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A Rule of Queens. Morgan RiceЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Rule of Queens - Morgan Rice

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to live. That meant more to her than her own life.

      Bowyer stepped forward, leaned in close, and whispered to her, low enough that no one else could hear:

      “Rest assured your death stroke will be a clean one,” he said, his stale breath on her neck. “And so will Erec’s.”

      Alistair looked up at him in alarm and confusion.

      He smiled down at her, a small smile reserved just for her, that no one else could see.

      “That’s right,” he whispered. “It may not happen today; it may not happen for many moons. But one day, when he least expects it, your husband will find my knife in his back. I want you know, before I ship you off to hell.”

      Bowyer took two steps back, squeezed his hands tight around the shaft of the ax, and cracked his neck, preparing to strike the blow.

      Alistair’s heart pounded as she knelt there, realizing the full depth of evil in this man. He was not only ambitious, but a coward and a liar.

      “Set her free!” demanded a sudden voice, piercing the morning stillness.

      Alistair turned as well as she could and saw the chaos as two figures suddenly came bursting through the crowd, to the edge of the clearing, until the beefy hands of Bowyer’s guards held them back. Alistair was shocked and grateful to see Erec’s mother and sister standing there, frantic looks across their faces.

      “She’s innocent!” Erec’s mother yelled out. “You must not kill her!”

      “Would you kill a woman!?” Dauphine cried out. “She’s a foreigner. Let her go. Send her back to her land. She need not be involved in our affairs.”

      Bowyer turned to them and boomed:

      “She is a foreigner who aspired to be our Queen. To murder our former King.”

      “You are a liar!” Erec’s mother yelled. “You would not drink from the fountain of truth!”

      Bowyer scanned the faces of the crowd.

      “Is there anyone here who dares defy my claim?” he shouted, turning, meeting everyone’s gaze, defiant.

      Alistair looked about, hopeful; but one by one, all the men, all brave warriors, mostly from Bowyer’s tribe, looked down, not one of them willing to challenge him in combat.

      “I am your champion,” Bowyer boomed. “I defeated all opponents on tournament day. There is no one here who could beat me. Not one. If there is, I challenge you to step forward.”

      “No one, save Erec!” Dauphine called out.

      Bowyer turned and scowled at her.

      “And where is he now? He lies dying. We Southern Islanders shall not have a cripple for a King. I am your King. I am your next best champion. By the laws of this land. As my father’s father was King before Erec’s father.”

      Erec’s mother and Dauphine both lunged forward to stop him; but his men grabbed them and pulled them back, detaining them. Alistair saw beside them, Erec’s brother, Strom, wrists bound behind his back; he struggled, too, but could not break free.

      “You shall pay for this, Bowyer!” Strom called out.

      But Bowyer ignored him. Instead, he turned back to Alistair, and she could see from his eyes he was determined to proceed. Her time had come.

      “Time is dangerous when deceit is on your side,” Alistair said to him.

      He frowned down at her; clearly, she had struck a nerve.

      “And those words will be your last,” he said.

      Bowyer suddenly hoisted the ax, raising it high overhead.

      Alistair closed her eyes, knowing that in but a moment, she would be gone from this world.

      Eyes closed, Alistair felt time slow down. Images flashed before her. She saw the first time she had met Erec, back in the Ring, at the Duke’s castle, when she had been a serving girl and had fallen in love with him at first sight. She felt her love for him, a love she still felt to this day, burning inside her. She saw her brother, Thorgrin, saw his face, and for some reason, she did not see him in the Ring, in King’s Court, but rather in a distant land, on a distant ocean, exiled from the Ring. Most of all, she saw her mother. She saw her standing at the edge of a cliff, before her castle, high above an ocean, before a skywalk. She saw her holding out her arms and smiling sweetly at her.

      “My daughter,” she said.

      “Mother,” Alistair said, “I will come to join you.”

      But to her surprise, her mother slowly shook her head.

      “Your time is not now,” she said. “Your destiny on this earth is not yet complete. You still have a great destiny before you.”

      “But how, Mother?” she asked. “How can I survive?”

      “You are bigger than this earth,” her mother replied. “That blade, that metal of death, is of this earth. Your shackles are of this earth. Those are earthly limitations. They are only limitations if you believe in them, if you allow them to have authority over you. You are spirit and light and energy. That is where your real power is. You are above it all. You are allowing yourself to be held back by physical constraints. Your problem is not one of strength; it is one of faith. Faith in yourself. How strong is your faith?”

      As Alistair knelt there, trembling, eyes shut, her mother’s question rang in her head.

      How strong is your faith?

      Alistair let herself go, forgot her shackles, put herself in the hands of her faith. She began to let go of her faith in the physical constraints of this planet, and instead shifted her faith to the supreme power, the one and only supreme power over everything else in the world. A power had created this world, she knew. A power had created all of this. That was the power she needed to align herself with.

      As she did, all within a fraction of a second, Alistair felt a sudden warmth coursing through her body. She felt on fire, invincible, bigger than everything. She felt flames emanating from her palms, felt her mind buzzing and swarming, and felt a great heat rising up in her forehead, between her eyes. She felt herself stronger than everything, stronger than her shackles, stronger than all things material.

      Alistair opened her eyes, and as time began to speed again, she looked up and saw Bowyer coming down with the ax, a scowl on his face.

      In one motion, Alistair turned and raised her arms, and as she did, this time her shackles snapped as if they were twigs. In the same motion, lightning fast, she rose to her feet, raised one palm toward Bowyer, and as his ax came down, the most incredible thing happened: the ax dissolved. It turned to ashes and dust and fell at a heap at her feet.

      Bowyer swung down, nothing in his hand, and he went stumbling, falling to his knees.

      Alistair wheeled and her eyes were drawn to a sword on the far side of the clearing, in a soldier’s belt. She reached out her other palm and commanded it come to her; as she did, it lifted from his scabbard and flew through the air, right into her outstretched palm.

      In a single motion, Alistair grabbed hold of it, spun around, raised it high, and brought it down on the back of Bowyer’s exposed neck.

      The crowd gasped in shock as there came the sound of steel cutting through flesh and Bowyer, beheaded, collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

      He lay there, dead, in the exact spot where, just moments before, he had wanted Alistair dead.

      There came a cry from the crowd, and Alistair looked out to watch Dauphine break free of the soldier’s grip, then grab the soldier’s dagger from his belt and slice his throat. In the same motion, she spun around and cut loose Strom’s ropes. Strom immediately reached back, grabbed a sword from a soldier’s waist, spun and slashed, killing three of Bowyer’s men before they could even react.

      With Bowyer dead, there was a moment of hesitation, as the crowd clearly didn’t know what to do next. Shouts rose up all amongst the crowd, as his death clearly emboldened all those who had been allied with him

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