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Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) - Группа авторов

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in this chapter with an IoT sensor focused on cloud storage and encryption.

      R. Anandan Suseendran Gopalakrishnan Souvik PalNoor Zaman January 2022


      A Look at IIoT: The Perspective of IoT Technology Applied in the Industrial Field

       Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro1, Reinaldo Padilha França1*, Rangel Arthur2, Yuzo Iano1, Andrea Coimbra Segatti2, Giulliano Paes Carnielli2, Julio Cesar Pereira2, Henri Alves de Godoy2 and Elder Carlos Fernandes2

       1 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC), University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Av. Albert Einstein, Barão Geraldo, Campinas – SP, Brazil

       2 Faculty of Technology (FT), University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Paschoal Marmo Street, Jardim Nova Italia, Limeira, Brazil


      The advent of solutions with AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology means tools and software that integrate resources that automate the process of making algorithmic decisions. Simply put, AI consists of systems or machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks improving iteratively over time based on the information collected. Thus, IoT currently matches a series of hardware that works connected to the internet, from a refrigerator to a wearable watch that measures heart rate and sends this data to an application. In this sense, it is possible to interpret what part of these devices uses, even on a small scale, AI technology. This technological innovation connects everyday intelligent devices or even intelligent sensors, to the internet, linking the physical world increasingly closer to the digital world. In this scenario, the world is experiencing a digital transformation, and related to it, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) aims to connect different devices to collect and transmit data present in an industrial environment. Performing this communication through essential industrial variables related to smart devices, effecting communication, data, and data analysis. In this sense, this chapter is motivated to provide an updated overview of IoT and IIoT, addressing its evolution along with AI technology and potential in the industry, approaching its relationship, with a concise bibliographic background, synthesizing the potential of technologies.

      Keywords: IoT, IIoT, industrial, IoT applications, sensors

      The concept behind the Internet of Things (IoT) is to connect several devices, through the internet which can exchange information with each other. Considering that this technology can be applied to industry, it makes this connection between these different devices generates Industry 4.0, which is reputable as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, being the new trend that is being adopted by large corporations to get ahead in the market, characterized by the introduction of information technology in the industry [1].

      IoT in Industry 4.0 is basically responsible for the integration of all devices inside and outside the plant, considering that the concept represents the connection as it is a network of physical devices (objects), systems, platforms, and applications with embedded technology to communicate, feel or interact with indoor and outdoor environments [1, 2].

      Industry 4.0 is the complete transformation of the entire scope of industrial production through the fusion of internet and digital technology with traditional industry, being motivated by three major changes in the productive industrial world related to the immense amount of digitized information, exponential advancement of computer capacity, and innovation strategies (people, research, and technology) [2, 3].

      When it is said that the internet is in the industry, these changes allow everything inside and around an operational plant (suppliers, distributors, plants, and even the final product) to be digitally related and connected, affording a highly incorporated value chain, from the factory floor, is important to relate this to an environment where all equipment and machines are connected in networks and uniquely providing information [3, 4].

      The Industrial Internet of Things has an IoT and IIoT layer in the industry, provoking a prognostic model, since automation, which in general already exists, answers questions regarding what is happening, what happened, and why it happened, considering its network of physical devices (objects and things, among others), systems, platforms, systems, and applications with embedded technology in industry sectors, aiming to promote automation of manufacturing and, thus, increase the productivity of production lines, generating greater competitiveness with the international industry through intelligent factories (smart manufacturing) [6].

Schematic illustration of a big data analytics.

      Generating an increasing number of connected devices (in some situations, it even include unfinished products), since the digitization of data from machines, methods, processes, procedures, and intelligent devices, integrates and complements the operational layer of an industrial plant, enabling communication and systems integration and controls and allowing responses and decision-making in real time. Thus, IIoT becomes a prerequisite for Industry 4.0 [1, 7].

      The difference between IoT and IIoT is in the sense that the first relates systems that connect things, complement information, normally only produce data, and can be used in any sector of the industry, transforming the second, to manage assets and analyze maintenance trends [8–10].

      IIoT forms a critical layer of the production process and can directly connect a product supplier in real time on the production line, which analyzes the quality and use of your product, as well as connecting the input and output logistics chain of materials and control production, in real time, at the optimum point of operation, becoming an application of production and consumption of data, with a critical profile [8–10].

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