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Close to the Bone. Jean Shinoda BolenЗдоровье.

Close to the Bone
Jean Shinoda Bolen
Год выпуска:
Face Illness and Find Hope Everyone faces illness.  Whether it’s a personal health crisis or sickness a loved one is experiencing, none of us escape this life without encountering some form of illness or death. While we can try to ignore the reality, internationally known author and speaker Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen suggests we do the exact opposite: face it. By encountering the frightening world of serious illness and death, we can better uncover how it gives us purpose. Trust what you know in your bones.  In probing and studying the health trials we face, Dr. Bolen shares how what we learn often connects to what we know to be true. As a psychiatrist and Jungian analyst, Dr. Bolen has an acute understanding of what shapes a person, particularly as it relates to one’s sense of balance and wholeness. Based on her knowledge and experience, she guides readers to find the truth buried in their own bones. A tool for help and healing.  While encountering sickness is inevitable, healing often seems harder to come by. We are left broken open when serious illness hits. While there is no single key to recovery, it is rare to find healing without first addressing the pain. This book serves as a guide to finding purpose in the pain. Through practicing self-compassion and empathy for others, and actively listening and learning, we set ourselves on a path to thoughtfully unravel the process of finding hope. Read Dr. Bolen’s  Close to the Bone  and find… An insightful book for anyone living with a life-threatening illness (or caring for a loved one who is ill)Encouragement for facing the trials and trauma of illness by relying on the wisdom we all have withinA supplemental guide for those who want to form support circles If books such as  Invisible Acts of Power ;  When Things Fall Apart ; or  No Mud, No Lotus  have helped you, then  Close to the Bone  is the next book you need to read.