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Гуманитарное вторжение. Глобальное развитие в Афганистане времен холодной войны. Тимоти НунанЧитать онлайн книгу.

Гуманитарное вторжение. Глобальное развитие в Афганистане времен холодной войны - Тимоти Нунан

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The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979–1982. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. P. 125–126.


      Sharq M. H. The Bare-Foot in Coarse Clothes. Peshawar: Area Study Centre of University of Peshawar, 2000.


      Hanifi Sh. M. Op. cit. P. 95.


      Green N. Locating Afghan History. Roundtable on «The Future of Afghan History» // International Journal of Middle East Studies. 2013. № 45. P. 132.


      Ogle V. Whose Time Is It? The Pluralization of Time and the Global Condition, 1870s–1940s // The American Historical Review. 2013. December. № 188(5). P. 1377.


      Bullen R. What Is Diplomatic History? // Gardiner J. (Ed.) What Is History Today? London: Macmillan Education, 1988. P. 135.


      Maier Ch. S. Marking Time: Contemporary Historical Writing in the United States // The Past Before Us: Contemporary Historical Writing in the United States. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980. P. 355–387; de Conde A. What’s Wrong With American Diplomatic History? // Newsletter of the Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR Newsletter). 1970. May. № 1; Patterson D. S. What’s Wrong (And Right) with American Diplomatic History? A Diagnosis and a Prescription // SHAFR Newsletter. 1978. September. № 9. P. 1–14.


      Maier Ch. S. Op. cit. P. 355. Осмысление Майером состояния исторической науки несколькими десятилетиями позднее см.: Maier Ch. S. Return to Rome: Half a Century of American Historiography in Light of the 1955 Congress for International Historical Studies // La storiografia tra passato e futuro (Il X Congreso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche (Roma 1955) cinquant’anni dopo). Rome, 2008. P. 189–211.


      Beckert S. Empire of Cotton: A Global History. New York: Knopf, 2014; Immerwahr D. Thinking Small: The United States and the Lure of Community Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015; Friedman A. Covert Capital: Landscapes of Denial and the Making of U. S. Empire in the Suburbs of Northern Virginia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.


      См., например, посвященную холодной войне книжную серию, издаваемую в Университете Северной Каролины, или работу редактора этой серии: Westad O. A. The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.


      Trachtenberg M. What’s the Problem? A Research Agenda for Diplomatic History // H-Diplo State of the Field Essay. October 10, 2014; del Pero M. Tra lunghe paci i guerre fredde. La storiografia di John Lewis Gaddis (2005); Judt T. A Story Still to Be Told // New York Review of Books. 2006. March 23.


      Connelly M. A Diplomatic Revolution: Algeria’s Fight for Independence and the Origins of the Post-Cold War Era. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. P. X; Cullather N. The Hungry World: America’s Cold War Battle Against Poverty in Asia. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2010; Connelly M. Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008; Manela E. A Pox on Your Narrative: Writing Disease Control into Cold War History // Diplomatic History. 2010. April. № 34(2). P. 299–323.


      Beckert S. Das Reich der Baumwolle: Eine globale Geschichte // Conrad S., Osterhammel J. (Eds.) Das Kaiserreich transnational: Deutschland in der Welt 1870–1914. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2004. P. 301; Bayly C. A. The Birth of the Modern World, 1780–1914. Malden: Blackwell, 2004; Osterhammel J. Die Verwandlung der Welt. Eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. München: C. H. Beck, 2009; Link S. Transnational Fordism: Ford Motor Company, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union in the Interwar Years. PhD Dissertation, Harvard University, 2012; Tworek H. Magic Connections: German News Agencies and Global News Networks, 1905–45. PhD Dissertation, Harvard University, 2012; Ogle V. The Global Transformation of Time, 1879–1950. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015; Siegelberg M. Statelessness: An International History, 1921–1961. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019.


      Bright Ch., Geyer M. World History in a Global Age // The American Historical Review. 1995. October. № 100(4). P. 1034–1060; Maier Ch. Consigning the Twentieth Century to History: Alternative Narratives for the Modern Era // The American Historical Review. 2000. June. № 105(3). P. 807–831; Bright Ch., Geyer M. Where in the World is America? The History of the United States in the Global Age // Bender Th. (Ed.) Rethinking American History in a Global Age. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. P. 63–100.


      См. работу, которая, впрочем, сосредоточена в большей мере на отношениях между СССР и третьим миром, чем на глобальных аспектах: Engerman D. The Second World’s Third World // Kritika. 2011. Winter. № 12(1). P. 183–211; в качестве примера из области американской истории см.: Bender Th. (Ed.) Rethinking American History in a Global Age. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.


      Barfield Th. Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010. P. 68.


      Maier Ch. S. Leviathan 2.0: Inventing Modern Statehood. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012. P. 166.


      Hanifi Sh. M. Mapping Afghanistan (рукопись). P. 3.


      В речи на XXII съезде КПСС 31 октября 1961 года Н. С. Хрущев провозгласил, что «нынешнее поколение советских людей будет жить при коммунизме», а принятая на этом съезде программа партии подтвердила, что к 1980 году «в СССР коммунистическое общество будет в основном построено».


      Irwin R. M. Decolonization and the Cold War // Daigle C., Kalinovsky A. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of the Cold War. London: Routledge, 2014. P. 91–104.


      Snyder T. D. Public Lecture, «Not Even Past: History, Russia, Ukraine

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