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Vowed. Morgan RiceЧитать онлайн книгу.

Vowed - Morgan Rice

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in a rectangular shape, with several square towers and parapets. It sat boldly and proudly at the top of a cliff, overlooking the vast lake and open sky, and unlike other castles, it was bright and airy, with dozens of windows. Its approach was impressive, with a wide stone roadway leading up to a front gate and an imposing arched doorway. This was clearly not a place one approached easily, and as Caitlin looked up, she spotted human guards on all the towers, watching them like a hawk.

      As they approached the entrance, there was suddenly a sounding of trumpets, followed by the rumble of horses’ hooves.

      Caitlin turned. Galloping over the horizon, rushing right towards them, were dozens of human warriors, dressed in armor. Leading them was an imposing man dressed in furs, with a large orange beard, flanked by attendants, and bearing the demeanor of a king. He had soft facial features, and seemed to be the type who smiled easily. He had a large entourage of warriors, and Caitlin would have tensed up, if it weren’t for Taylor and Tyler being so relaxed. Clearly, these were friends.

      As the soldiers stopped before them and parted ways, Caitlin stopped in her tracks, shocked.

      There, in the center of the group, dismounting, were two people she loved most in the world. She couldn’t believe it. She blinked several times. It was really them.

      Standing before her, grinning back, were Sam and Polly.

* * *

      Caitlin and Sam each stepped forward before the two large groups of warriors and met in a huge embrace. Caitlin felt so relieved to be holding her brother, to be hugging him, to see and feel that he was alive, and really here. She then leaned over and hugged Polly, as Caleb, too, stepped up, and gave both Sam and Polly a hug.

      “Polly!” Scarlet cried, as she came running up, Ruth barking by her side. Polly knelt down and gave her a huge hug, picking her up in her arms.

      “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again!” Scarlet said.

      Polly beamed. “You can’t get rid of me that easily!”

      Ruth barked, and Polly knelt down and hugged her, while Sam hugged Scarlet.

      Caitlin felt herself basking in the warm glow of having her family and loved ones reunited. She thought back to London, to everyone sick and dying, to the time when she couldn’t imagine that a happy scene like this would ever be possible. She felt so grateful that everything seemed to be restored, and marveled at how many lifetimes she had already led. It made her so grateful for immortality. She couldn’t imagine what she would do with just one life.

      “What happened to guys?” Caitlin asked Sam. “Last I saw you, you promised me you wouldn’t leave Caleb and Scarlet’s side. And when I returned, you were gone.”

      Caitlin was still upset at their betrayal.

      Sam and Polly looked down in shame.

      “I’m so sorry,” Sam said. “It was my fault. Polly was abducted, and I left to save her.”

      “No, it’s my fault,” Polly said. “Sergei had said there was a cure, and that I had to go with him to get it. I was so stupid – I believed him. I thought I would save them. But I broke my promise to you. Will you ever forgive me?”

      “And me?” Sam asked.

      Caitlin looked at both their faces, and could see their absolute sincerity. A part of her was still upset that they’d broke their word and left Scarlet and Caleb so open to attack. But another part of her, the part that was evolving, was telling her to completely forgive them and let it go.

      She took a deep breath, and focused on letting it go. She exhaled, and nodded.

      “Yes, I forgive you both,” she said.

      They both smiled back.

      “You might forgive them,” King McCleod suddenly said, dismounting and stepping towards them, “but I don’t forgive them for embarrassing my men like that!” he said, letting out a hearty laugh. “Especially Polly. The two of you put my finest warriors to shame. Clearly, we have a lot to learn from you, as we have learned from the others. Vampires versus humans. Never fair,” he said, shaking his head, with another hearty laugh.

      McCleod stepped forward and approached Caitlin and Caleb. Caitlin liked him immediately. He was quick to smile, had a deep, comforting laugh, and seemed to put everyone at ease around him.

      “Welcome to our island,” he said, reaching up, taking Caitlin’s hand and kissing it with a bow. He then reached over and shook Caleb’s hand warmly in both of his. “The Isle of Skye. There is no place like it on earth. Desperate home to the greatest warriors. This castle has been in my family for hundreds of years. You’ll stay with us. Aiden will be thrilled. As will my men. I officially welcome you!” he said with a shout, and all his men cheered.

      Caitlin felt overwhelmed at his hospitality. She hardly knew how to respond.

      “It is a great pleasure,” she said.

      “And we thank you for your graciousness,” Caleb said.

      “Are you a king?” Scarlet stepped forward and asked. “Is there a real princess here?”

      The king looked down and broke into uproarious laughter, louder and deeper than before. “Well now, I am a king, yes indeed – but there is no princess here I’m afraid. Just us men. But perhaps you shall rectify that, my beauty!” he said with a laugh, and took two steps forward, picked up Scarlet, and spun her around. “And what might your name be?”

      Scarlet blushed, suddenly shy.

      “Scarlet,” she said, looking down. “And that’s Ruth,” she said, pointing down.

      Ruth barked, as if in response, and McCleod set her down with a laugh, and stroked Ruth’s fur.

      “I’m sure you are all ravenous,” he said. “To the castle!” he shouted. “It’s time to celebrate!”

      All his men shouted, turned as a group, and headed for the castle’s entrance. As they did, rows of guards snapped to attention.

      Sam draped an arm around Caitlin’s shoulder, and Caleb around Polly’s, as they all walked together towards the castle entrance. Caitlin knew she shouldn’t, but despite herself, she allowed herself to hope that, once again, this time, they had found a permanent home, a place in the world that they could all, finally, be at peace in forever.

      Chapter Six

      It was the warmest and most lavish welcome Caitlin could have imagined. Their arrival had been like one long celebration. They’d run into one coven member after another, and she saw faces she hadn’t seen in what felt like forever – Barbara, Cain, and many others. They’d all sat for lunch at a huge banquet table, in the warm, stone castle, furs beneath their feet, torches along the walls, the fireplace roaring, and dogs running all around. The room felt warm and cozy, and Caitlin realized that it was cold outside – the end of October, Caitlin had been told. 1350. Caitlin couldn’t believe it. She was nearly seven hundred years away from the 21st century.

      She had always tried to imagine what life might be like in this time period, in the times of the knights, of armor, castles…but she had never imagined anything quite like this. Despite the stark change in surroundings, the lack of major towns or cities, the people were still very warm, very intelligent, very human. In many ways, not all that different from the people of her time.

      Caitlin felt very at home in this time and place. She had spent hours catching up with Sam and Polly, hearing their stories, their version of what had happened to them back in England. She had been horrified to hear of what had happened between Sergei and Polly, and so proud of Sam for saving her.

      And throughout the whole night, she couldn’t help but notice that Sam barely took his eyes off of Polly. As a big sister, she sensed that a major shift had happened within him. He finally seemed more mature, and for the first time ever, truly and totally in love.

      Yet Polly, this time, seemed a bit more evasive. It was harder for Caitlin to get an exact fix on where she stood, on her feelings for Sam. Maybe it was because Polly was more guarded. Or maybe it was

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