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Selected Works. George HerbertЧитать онлайн книгу.

Selected Works - George  Herbert

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      Pitch thy behaviour low, thy projects high;

      So shalt thou humble and magnanimous be:

      Sink not in spirit: who aimeth at the sky

      Shoots higher much than he that means a tree.

      A grain of glorie mixt with humblenesse

      Cures both a fever and lethargicknesse.

      Let thy minde still be bent, still plotting where,

      And when, and how the businesse may be done.

      Slacknesse breeds worms; but the sure traveller,

      Though he alight sometimes, still goeth on.

      Active and stirring spirits live alone:

      Write on the others, Here lies such a one.

      Slight not the smallest losse, whether it be

      In love or honour; take account of all:

      Shine like the sunne in every corner: see

      Whether thy stock of credit swell, or fall.

      Who say, I care not, those I give for lost;

      And to instruct them, ’twill not quit the cost.

      Scorn no man’s love, though of a mean degree

      (Love is a present for a mightie king,)

      Much lesse make any one thine enemie.

      As gunnes destroy, so may a little sling.

      The cunning workman never doth refuse

      The meanest tool, that he may chance to use.

      All forrain wisdome doth amount to this,

      To take all that is given; whether wealth,

      Or love, or language; nothing comes amisse:

      A good digestion turneth all to health:

      And then as farre as fair behaviour may,

      Strike off all scores; none are so cleare as they.

      Keep all thy native good, and naturalize

      All forrain of that name; but scorn their ill:

      Embrace their activenesse, not vanities.

      Who follows all things, forfeiteth his will.

      If thou observest strangers in each fit,

      In time they’l runne thee out of ail thy wit.

      Affect in things about thee cleanlinesse,

      That all may gladly board thee, as a flowre.

      Slovens take up their stock of noisomenesse

      Beforehand, and anticipate their last houre.

      Let thy mindes sweetness have his operation

      Upon thy body, clothes, and habitation.

      In Almes regard thy means, and others merit.

      Think heav’n a better bargain, then to give

      Onely thy single market-money for it.

      Joyn hands with God to make a man to live.

      Give to all something; to a good poore man,

      Till thou change names, and be where he began.

      Man is God’s image; but a poore man is

      Christ’s stamp to boot: both images regard.

      God reckons for him, counts the favour his:

      Write, So much giv’n to God; thou shalt be heard.

      Let thy almes go before, and keep heav’n’s gate

      Open for thee; or both may come too late.

      Restore to God his due in tithe and time:

      A tithe purloin’d cankers the whole estate.

      Sundaies observe: think when the bells do chime,

      ’Tis angel’s musick; therefore come not late.

      God then deals blessings: If a king did so,

      Who would not haste, nay give, to see the show?

      Twice on the day his due is understood;

      For all the week thy food so oft he gave thee.

      Thy cheere is mended; bate not of the food,

      Because ’tis better, and perhaps may save thee.

      Thwart not th’ Almighty God: O be not crosse.

      Fast when thou wilt; but then ’tis gain, not losse.

      Though private prayer be a brave designe,

      Yet publick hath more promises, more love:

      And love’s a weight to hearts, to eies a signe.

      We all are but cold suitours; let us move

      Where it is warmest. Leave thy six and seven;

      Pray with the most: for where most pray, is heaven.

      When once thy foot enters the church, be bare.

      God is more there, then thou: for thou art there

      Onely by his permission. Then beware,

      And make thyself all reverence and fear.

      Kneeling ne’re spoil’d silk stocking: quit thy state.

      All equall are within the churches gate.

      Resort to sermons, but to prayers most:

      Praying’s the end of preaching. O be drest;

      Stay not for th’ other pin: why thou hast lost

      A joy for it worth worlds. Thus hell doth jest

      Away thy blessings, and extreamly flout thee,

      Thy clothes being fast, but thy soul loose about thee.

      In time of service seal up both thine eies,

      And send them to thine heart; that spying sinne,

      They may weep out the stains by them did rise:

      Those doores being shut, all by the eare comes in.

      Who marks in church-time other symmetric,

      Makes all their beautie his deformitie.

      Let vain or busie thoughts have there no part:

      Bring not thy plough, thy plots, thy pleasures thither.

      Christ purg’d his temple; so must thou thy heart.

      All worldly thoughts are but theeves met together

      To couzin thee. Look to thy actions well;

      For churches either are our heav’n or hell.

      Judge not the preacher; for he is thy Judge:

      If thou mislike him, thou conceiv’st him not.

      God calleth preaching folly. Do not grudge

      To pick out treasures from an earthen pot.

      The worst speaks something good: if all want sense,

      God takes a text, and preacheth patience.

      He that gets patience, and the blessing which


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