Play in Renaissance Italy. Peter BurkeЧитать онлайн книгу.
Mikhail Bakhtin, Rabelais and his World (1965: English translation, Cambridge, MA, 1968); Caro Baroja, El Carnaval.
24 24. Clifford Geertz, ‘Deep Play’, in The Interpretation of Cultures (New York, 1973), 412–53.
25 25. Horia Corneliu Cicortaş, ‘Premessa’ to Culianu, Iocari serio, 8.
26 26. Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process (1939: English translation, Oxford, 1978); Elias and Eric Dunning, Quest for Excitement: Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process (Oxford, 1985).
27 27. Elias and Dunning, Quest for Excitement, 165.
28 28. Silvia Longhi, Lusus: il capitolo burlesco nel Cinquecento (Padua, 1983), 1. On comic poetry in Latin, see Ugo E. Paoli, Il latino maccheronico (Florence, 1959).
29 29. Ariès and Margolin (eds.) Les jeux, introduction.
30 30. André Rochon (ed.) Formes et significations de la beffa, 2 vols. (Paris, 1972–5).
31 31. On leisure, Peter Burke, ‘The Invention of Leisure in Early Modern Europe’, Past and Present 146 (1995), 136–50.
32 32. Barbara C. Bowen, Humour and Humanism in the Renaissance (Aldershot, 2004); Rochon (ed.) Formes. Cf. Peter Burke, ‘Frontiers of the Comic in Early Modern Italy’, in Jan Bremmer and Herman Roodenburg (eds.) A Cultural History of Humour (Cambridge, 1997), 61–75.
33 33. Barolsky, Infinite Jest; Francesca Alberti, La peinture facétieux (Arles, 2016).
34 34. Antonio Corsaro and Paolo Procaccioli (eds.) Cum notibusse et commentaribusse: l’esegisi parodistica e giocosa del Cinquecento (Rome, 2002); Longhi, Lusus; Martine Boiteux, ‘Chasse aux taureaux et jeux romains à la Renaissance’, in Ariès and Margolin (eds.) Les jeux, 33–54; Domenico Scafoglio, Il carnevale napolitano (Rome, 1997); Horst Bredekamp, Florentiner Fussball (Frankfurt, 1993); Alessandra Rizzi, Ludus/ludere: giocare in Italia alla fine del medio evo (Rome, 1995), 89–102, 171–204.
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