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The Reality of Recovery in Personality Disorder. Heather CastilloСоциальная психология.

The Reality of Recovery in Personality Disorder
Heather Castillo
Социальная психология
Год выпуска:
Exploring the process of recovery from personality disorder, and how this can be achieved, this research-based but highly readable book describes successful community-based ways to support people after diagnosis and the wider implications for mental ill health. Taking a close look at what it means to be diagnosed with personality disorder, the author considers how people with mental health issues are treated by society at large and within mental health services. She highlights problems and gaps in services, and how stigma surrounding mental health disorders can negatively affect the treatment an individual receives. Many first-hand accounts by people diagnosed with personality disorder offer a real perspective into what it is like to live with mental health issues, challenging stereotypes and providing much-needed insight into their needs. Research from The Haven, an innovative community-based project supporting people through recovery from personality disorder, offers ground-breaking ways to care for and meet the needs of people with major mental health issues in a positive and creative way. Essential reading for mental health professionals, people diagnosed with personality disorder, and their families.