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Casting Nets with the Saints. Chris StewartСловари.

Casting Nets with the Saints
Chris Stewart
Год выпуска:
“This is the secret of the Saints: abiding in Christ, joined to him like branches to the vine, in order to bear much fruit.” Pope Francis</p><p>We have an obligation as Christians to share the Gospel of Christ. But many are at a loss as to how to fulfill this commission.</p><p>Good news – we have a clear path we can follow, trod by holy men and women who have successfully brought millions of souls to Christ, the saints!</p><p>In his newest book, <strong>Casting Nets with the Saints</strong>, author and speaker Chris Stewart builds on The Seven Pillars of Effective Evangelization, using entertaining stories of the saints to demonstrate</p><p>THE SEVEN CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE EVANGELIZER</p><p>Modeled on the life and ministry of Jesus, a truly effective evangelist must be</p>Joyful • Humble • Merciful • Peaceful • Faithful • Hopeful • Charitable</p><p>As <strong>Casting Nets with the Saints</strong> powerfully demonstrates, the saints embody these characteristics, and their stories can inspire us to share the Faith. This book is perfect for individuals or parishes searching for an effective program for bringing the Faith to others and growing in it themselves.</p><p>