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Non-Volatile CBRAM/MIM Switching Technology for Electronically Reconfigurable Passive Microwave Devices. Etienne PerretЧитать онлайн книгу.

Non-Volatile CBRAM/MIM Switching Technology for Electronically Reconfigurable Passive Microwave Devices - Etienne Perret

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of the fabricated switch showing the microphotograph of ...Figure 2.13. DC voltage waveform used for operating the switch. The switch is in...Figure 2.14. DC current waveform measured along the current path of switch durin...Figure 2.15. Experimentally obtained S-parameters of CBRAM-based CPW shunt mode ...Figure 2.16. Experimentally obtained S-parameters of CBRAM-based CPW shunt mode ...Figure 2.17. Electrical equivalent model of CBRAM/MIM switch attached to a CPW l...Figure 2.18. S21 characteristics of the electrical equivalent model of the CBRAM...Figure 2.19. S11 characteristics of electrical equivalent model of the CBRAM-bas...Figure 2.20. Effect of filament resistance of CBRAM/MIM cell on RF transmission....Figure 2.21. Experimentally observed RF attenuation characteristics for differen...Figure 2.22. Time stability of set/reset states of a CBRAM/MIM switchFigure 2.23. Design of a CBRAM-based RF switch using microstrip transmission lin...Figure 2.24. Simulated S-parameters of CBRAM/MIM-based RF switch on microstrip l...Figure 2.25. CBRAM-based CPW shunt mode RF switch on paper substrate. Inset in b...Figure 2.26. Three-step process used for realization of CBRAM-based RF switches....Figure 2.27. CPW shunt mode RF switch on paper substrate with microphotograph of...Figure 2.28. Experimentally observed S-parameters of a CBRAM-based CPW shunt mod...Figure 2.29. Topology of CBRAM/MIM-based SPDT switch. Inset in green border show...Figure 2.30. Photograph of fabricated CBRAM-based electronically reconfigurable ...Figure 2.31. RF transmission characteristics of fabricated CBRAM-based non-volat...Figure 2.32. Isolation characteristics of fabricated CBRAM based non-volatile SP...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Block diagram of RF equipment setup similar to bistatic radar used f...Figure 3.2. Photograph of bistatic radar setup used for RCS measurement of chipl...Figure 3.3. Block diagram of a modern compact chipless RFID reader (redrawn from...Figure 3.4. Geometry of electronically rewritable resonator for chipless RFID ta...Figure 3.5. Photograph of fabricated electronically rewritable chipless RFID tag...Figure 3.6. Experimentally measured and simulated (full-wave) RCS response of el...Figure 3.7. Experimentally measured and simulated (full-wave) RCS response of el...Figure 3.8. Topology of electronically rewritable resonator for chipless RFID ap...Figure 3.9. Photograph of fabricated electronically rewritable chipless RFID tag...Figure 3.10. Experimentally measured RCS response of electronically rewritable c...Figure 3.11. Simulated (full-wave) RCS response of electronically rewritable chi...Figure 3.12. Simulated RCS response of a single electronically rewritable resona...Figure 3.13. Multiscatterer-based chipless RFID tag using “C”-shaped resonatorsFigure 3.14. Representation of resonance frequency of scattering resonator-based...Figure 3.15. Representation of resonance frequency of scattering resonator-based...Figure 3.16. Electrical equivalent model of “C”-shaped multiresonator-based chip...Figure 3.17. Electrical equivalent model of electronically rewritable “C”-shaped...Figure 3.18. Response of electrical equivalent model of Tag 1 from section 3.3.1...Figure 3.19. Response of electrical equivalent model of Tag 2 from section 3.3.1...Figure 3.20. Response of electrical equivalent model of electronically rewritabl...Figure 3.21. Variation of resonance frequency of an electronically rewritable re...Figure 3.22. Resonance frequency map of rewritable resonator for variation of CM...Figure 3.23. Geometry of electronically rewritable resonator for chipless RFID t...Figure 3.24. “Crisscross” arrangement of resonance frequencies in an electronica...Figure 3.25. “Tuned out” arrangement of resonance frequencies in an electronical...Figure 3.26. Concept of frequency shift coding used in chipless RFID tags, and a...Figure 3.27. Illustration of concept of proposed electronically rewritable chipl...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Topology of proposed electronically reconfigurable band-stop filter....Figure 4.2. Photograph of fabricated electronically reconfigurable shorted stub-...Figure 4.3. Photograph of fabricated electronically reconfigurable open stub-bas...Figure 4.4. Experimentally obtained S21 response of electronically reconfigurabl...Figure 4.5. Experimentally obtained S11 response of electronically reconfigurabl...Figure 4.6. Experimentally obtained S21 response of electronically reconfigurabl...Figure 4.7. Experimentally obtained S11 response of electronically reconfigurabl...Figure 4.8. Electrical equivalent model of electronically reconfigurable shorted...Figure 4.9. Surface current distribution of electronically reconfigurable shorte...Figure 4.10. Surface current distribution of electronically reconfigurable short...Figure 4.11. S21 response of electrical equivalent model of electronically recon...Figure 4.12. S11 response of electrical equivalent model of electronically recon...Figure 4.13. Electrical equivalent model of electronically reconfigurable open s...Figure 4.14. Surface current distribution of electronically reconfigurable open ...Figure 4.15. Surface current distribution of electronically reconfigurable open ...Figure 4.16. S21 response of electrical equivalent model of electronically recon...Figure 4.17. S11 response of electrical equivalent model of electronically recon...Figure 4.18. Resonance frequency as a function of CMIM for electronically reconf...Figure 4.19. Resonance frequency calculated using [4.1]–[4.3] for set (low imped...Figure 4.20. Resonance frequency calculated using [4.1]–[4.3] for reset (high im...Figure 4.21. Topology of proposed electronically reconfigurable band-pass filter...Figure 4.22. Simulated (full-wave) RF response of electronically reconfigurable ...Figure 4.23. Topology of electronically reconfigurable band-stop filter with mul...Figure 4.24. Simulated (full-wave) RF response of electronically reconfigurable ...Figure 4.25. Topology of proposed model of band-stop filter with multifrequency ...Figure 4.26. Simulated (full-wave) RF response of electronically reconfigurable ...Figure 4.27. Topology of electronically pattern reconfigurable antenna with inte...Figure 4.28. Simulated (full-wave) return loss (S11) characteristics of electron...Figure 4.29. Simulated (full-wave) H-plane radiation pattern of electronically p...Figure 4.30. Simulated (full-wave) E-plane radiation pattern of electronically p...Figure 4.31. Simulated (full-wave) 3D radiation pattern of electronically patter...Figure 4.32. Simulated (full-wave) 3D radiation pattern of electronically patter...Figure 4.33. Simulated (full-wave) surface current patterns on the antenna and p...Figure 4.34. Simulated (full-wave) surface current patterns on the antenna and p...Figure 4.35. Photograph of fabricated electronically pattern reconfigurable ante...Figure 4.36. MVG Starlab® automatic 3D radiation pattern measurement system. For...Figure 4.37. Experimental and simulated (full-wave) return loss (S11) characteri...Figure 4.38. Experimentally obtained H-plane radiation pattern of electronically...Figure 4.39. Experimentally obtained E-plane radiation pattern of electronically...Figure 4.40. Experimentally obtained 3D radiation pattern of electronically patt...Figure 4.41. Variation of H-plane gain (full-wave simulation) of electronically ...Figure 4.42. Variation of E-plane gain (full-wave simulation) of electronically ...Figure 4.43. Concept of flexible and electronically pattern steerable transmit a...

