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Smart Grid and Enabling Technologies. Frede BlaabjergЧитать онлайн книгу.

Smart Grid and Enabling Technologies - Frede Blaabjerg

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13.6 Different SG domains.Figure 13.7 The energy cultures conceptual framework.Figure 13.8 Theory of reasoned action.Figure 13.9 Theory of planned behavior.Figure 13.10 Theory of planned behavior model with resistance to change vari...Figure 13.11 Technology acceptance model.Figure 13.12 Technology acceptance model integrated with perceived risk.Figure 13.13 Technology acceptance model for SG with external variables set....Figure 13.14 Value‐based adoption model of technology.Figure 13.15 The three dimensions of the SG social acceptance, which are: ma...Figure 13.16 The innovation decision process in the SG arena.Figure 13.17 Factors affecting the rate of innovation adoption toward SG.Figure 13.18 Transtheoretical model – the process of change toward SG.Figure 13.19 The Fogg behavior model has three factors: motivation, ability,...Figure 13.20 SG expectation cycle [88]. Reproduces with permission from Pric...Figure 13.21 Energy providers‐consumer new relationships focus areas in SG....

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 The relationship between SG, cloud computing, and big data.Figure 14.2 Cloud computing model essential characteristics.Figure 14.3 Cloud computing layers.Figure 14.4 Three forms of the clouds; Public, Private, or Hybrid clouds.Figure 14.5 Workload distribution architecture.Figure 14.6 Cloud bursting architecture.Figure 14.7 Dynamic scalable architecture.Figure 14.8 Elastic resource capacity architecture.Figure 14.9 Cloud computing platform coupled with SG.Figure 14.10 Various SG applications supported by cloud.Figure 14.11 SG with and without cloud computing.Figure 14.12 The cloud computing characteristics.Figure 14.13 Cloud computing opportunities and challenges for smart grid.Figure 14.14 Major categories of data security challenges.

      15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Frequency of use of terms AI, SG, DL, and smart cities in books ...Figure 15.2 Search methodology based on keyword combinations.Figure 15.3 Machine learning classes and usage.Figure 15.4 Machine learning models with their open‐source libraries.Figure 15.5 Pictorial representation of the AI Models applied to SG in 2019–...Figure 15.6 Timescale evolution of Artificial Neural Networks with Operation...Figure 15.7 Fuzzy inference system structure.Figure 15.8 Flow diagram of expert system.Figure 15.9 Representation of hybrid models applied to SG.Figure 15.10 Representation of hybrid models applied to SG.Figure 15.11 Commonly used score metrics for regression.Figure 15.12 Forecasting procedure.Figure 15.13 Flowchart of advanced MPPT algorithms.Figure 15.14 Classification of faults in power systems.Figure 15.15 Structure of the cyber‐physical system.Figure 15.16 Flowchart of electricity pricing factors.

      16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 A conceptual structure of co‐simulation [12]. Reproduces with pe...Figure 16.2 Distinction between co‐simulation and other simulation types [1]...Figure 16.3 Specific and generic co‐simulation structures.Figure 16.4 The structure of Controller‐HIL and Power‐HIL platforms.Figure 16.5 Summary of basic analysis fields in each tool.

      17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 US Smart Meter Installations.Figure 17.2 General overview of the active committees in the SG environment....Figure 17.3 SG technical standards architecture developed by SGCC.

      18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Structure of future power networks with hybrid AC and DC sub‐gri...Figure 18.2 Typical structure of smart distribution grids.Figure 18.3 Reliability concepts in electric power systems.Figure 18.4 Reliability concepts in modern SGs.


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  About the Author

      5  Acknowledgments

      6  Preface

      7  List of Abbreviations

      8  About the Companion Website

      9  Table of Contents

      10  Begin Reading

      11  Index

      12  Wiley End User License Agreement


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