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Red. Fundamentalism. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Red. Fundamentalism - Almaz Braev

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purpose in any religious myth. Any meme with a similar background will surely reach the right ears. So, what if the owners of these ears then blow up and destroy churches? They will shit in those churches that only promised paradise; that is, they would wait for a long time. Only religious people, therefore, could fall in love with the dictatorship. That is, everything is traditional. And the despotism of the elite and religious education. The Reformation took place in Europe a long time ago. People have learned to create another paradise on earth for themselves, thanks to money. No. Of course, everyone loves freebies. But the natural peoples of the tradition loved it and still love it.

      Therefore, with the arrival of the market, they immediately split into new masters and new slaves, and no one wanted to work. We all are gentlemen! It was the same in Germany. The market corrupts the consciousness of non-existent greatness or, rather, independence. Private property necessarily leads to selfishness. And if you also give education – the weapon of the priests of all times- a new physical force in the form of a collective of offended owners will be ready. Fascism is actually a community, not a generic one, but a national one. This community is united not by kinship, blood, and morality but by interests and benefits. All the nations that have come to private property and the republic are independent people without relatives; they are egoists. They don’t need the help of the collective. They can do it themselves; they count on their strength. Therefore, the traditional people who did not know the property chose Karl Marx and his memes first and provided for their children. They want now to secure everything with private property.

      But there are almost no such traditional people in the modern world. The largest traditional community is probably Indian. Suppose we collect the wishes of Indian peasants. In that case, they could repeat the experience of the Soviet Union to build a new peasant socialism with an Indian GULAG and other generic coercion of parasites. But information literacy is total today. Indian peasants will just shout, and then they will easily go home and be easily bribed as their leaders. They do it. Peasant socialism triumphed in the world throughout the 20th century; today, it is impossible. Russia has gone to the stage of total literacy. Russians have acquired the property for the last thirty years. They felt the uselessness of Gagarin and former soviet rockets. Nostalgia’s greatness remained. Several nostalgic egoists who do not remember kinship – that’s all that is needed for academic fascism. Here it is, the third figure, the third subject. This subject is the largest, with large kinetic energy. What happens?

      That all nations are doomed to fascism?

      Yes, Karl Max did not understand this when he came up with his meme of dictatorship. He had no time. If anyone guessed about world fascism in the case of failures of the proletarian revolution (again proletarian!), it was Trotsky. But Trotsky and Trotskyism in the 30s were the only alternative to peasant rebirth, the collapse of the ancestral taboo used by former peasants for their selfish interests. Today, Trotskyism also has finally degenerated. The same vile bureaucracy swallowed it up, not national but international. Therefore, modern official Trotskyism serves the world mafia and world fascism. Everyone who uses the meme of the dictatorship of the proletariat is a crook. Conscious or unconscious, if they don’t get money for their screams and another crowd of fools as helpers in a scam.

      Another question is how to defeat modern fascism. It was necessary to divide fascism into the world and locally to accomplish this – which of them is needed by the new revolutionaries to study it and win.

      Chapter 9

      Smart energy

      If, at the beginning and almost until the middle of the 20th century, the meme of the dictatorship of the proletariat could be used, then at the beginning of the 21st century, the use of a meme is already pumping a farce. Logical power already far exceeds religious mystification in this world now.

      The crisis of the left movement is precisely due to the backwardness of the outdated Marxist doctrine.

      Marxism has become overgrown with heroic parasites. Such Marxists only use old prayers, even if this prayer is just one meme about the dictatorship of the proletariat. Maybe these photos of a workers’ rally taking place somewhere raise the spirits of idlers and fools, but such things are just inertia, a repetition of the old agitation. All countries and peoples have undergone industrial modernization, and the use of memes on the situation in Asia and Africa has always been a big policy. In the 20th century, two blocs opposed each other in the world. The bloc headed by the USSR was called a communist, and the other bloc the USA headed. There were numerous other countries in between. Some of which have not yet come out of the natural world.

      For example, the USSR paid a high price for the adventure in Afghanistan. But it was primarily a religious mistake. USSR’s bureaucrats and generals lost thanks to the Muslims; the dictatorship of the proletariat could not replace the Prophet Muhammad in any way and win in the country of Muslims. Well, nothing. However, in political science, any confrontation is usually called an ideological confrontation.

      It’s elementary; the countries of Eurasia are actually a religious arena, not a logical one.

      And the more international communications bring information into the modern world, the more logic pressures mysticism. Which countries are close to mysticism today? That's where you can penetrate the meme of the dictatorship of the proletariat unless there is no Islam, Buddhism, or Confucianism in this area and among these peoples. Marx did not win even in Europe, the stronghold of world atheism. But for any sane modern person, this is clear as day. Why do such activists shout, "Dictatorship of the proletariat!"? The social protest and the left movement drove into the museum of world politics.

      Don't believe it if the proletariat came to power somewhere in the 20th century! It is a new peasant elite that came to power. It means in this area, the people lost faith in their saints and lost faith in the local bishops. Not because the advanced detachment of peasants who fled from the village was called the proletariat at the instigation of Marx, not because the bureaucracy necessarily gained power here instead of the proletariat, namely that the people stopped believing in old idols. They trusted the revolutionaries to create a traditional elite again. The new old traditional elite will rule among the traditional peoples everywhere and not the proletariat. It is necessary to do lessons already.

      This does not mean we should expect global sadness or disappointment in any local area. The cry of some activists that he has few readers is from the same series of old political paganism. Of course, Marx found a way out in kinetic force in the millions of the European proletariat. It must be understood that the dictatorship of the proletariat is only a physical battering ram against the old world. And, as we discovered, a third force unknown at that time always came to power. Lenin’s comrades were not at all proletarian by birth. They were in solidarity with European slaves at that time and were their real elite. This is the very elite you need to look for at any time. Millions of fighters mean nothing if they don’t have leaders. Millions of liberal electors mean nothing without the religion of money (money is also a pagan religion); they cannot win without the elite if we look at the revolutionary Russia of 1917. Then, millions of peasants knew only the Socialist-Revolutionary party. The religious ram of the srs did not work because they had no religion: they promised only land – a million Social Revolutionaries against a thousand Bolsheviks. But the Bolsheviks won because they had the religion of dictatorship for a totalitarian people. They were dictators who, in the minority, managed to unite and lead the kinetic force of workers (disguised peasants).

      Chapter 10

      People in rockets

      If a person is given machinery, he will become free. Technological progress and the dictatorship of the proletariat will create new communist freedom. Karl Marx bequeathed such freedom to people. An outstanding combination of technology and primitive organization, isn’t it?

      Firstly, if primitive people are put in rockets, they will be indescribably scared. First, they will burn the rocket

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