Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing. Jakob J. van ZylЧитать онлайн книгу.
3.3 Comparison of different imaging systems.Table 3.4 Enhanced thematic mapper plus characteristics.Table 3.5 Significant ETM+ parameters.Table 3.6 ASTER characteristics.Table 3.7 Daughter products of238U.
4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Thermal properties of some materials.Table 4.2 Heat capacity mapping radiometer summary data sheet.Table 4.3 AVHRR instrument parameters.
5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Microwave temperature of three representative types of material wit...Table 5.2 SMMR instrument characteristics (nominal).Table 5.3 AMSR‐E instrument characteristics.
6 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Spaceborne scatterometer parameters.Table 6.2 Measured values for a forested area in the Shasta Trinity National ...
7 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Magnitude of ocean surface perturbations.Table 7.2 Characteristics of some of the spaceborne infrared and microwave ra...
8 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Some properties of planetary atmospheres.
9 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Reflectivity in dBZ versus rainrate.
10 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Transitions of water below 800 GHz.Table 10.2 Molecular transitions of interest and importance to astrophysics a...
11 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Characteristics of some of the HIRS channels.Table 11.2 Key characteristics of the ATMOS sensor.Table 11.3 Ultraviolet spectral lines of common atoms and molecules in planet...
12 2Table B.1 Orbital velocity and period for circular orbits around some of the ...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Diagram illustrating the different types of information sought af...Figure 1.2 Landsat MSS visible/near IR image of the Imperial Valley area in ...Figure 1.3 Folded mountains in the Sierra Madre region, Mexico (Landsat MSS)...Figure 1.4 Infrared image of the western hemisphere acquired from a meteorol...Figure 1.5 Multispectral satellite images of the Los Angeles basin acquired ...Figure 1.6 Passive microwave image of Antarctic ice cover acquired with a sp...Figure 1.7 Absorption spectrum of H2O for two pressures (100 and 1000 mbars)...Figure 1.8 Spectral signature of some vegetation types.Figure 1.9 Landsat TM images of Death Valley acquired at 0.48 μm (a), 0.56 μ...Figure 1.10 Images of an area near Cuprite, Nevada, acquired with an airborn...Figure 1.11 Sea surface temperature derived from ship observations (a) and f...Figure 1.12 Backscatter data acquired over the Amazon region (insert). The d...Figure 1.13 Profile of Tharsis region (Mars) acquired with Earth‐based radar...Figure 1.14 Profiles of an unnamed impact basin on Mars using Earth‐based ra...Figure 1.15 Sea surface height over two trenches in the Caribbean acquired w...Figure 1.16 Shaded relief display of the topography of California measured b...Figure 1.17 Subsurface layering in the ice cover and bedrock profile acquire...Figure 1.18 Comparison of temperature profiles acquired with a microwave sou...Figure 1.19 Generalized absorption spectrum of the Earth’s atmosphere at zen...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Electromagnetic spectrum.Figure 2.2 Polarization ellipse.Figure 2.3 Polarization represented as a point on the Poincaré sphere.Figure 2.4 Linear (upper) and circular (lower) polarization.Figure 2.5 Phase velocity.Figure 2.6 Group velocity.Figure 2.7 Doppler geometry for a moving source, fixed observer.Figure 2.8 Geometry illustrating wave fronts passing by a moving observer.Figure 2.9 Doppler geometry for a moving scatterer with fixed source and obs...Figure 2.10 Concept of radiance.Figure 2.11 Spectral luminous efficiency V(λ).Figure 2.12 Spectral radiant emittance of a blackbody at various temperature...Figure 2.13 Curve illustrating the exponential decrease of population as a f...Figure 2.14 An incident wave of frequency νij is adsorbed due to popula...Figure 2.15 Correspondence of spectral bands and photon energy and range of ...Figure 2.16 Transmission spectra of common silicates.Figure 2.17 Sketch of key elements of a remote sensing system.
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 The surface spectral imprint is reflected in the spectrum of the ...Figure 3.2 Sun illumination spectral irradiance at the Earth's surface.Figure 3.3 Transmittivity of the Martian atmosphere. The model uses band par...Figure 3.4 Wave interaction with an interface.Figure 3.5 Reflection coefficient of a half‐space with two indices of refrac...Figure 3.6 For a polished surface there is an increase in the reflected ener...Figure 3.7 In the case of a particulate layer, the volume scattering and res...Figure 3.8 Bidirectional reflection spectra of four different particle size ...Figure 3.9 (a) H2O molecule fundamental vibrational modes. (b) CO2 molecule ...Figure 3.10 Spectra of water‐bearing minerals illustrating the variations in...Figure 3.11 Spectra displaying the hydroxyl group tones: overtone near 1.4 μ...