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Bright Dark Madonna. Elizabeth CunninghamИсторическое фэнтези. The Maeve Chronicles

Bright Dark Madonna
Elizabeth Cunningham
The Maeve Chronicles
Историческое фэнтези
Год выпуска:
*author has a devoted fan base *this is the sequel to the passion of mary magdalen which sold 9000 copies net in hardcover and paper *passion of mary magdalen received close to 50 reviews *BDM provides answers to questions raised by the da vinci code, but in a clearly fictional form *presents a compelling alternative history of the formation of the early church and what happened to the women involved * as in the previous books in the maeve chronicle series, BDM is thoroughly researched including biblical references and onsite travels by the author *BDM has strong appeal to anyone interested in the holy grail legend. as portrayed in the da vinci code, the holy grail refers to the blookline of jesus and mary magdalen. this book features the daughter in a fresh and surprising way *has strong course adoption appeal for biblical studies, particularly courses teaching alternative histories. also strong appeal for courses in feminist theology, or women in the bible *strong appeal for readers looking for heroic female characters. *national tour and aggessive marketing