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But this one is always late.
9. Сегодня вечером мои партнеры прилетают в аэропорт Ла-Гуардиа. Я встречаю их в аэропорту. Затем мы поедем в гостиницу. 9. Tonight my partners are arriving by plane to La Guardia International Airport. I am meeting them at the airport. Then we go to the hotel.
10. Когда мои партнеры прилетают ко мне, они всегда останавливаются в гостинице. 10. When my partners fly by plane to me they always stay in the hotel.
11. Я устраиваю сегодня вечеринку. Я хочу пригласить много друзей. Как насчет тебя? 11. I am making a party tonight. I want to invite many friends. What about you?
12. Когда я устраиваю вечеринки, я всегда приглашаю много друзей. 12. When I make parties I always invite many friends.
13. Он возвращается завтра. Поезд прибывает ровно в полночь. 13. He is returning (coming back) tomorrow. The train arrives exactly at midnight.
14. Она не идет никуда сегодня вечером. Она остается дома. У нее ужасно болит голова. 14. She isn’t going anywhere tonight. She is staying at home. She has a terrible headache.
15. Что ты делаешь завтра? 15. What are you doing tomorrow?
16. Сегодня они идут на концерт. Он начинается в 7. 16. They are going to the concert today. It starts (begins) at 7.
17. Во сколько отправляется поезд на Лондон? Поторопитесь, он отправляется через 10 минут. 17. What time does the train to London depart? Hurry up it is departing in 10 minutes.
18. Во сколько закончится эта скучная программа? 18. What time does this boring program finish?
Exercise 20
1. You are arguing again. Why are you constantly arguing?
2. He is fine now. He is always fine.
3. The train arrives at 7 tomorrow. My girl-friend is arriving by this train.
4. The weather is becoming worse and worse.
5. I am arranging my notes now. I arrange them every Monday.
6. Tomorrow I am beginning a new life. I begin a new life every New Year.
7. Why are you asking me these questions now?
8. This dog is angry. It always bites strangers.
9. I always answer all your questions. What do you want to ask me now?
10. The cold wind is blowing. Put on your scarf.
11. The milk is boiling. Turn off the gas.
12. I always boil some water in the morning.
13. The weather is terrible. The strong wind is breaking down the trees in the forest. Do you hear that terrible noise?
14. Now I believe you.
Exercise 21
1. This postman brings letters and newspapers every morning.
2. At the moment you belong to me. You belong to me forever.
3. They are building a new school now. They are going to finish it in October.
4. This boy is behaving not in a good way. He always behaves in this way.
5. When are you going to buy a new car? We are buying a new car this week.
6. My granny is baking a cake this Saturday. She usually bakes wonderful cakes.
7. Look! That car is burning!
8. I am tired. I am going to bed.
9. On Saturday they always buy food. When do you buy food?
10. Now I am sure that you are right.
11. Cats catch mice. Look! My cat is catching a mouse right now.
12. After that incident she is afraid of any dogs.
13. Where is Mary? She is choosing a new hat. She always buys hats in this shop.
14. I am bored with watching this stupid program. When does it finish?
Exercise 22
1. My friend is coming to my town tomorrow. I am going to meet him.
2. His train arrives at 4 p.m.
3. How much do these trousers cost? How much are those boots?
4. I am interested in the English language. That’s why I am learning it now.
I usually learn it in the morning and before going to bed.
5. What are you doing? I am cutting the flowers, don’t you see?
6. My mother is busy. She is cutting bushes in the garden.
7. My neighbor is busy. He is digging his garden. He digs his garden every fall.
8. She is complaining of a headache again.
9. Go to the teacher and complain about that boy who sits behind you.
10. Why do you always complain about this boy? Complain to his mother.
11. What do you do? I am a shop assistant.
12. What does he do? He is a manager.
13. What is he doing? He is eating.
14. What are you doing? I am listening to music. What music are you listening to? I am listening to jazz.
Exercise 23
1. What are you drawing? I am drawing a horse.
2. This ore contains much iron.
3. Now I am dreaming of going abroad. That’s why I am collecting the money and learning English.
4. I drink tea usually but now I prefer coffee.
5. What do you drink at school?