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ISBN: 9781119765516
Cover Design: Wiley
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Editor Biographies
Emmanuel Bertin (PhD) is a Senior Expert at Orange Innovation, France and an Adjunct Professor at Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France. His activities are focused on 5G and 6G, NFV and service engineering, with more than 100 published researched articles. He received a Ph.D. and an Habilitation in computer science from Sorbonne University. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
Noel Crespi(PhD) holds Masters degrees from the Universities of Orsay (Paris 11) and Kent (UK), a diplome d’ingénieur from Telecom Paris, and a Ph.D and an Habilitation from Sorbonne University. From 1993 he worked at CLIP, Bouygues Telecom and then at Orange Labs in 1995. He took leading roles in the creation of new services with the successful conception and launch of Orange prepaid service, and in standardization (from rapporteurship of the IN standard to the coordination of all mobile standards activities for Orange). In 1999, he joined Nortel Networks as telephony program manager, architecting core network products for the EMEA region. He joined Institut Mines‐Telecom, Telecom SudParis in 2002 and is currently Professor and Program Director at Institut Polytechnique de Paris, leading the Data Intelligence and Communication Engineering Lab. He coordinates the standardization activities for Institut Mines‐Telecom at ITU‐T and ETSI. He is also an adjunct professor at KAIST (South Korea), a guest researcher at the University of Goettingen (Germany) and an affiliate professor at Concordia University (Canada). He is the scientific director of ILLUMINE, a French‐Korean laboratory. His current research interests are in Softwarization, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. For more details: http://noelcrespi.wp.tem‐
Thomas Magedanz (PhD) has been Professor at the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, leading the chair for next generation networks (www.av.tu‐ since 2004. In addition, since 2003 he has been Director of the Business Unit Software‐based Networks (NGNI) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS ( in Berlin.
For 30 years Prof. Magedanz has been a globally recognized ICT expert, working in the convergence field of telecommunications, Internet and information technologies understanding both the technology domains and the international market demands. He often acts as an independent technology consultant for international ICT companies. In the course of his applied research and development activities he created many internationally recognized prototype implementations of global telecommunications standards that provide the foundations for the efficient development of various open technology testbeds around the globe. His interest is in software‐based 5G networks for different verticals, with a strong focus on public and non‐public campus networks. The Fraunhofer 5G Playground (www.5G‐ represents, in this regard, the world´s most advanced Open 5G testbed which is based on the Open5GCore software toolkit (, representing the first reference implementation of the 3GPP 5G standalone architecture, which is currently also used by many customers for testing against different RAN equipment in different use cases. For three years, he has actively supported the buildup of emerging 5G campus networks based on the Open5GCore considering emerging campus networks as the prime spot for 5G innovation.
His current research is targeting the 5G evolution to 6G, including Core‐RAN integration (including O(pen)RAN integration), Satellite/Non‐terrestrial Networks and 5G/6G integration, as well as AI/ML based 5G/6G network control and management.
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List of Contributors
Zwi Altman Orange Innovation Châtillon France
Alexis I. Aravanis CNRS, Centrale Supelec, L2S University of Paris‐Saclay Gif‐sur‐ Yvette France
Joanna Balcerzak Orange Innovation Châtillon France
Yosra Ben Slimen Orange Innovation Châtillon France
Emmanuel Bertin Orange Innovation Caen France
Nikolaus Binder NVIDIABerlin Germany
Holger Boche Institute of Theoretical Information Technology Technische Universität München Munich Germany
Mohamed Boucadair Orange Innovation Cesson‐Sévigné France
Juan A. Cabrera Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks Technische Universität Dresden Dresden Germany
Renato L.G. Cavalcante TU Berlin/Heinrich Hertz Institute Berlin Germany
Marius Corici Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin Germany
Noel Crespi IMT, Telecom Sud Paris Institut Polytechnique de Paris Paris France
Isabelle Dabadie Laboratoire de recherche en sciences de gestion Panthéon‐Assas (LARGEPA) Université Paris 2 Panthéon‐Assas Paris France
Christian Deppe Chair of Communication Engineering Technische Universität München Munich Germany
Marco Di Renzo CNRS, Centrale Supelec, L2SUniversity of Paris‐Saclay Gif‐sur‐ Yvette France
Frank H. P. Fitzek Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks. Technische Universität Dresden Dresden Germany
Marco Giordani Department of Information Engineering University of Padova Padova Italy
Imen Grida Ben Yahia Orange Innovation Châtillon France
Thomas Heyn Head of Mobile Communications Group Broadband and Broadcast Department