Goal Setting Myths and Traps that Hold Women Back: How to Move Past Your Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Your Potential. Allison JD FoskettПоиск работы, карьера.
Discover the goal setting myths and dangerous goal setting traps that prevent women from achieving their goals. By reading this book you'll save time, money, and prevent endless failures, plateaus, and attempts to give up on your goals. You'll be able to effectively anticipate the drawbacks of goal setting and achievement, and successfully prepare for the hurdles that are ahead.<br><br>Achieving your dreams and goals can be a double-edged sword at times. While there are joys and triumphs as one achieves their life dreams, what is less known about are the slippery slopes and goal setting traps that women fall into. Learn the latest scientific research on how goal setting and achievement can harm you, and what steps you can take to stay resilient. This book will help you avoid goal setting burnout so that you can maintain your enthusiasm and persistence while ensuring long-term commitment to your goals. After all, you deserve to achieve your life dreams and goals!