no reason.

      16.      This stream (to flow) very fast.

      17.      She (to finish) her work at five o’clock.

      Exercise 11

      1.      What (to happen) now?

      2.      When you (to have) breakfast?

      3.      Why you (to have) supper at such a late hour?

      4.      Now we (to have) an English lesson.

      5.      We (to have) English lessons twice a week.

      6.      She (to have) a rest after dinner.

      7.      Now they (to have) tea.

      8.      They (to have) supper at seven.

      9.      Now we (to have) a very good time.

      10.      I (to jog) every morning.

      11.      She never (to knock) at your door.

      12.      What you (to listen to)? – I (to listen to) music.

      13.      Where she (to live)?

      14.      Look, he (to open) the door.

      15.      What you usually (to play)?

      16.      She usually (to play) football.

      17.      Take your umbrella. It (to snow).

      Exercise 12

      1.      Don’t take your umbrella. The sun (to shine) brightly.

      2.      It not (to rain) here in this season.

      3.      How often it (to rain) here?

      4.      Now I (to plan) my visit to the USA.

      5.      Where she (to live) now?

      6.      What you (to look for)? – I (to look for) my umbrella.

      7.      Why you (to close) the window? – It (to get) cold.

      8.      Every year she (to rest) in the south.

      9.      She never (to shout) at me.

      10.      Why you (to smile), boy? – I not (to smile), I (to try) to concentrate.

      11.      Why you always (to smile) at my lessons?

      12.      Where you (to study)?

      13.      I (to study) at Oxford University.

      14.      He always (to translate) very difficult translations in a very good way.

      15.      Where you (to work)?

      16.      Where you (to work) now?

      17.      Where she (to live)?

      Exercise 13

      1.      Where she

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