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Modern Lutheran Theology. Alexandra GlynnСловари.

Modern Lutheran Theology
Alexandra Glynn
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The theology of the Laestadian Lutherans is simply set forth here, accessible to the lay reader. Contemporary issues are dealt with, and Scripture is cited to help us all keep discerning a path forward to help our neighbors. Love, sin, grace, images, translation, characters from the Bible, interpretation issues, and many other topics are covered in this brief but comprehensive volume. The reader is challenged in this collection of short essays by a clear and tender theology. We are all asked to be concerned with how we act in our communities and with the person living right next door. We are asked to ponder where we get our answers about issues we are all confronted with in the home, the place of worship, and the workplace. Who is our neighbor? Who are we, really? And where do we go for help? What moral and theological questions are we facing every day? The straightforward biblical theological essays found in this volume guide us to carefully consider our deepest heart thoughts, our God, and the world we live in.