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Craved. Morgan RiceЧитать онлайн книгу.

Craved - Morgan Rice

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Vivian made it up?

      “Thanks guys,” she said. “I really appreciate it. Though honestly I don’t really know what happened after. I don’t know if he went back to Vivian or if she just made it all up.”

      “So I guess that means you’re not going with him to the dance?” Maria asked. “So then who are you going with? I mean, are you like not going?” she asked, her voice rising as if that were the most horrible thing in the world.

      Scarlet shrugged. That stupid dance – it couldn’t have come at a worse time. She really didn’t know what to say.

      “I doubt Blake’s taking me,” she said. “As far as going alone… ”

      For a moment, Scarlet couldn’t help but think of Sage. She realized how much she’d actually like to go with him. She hardly knew why. His face just stuck in her mind.

      At the same time, she thought of Maria, what she would think – and the thought of going with Sage felt like a betrayal. She quickly tried to push it out of her mind.

      “If I don’t go, I don’t go,” she finally said. “It’s okay. Maybe next year.”

      “There’s a huge pre-game party tonight at Jake Wilson’s house. His parents are away. We’re all going. You have to go. Maybe you’ll find a date there.”

      Scarlet gulped. Sneaking out and searching for a date tonight was the last thing she wanted to do.

      “Well anyway don’t feel bad,” Maria said. “I don’t have a date yet either.”

      “What about Brian?” Jasmin asked her.

      “We’re over, remember?” she said.

      “But he’s not dating anyone else.”

      Maria shrugged. “He didn’t ask me. And I really wouldn’t want to go with him anyway. Sage is the one I really want to go with. The new boy.”

      Scarlet gulped.

      “So why don’t you ask him?” Becca asked.

      “Yeah, you keep talking about him, but you’re not doing anything about it,” Jasmin said. “Stop being chicken.”

      “I’m not chicken,” Maria snapped back.

      “Chicken chicken!” they taunted her.

      Maria’s face turned beet red, and Scarlet could see how mad she was.

      “I’m not chicken. In fact, I have class with him next period. I’m going to ask him then.”

      “No you’re not,” Becca said.

      “You’d never do that,” Jasmin said.

      “Watch me,” Maria said.

      “But isn’t that like awkward?” Becca said. “Your asking him?”

      Maria shrugged. “It could be better. But what am I supposed to do? He’s new. If I don’t ask him, somebody else will. And if he’s not into me, I’d rather know now, right?”

      “I still think you’re all talk,” Jasmin said.

      Maria glared at her. “Check back in an hour and we’ll see who’s all talk.”

      Scarlet was relieved that the conversation had shifted away from her. She was beginning to feel hopeful, as if maybe all the negative attention would actually pass over quickly, and not be as bad as she thought. After all, kids moved on to new topics of gossip really quickly. But as she thought of next period’s class, with Sage and Maria, her stomach sank.

      As they rounded the corner, Scarlet’s stomach sank further: there, huddled against a wall, were Vivian and her friends. They elbowed each other, looking in her direction, then giggled and whispered.

      Vivian turned and glared right at her with a victorious smile. She could see the meanness in her perfect face, the petty vindication she received from having bullied her online. For a moment, Scarlet was so mad, she felt like attacking her. She felt a tremendous rage rush through her, tingling, running up from her toes through her fingertips. She didn’t understand what was happening: it was like a hot flash. Her body felt stronger, more violent, and less able to control itself. She wanted to get out of here quick, before anything bad happened.

      “Well well well,” Vivian said aloud, as they all walked past. The tension in the air was so thick, it could be cut with a knife.

      “Look who it is. If it isn’t Blake’s leftovers.”

      “That’s quite a statement, especially coming from Blake’s reject,” Jasmin snapped back at her.

      “What are you too afraid to say it to her face, so you have to go and post it online?” Maria goaded.

      Vivian’s face dropped into a scowl, as did her friends. Scarlet was mortified. She just wanted all of this to pass away. She appreciated her friends’ loyalty, but she didn’t want this to evolve into a full-fledged war.

      “And this coming from a girl who doesn’t even have a date to the dance,” Vivian retorted, as she now homed in on Maria. “Loser,” she said.

      “I’d rather not have a date then have someone’s leftovers,” Maria snapped back.

      “Please Maria,” Scarlet said quietly. “Let’s just keep going.”

      For a moment, it felt as if the two groups of girls would lunge at each other, and that this would evolve into a full-fledged fight. As much rage as Scarlet felt coursing through her, she really didn’t want any more confrontation.

      She gently prodded her friends and slowly her group kept walking, going farther down the hall. Scarlet did not want to descend to Vivian’s level.

      Just as the two groups were gaining more distance between each other, suddenly Scarlet sensed something. It was a strange sensation, one she’d never had before. Out of nowhere, her senses were on high alert: she felt, more than saw, a dark energy approaching her from behind. She didn’t know how, but she did. And then her hearing became so much acute: she heard every tiny movement in the hallway. She heard the movement of a girl’s footsteps, approaching her from behind.

      Reacting at the speed of light, Scarlet suddenly felt her body turn itself around, felt her own hand go up as she spun, and watched herself grab someone else’s hand just as it approached the back of her head.

      Scarlet looked up and was amazed to see herself clutching Vivian’s wrist. She looked over and saw a big wad of chewing gum in her palm, and saw her shocked expression. Then she realized what had happened: Vivian had crept up behind her and was about to cram the gum into her hair. Somehow, Scarlet had sensed it and had spun and blocked it at the last second, just inches away.

      As Scarlet stood there, she found herself twisting Vivian’s wrist with an incredible surge of strength; Vivian dropped down to her knees, and screamed out in pain.

      Everyone in the halls stopped, as a huge crowd gathered around.

      “You’re hurting me!” Vivian cried out. “Let go!”

      “FIGHT! FIGHT!” screamed the crowd of kids who suddenly gathered around.

      Scarlet felt an overwhelming rage coursing through her, a rage she could barely control. Something in her body had protected her from getting hurt, and now it was willing her to get vengeance – to break this girl’s wrist.

      “Why should she?” Maria yelled out. “You were about to stick gum in her hair.”

      “Please!” Vivian whimpered. “I’m sorry!”

      Scarlet didn’t understand what was overcoming her, and it freaked her out. Somehow, at the last second, she willed herself to stop. She finally let go.

      Vivian’s wrist collapsed to her side, as she scrambled to her feet and ran back to her group of friends.

      Scarlet turned, her heart pounding, and walked with her friends back down the hall. Slowly, the halls came back to life again, everyone whispering, as they dispersed. Scarlet’s friends clustered around her.


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