Cognitive Behavior and Human Computer Interaction Based on Machine Learning Algorithms. Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.
as forecasted. However, the staff member responsible for the display knows that a down payment from Peru for three aircraft is an end route and adds this information as a comment on the display. Without added comments, situations can arise, referred to as “paper tigers”, because they appear to require managerial attention though they do not. The MIDS staff believes that “transmitting data is not the same as conveying information” [8]. The displays have been created with the executives’ critical success factors in mind. Some of the measures, such as profits and aircrafts sold, are obvious. Other measures, such as employee participation in company-sponsored programs, are less obvious and reflect the MIDS staff’s efforts to understand and accommodate the executives’ information needs fully.
Figure 1.5 Basic elements of management information user interactive device system.
Figure 1.6 Model of memory, information passes through distinct stages in order for it to be stored in long-term memory.
Keys to the success of MIDS descriptions of successful systems are useful to people responsible for conceptualizing, approving, and developing similar systems. Perhaps even more critical are insights about what makes a system a success. A committed senior executive sponsor wanted a system like MIDS, committed the necessary resources, participated in its creation, and encouraged its use by others. It carefully defined system requirements. Several considerations governed the design of the system. It had to be custom-tailored to meet the information needs of its users. Ease of use, an essential item to executives who were wary of computers, was critical. Response time had to be fast. The displays had to be updated quickly and efficiently as conditions changed. They have carefully defined information requirements. There has been a continuing effort to understand management’s information requirements. Displays have been added, modified, and deleted over time. Providing information relevant to management has been of paramount importance (Figure 1.6). The staff that developed the operated and evolved MIDS combines information systems skills and functional area knowledge. The computer analysts are responsible for the system’s technical aspects, while the information analysts are responsible for providing the information needed by management. This latter responsibility demands that the information analysts know the business and maintain close contact with information sources and users [18].
The initial version of MIDS successfully addressed the company president’s most critical information needs and strengthened his support for the system. There is little doubt that developing a fully integrated system for a full complement of users would have substantial delays and less enthusiasm for the system.
Careful computer hardware and software selection is essential in this model. The decision to proceed with MIDS development was made when the right color terminals at reasonable prices became available. At that time, graphics software was very limited, and it was necessary to develop the software for MIDS in-house. MIDS development could have been postponed until hardware and software with improved performance at reduced cost appeared, but this decision would have delayed providing management with the information needed. Also affecting the hardware selection was the organization’s existing hardware and the need to integrate MIDS into the overall computing architecture. While it is believed that excellent hardware and software decisions have been made for MIDS, different circumstances at other firms may lead to different hardware and software configurations. Future plans for MIDS continues to evolve along the lines mentioned previously. Improvements in display graphics are also planned through the use of a video camera with screen digitizing capabilities. Several other enhancements are also projected. A future version of MIDS may automatically present variance reports when actual conditions deviate by more than user-defined levels. Audio output may supplement what is presented by the displays. The system may contain artificial intelligence components. There may be a large screen projection of MIDS displays with better resolution than is currently available. The overriding objective is to provide Lockheed Georgia management with the information they need to effectively and efficiently carry out their job responsibilities.
1.5 Cognitive Modeling: Environment Role With User Interactive Device Systems
Environment plays a crucial role in interacting with various kinds of interactive device systems. Behind this, there are four “E’s” that motivate the theories and assumptions of cognition modeling [19]; these are mainly the following:
Extended, and
So, various interactive devices like Individual Intelligences Interactions (I3), Artificial and Individual Intelligences Interaction (AI3), Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI), and Individual Interactions through Computers (I2C) in a playful manner are provided to meet the corporate challenges in all stakeholders of various domains with better user experience.
1.6 Conclusion and Scope
Cognitive modeling plays a significant and strategic role in human-computer interaction devices deployed these days and in the future, with artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning computing techniques. Data science and data analytics provided an accurate visualization analysis with customer feedback experiences to know the expeditions of the users with their interactions of the above interactive devices. User experience is the crucial factor of any successful interacting device between machine and human because decisions can be uncertain due to various situations. One of the key strengths of the cognitive model interactive device system is its many practical applications. It is used in the field experiment to investigate the effects of cognitive interviewing techniques training on detectives’ performance in eyewitness interviews. This means that studies taking the cognitive approach are somewhat scientific and have good internal validity in the long future deterministic decision-making in all the levels of management decisions.
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