The Spa Lover's Guide to Europe. Marc LemezmaЧитать онлайн книгу.
for the apparent increase in its length. It also has the effect of making the ring appear to be getting closer to the right hand, further enhancing the illusion of movement.
Given a little practice, you will be able to slip and slack simultaneously, giving the impression of a very smooth and spooky motion when, in fact, the ring never moves at all.
Perhaps the most important thing to remember when performing this trick is that the sequence of events is critical to the overall impact.
Begin by showing interest in your friend’s ring, and try to get as much information as you can about it. Borrow it, examine it intently and compliment the owner on its beauty. If it is a modern ring, you might want to explain how it will always want to gravitate towards its owner (rising to heaven is not relevant with a modern ring).
Whatever you do, make sure you have created interest in the ring before you bring out the rubber band. Also, try to have it in your pocket for a credible purpose. In Amanda’s case, the band was around some envelopes, which will actually be used in the next trick. The band must appear insignificant: if it looks like you had it ready for this occasion, the effect of the trick could be diminished.
Therefore, at no point during your performance should you mention the band – it is just there.
In this trick actions will speak louder than words. Thread the ring on to the band and position yourself to perform the secret moves. Make sure, of course, that you have hidden the remaining portion of the band in your left hand and that no one is viewing from an angle where they can see what you are doing. Focus everyone’s attention on the ring and let them see it rise.
This trick is different from the previous one in that there is no definite climax as the ring never makes it to the very top, yet in Predictable Behaviour the moment of revelation is quite astounding. Thus, as it apparently reaches three-quarters of the way along the band, you pause for a moment, look at your friend and hand the ring back, saying that it clearly belongs to her, and perhaps we ‘shouldn’t disturb her Grandmother’s spirit’. Thus we have a moment of drama to provide a definite conclusion to the effect.
Performing ‘Ring-a-ring Arises’ teaches us a valuable lesson about magic in general. You may well have heard the term ‘misdirection’ used to describe the way in which a magician directs your attention away from something he doesn’t want you to see. On stage this could be a flash or a bang, but in a situation with friends a more subtle form of misdirection is used.
All the attention is placed on the ring: the rubber band is never actually mentioned. It just happens to be there around some envelopes, and is of no significance at all. When the ring moves, even if those in your audience believe they know how it was done, the rubber band is less likely to be in their minds. It’s a perfect illusion.
One final note. Rings are usually treasured personal items, often quite valuable. Treat the ring you borrow with great care and respect, and never do this trick in an environment where the ring could become lost if dropped.
When Joseph Niépce invented photography in 1826, mankind took a great step forward. This invention allowed specific moments in time to be recorded accurately and quickly and captured exactly what was happening in the world.
Of course, there were those who had a means to do that already. Psychics and mystics believe in a phenomenon known as psychometry, where inanimate objects ‘record’ information from the environment around them and replay it in the form of vibrations. By simply holding a personal object in their hands, psychics claim to be able to determine who owns it, and other personal information related to the owner’s past, present and future.
This following exercise is an experiment in psychometry that, given a little acting on your part, will leave people talking about your wonderful insight.
You will need
• A small personal object borrowed from each person.
• Three envelopes, craftily prepared.
• A group of friends.
• A smattering of magic.
The evening at the pub is drawing to a close, many of the customers having taken their coats and set off home. However, a small group of onlookers has gathered around you and your friends, intrigued by the gasps and sounds of amazement coming from your table. You seem ready to leave, but you reluctantly give in to the calls for you to ‘Show us just one more, please!’
You pause for a moment, sigh and then begin: ‘You may wonder how I was able to tell so much about what Michael was going to do, or how Amanda’s ring managed to move itself. Well, every one of us and every single object is able to receive, store and give off energy. This energy is what I put to use, and I should like to try this one more time before I go.’
Scanning the assembled audience, you say, ‘I need three of you to help… Amy, James and Matthew, would you help, please?’ They nod, a little uncomfortably.
‘Do you all have a small personal item about you? Maybe some jewellery or money, for example? That’s good, but don’t tell me what they are.’
You pick up the packet of envelopes you left lying on the table earlier and remove two, which have addresses and stamps on them.
‘Always bills to pay,’ you remark as you put these envelopes away and pick up the remaining three, handing one each to your helpers.
‘In a few moments I shall leave the room for a short while. What I would like you then to do is put something small that belongs to you in your envelope and seal it down. When you are finished, please hand the envelopes to Michael for safe-keeping.’
You leave the room for perhaps two or three minutes, returning to find Michael clutching a handful of envelopes and everyone talking expectantly.
‘Now, Michael, listen carefully. I want you to hand me the envelopes one at a time in any order you wish.’
He hands you the first. You take it and hold it against your forehead with your eyes lightly closed. ‘Hmmm, very interesting. I am getting a good vibration from this.’ You place the envelope on the table in front of you and say, ‘The next one, please, Michael,’ and repeat the process with the second and third envelopes.
‘Now I know!’ you announce. ‘This first envelope has the vibrations of a young man within it. I believe it is yours, James.’ You tear open the envelope and tip out a credit card with James’s name embossed on it. ‘Yours, I believe…’ James nods and laughs.
‘Well, James, I have often worried about the relationship you have with your credit card. I am not surprised you see it as a very personal item.
‘Now we have two envelopes left. Whose is whose, I wonder?’
You gaze at the two remaining envelopes and ponder. You swap them about from left to right, trying to decide which belongs where. You pick one up and look Matthew straight in the eye. ‘This envelope is giving me a very clear vibration now. I am picking up the energy of someone full of life and energy at the moment. I know you have not been well lately, Matthew, so I know this belongs to Amy.’
You open the envelope and tip out Amy’s engagement ring. When you hand over the final envelope to Matthew you touch