      5 Appendix AFigure A.1. Illustration of experimental setup used for observation of conductiv...Figure A.2. Photograph of experimental setup used for observation of conductive ...Figure A.3. Microphotographs of different phase of filament formation in copper-...Figure A.4. Microphotographs of filament observed in forming process in copper-n...Figure A.5. Zoomed microphotograph of filament observed in forming process in co...

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1. Comparison of general categories of RF switching technologiesTable 1.2. Performance parameter features distinguishing requirements for memory...Table 1.3. Targeted and desired improvements for CBRAM RF switching technology a...

      2 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Comparison of realized CBRAM-based CPW shunt mode RF switch with the ...Table 2.2. Parameter values of analytically fitted electrical model, along with ...Table 2.3. Comparison of fabricated CBRAM-based CPW shunt mode RF switches on pa...

      3 Chapter 3Table 3.1. Measurement of solid-state rewritable chipless RFID tags on FR-4 subs...Table 3.2. Measurement of solid-state rewritable chipless RFID tags on paper sub...Table 3.3. Optimized electrical equivalent model component values of rewritable ...Table 3.4. Optimized electrical equivalent model component values of rewritable ...

      4 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Dimensions of electronically reconfigurable band-stop filters for geo...Table 4.2. Parameter values of electrical equivalent model of electronically rec...Table 4.3. Comparison of experimentally obtained and mathematical model values o...Table 4.4. Enhancement in filter parameters as a function of number of identical...Table 4.5. Dimensions of electronically pattern reconfigurable antenna geometry ...


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