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Winning Horsemanship. Joanne VerikiosСпорт, фитнес.

Winning Horsemanship
Joanne Verikios
Спорт, фитнес
Год выпуска:
Learn how to cultivate and hone that winning edge.<br /> <br />Have you ever dreamed of taking your horsemanship to the next level; have you ever left the arena thinking you could have done better – or wondering why you didn't? International author, horse riding champion and judge Joanne Verikios shares her years of expertise and experience in this insightful book. <b><i>Winning Horsemanship</i></b> will show you how to achieve the success you desire and deserve. Learn how to master yourself, your horse and the secrets of winning!<br /> <br />You will discover:<br />– How to double your enjoyment of your horse… in and out of the arena<br />– Tips and secrets of successful ring craft used by top trainers and riders<br />– How to avoid painful, costly mistakes that can hold you back – or get you hurt<br />– The psychology of confidence (and how to share it with your horse)<br />– How simple changes in what you think can change the way your horse behaves<br />– 7 proven steps to prepare your horse for any competition<br />– Subtle ways to take control and say goodbye to poor performance forever<br /> <br />Have more fun with your horse.