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Hidden Hunger: Strategies to Improve Nutrition Quality. Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Hidden Hunger: Strategies to Improve Nutrition Quality - Группа авторов

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Outcomes of an implementation process are different degrees of implementation, from “paper implementation,” to process implementation, to performance implementation. The outcome of an intervention process on the other hand is an established evidence base. Interventions and implementation research have different target groups. Interventions focus on groups of people such as children, women, the infected, or the undernourished. Implementation on the other hand focuses on client groups such as practitioners, managers, organizations, or communities (in systems). For accelerated success with economic and policy innovations for nutrition, a stronger focus on policy and program implementation is called for, since it is critical for impact.

      Directions for Policy Innovations

      Nothing less than a re-design of the current global food and nutrition governance system is needed, that means policy innovation at large scale is needed. It would include 2 sets of policy innovations, nutrition getting an organizational home at global level, and science and policy on food and nutrition coming together in a well-defined institutional framework. There should be no illusion that any such policy innovations can be translated into reality in the short run. Political economy forces will prevent that.

      Regarding the first, nutrition as a global problem with at least its 3 dimensions of undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and obesity, currently has no well-defined organizational home. Many low-income nation states are not capable to address the nutrition problems effectively by themselves. The recently emerging Scaling Up Nutrition Movement involving more than 50 countries with the UN playing a facilitating role is a promising international effort to overcome this deficiency. Food assistance in failed states and war-affected regions remains a tremendous challenge. A more comprehensive emergency aid mechanism is called for, in which the food and nutrition element covered by WFP remains essential, and where non-governmental actors find improved ways to effectively engage in coordinated ways. The complex nature of the problem calls for an equally complex organizational arrangement at an international level, and not just one entity to handle it all.



      1 Political economy analyses of nutrition policy choices need to be combined with economic and implementation research to identify feasible and best policies.

      2 Efficient and effective nutrition policy needs a systematic focus on goals and instruments, with all potential instruments taken into consideration, excluding none for instance because of ideological bias.

      3 Nutrition policy requires more attention, leadership, and funds, as well as a global organizational home, rather than spread across global/UN organizations.

      4 The evidence base for nutrition policies must be strengthened by establishing a systematic science and policy interface, similar to what has evolved for the field of climate change with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


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