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Apocalypse «Beginning of the End». Азизбек Набиевич КарамзинЧитать онлайн книгу.

Apocalypse «Beginning of the End» - Азизбек Набиевич Карамзин

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wasn't sure nor had I ever heard of such an experience. In any case, there was nothing to lose. Need to try! After climbing into the car, and making sure that all appliances, including the stove and headlights, are turned off, and the key is turned to the ignition position. With difficulty pressing the brake pedal, shifted the gearbox to neutral. Then, turning the steering wheel to a U-turn, he released the brake. The car reluctantly rolled back and, having run over the leg of the suicide girl, rolled out onto the road with its front wheel.

      The car began to pick up speed very slowly, and in the meantime I was trying to figure out at what speed it is better to shift the gearbox and in what position should I put it? Regarding speed, it was definitely worth accelerating as long as possible, the faster it is, the better.

      Looking at the selector, I realized that the choice is small: there was only the “D” position, and then the possibility of lowering by switching down again. A special piquancy of the situation was given by rain flooding the windshield, reducing visibility to a minimum.

      Firmly clutching the steering wheel with wet hands, I peered at the road, occasionally glancing at the dashboard:

      Now the speedometer shows 3 km / h

      To the end of the mountain slope is approximately 1139 meters

      The car continued to pick up speed confidently, and the rain poured more and more intensively outside the window. The arrow on the dim instrument panel slowly crept up.

      I was more and more doubtful. What if the wheels stop and I get skidded? How long is the flight from this mountain? With every second it became more and more dangerous …

      – I'm lucky!

      I pressed the gear selector button and with force abruptly switched it to the “D” position, depressing the gas pedal all the way. The SUV, almost without jerking, started up and roared the engine.

      Not believing my luck, I let off the gas, stopped the car, turned on the wipers and once again examined the instrument panel – everything worked fine. Confused only by an orange light bulb, indicating that gasoline is coming to an end. This car must have brutal appetites, you should be puzzled on this topic in the first place.

      The radio tape recorder started playing, and the mood immediately improved. To an unfamiliar cheerful tune, I directed the car down the serpentine towards the city, on the way thinking about my past life, and what to do now


      Almost two months have already passed since the beginning of the epidemic, and maybe more. I couldn't be more precise because I didn't remember exactly when it all started. Until today, I have been hiding in a construction town where workers were working on building a cell tower on the outskirts of the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

      For me, as for others, the end of the world (if you can call it that) came unexpectedly, but I was much more fortunate than many, because he found me in a relatively safe place. From the top of the mountain, on which the construction town settled, which has now become my refuge, it was clearly visible that something terrible was happening in the city. Fires and shots, and sometimes even explosions, have now become commonplace.

      It all started with disturbing news reports that I watched in the morning, waking up in my hotel room. Every day there were more and more reports, and the events described in them looked more and more like fantastic plots from a horror movie. News releases so excited and occupied me that I had to be late for work, inspecting the next emergency inclusion of live broadcast. Very soon, the events taking place became so large-scale that all channels stopped broadcasting anything but them.

      Two weeks passed before the horrors of the news spread to the streets of Leninsko-Kuznetsky. I have not yet encountered them, but only heard about the first infected from people with whom I spoke at work. And then one day, none of my employees came to the shift, calling and finding various excuses for this. In the city, single shots and the roar of automatic bursts were heard. The sirens did not stop day or night.

      As usual, I tried to call a taxi, but I could not get through to the dispatcher.

      About a month later, cellular communication and the Internet disappeared, completely depriving me of information about the epidemic spreading in the world. However, the dynamics of past events and the way the connection was lost spoke very eloquently that nothing good was waiting for me, like other people.

      The world as I knew it was dying. A terrible epidemic struck city after city, country after country with such swiftness that the hair stood on end.

      According to the Internet, foci of infection were identified around the world in the first two weeks. The infected, maddened, rushed at people, trying to bite them and even eat them. After some time, the bitten ones also went crazy, and they themselves rushed at others, even if they were members of their family: an elderly mother or a defenseless baby huddled in a corner … It doesn’t matter … The infected turned into real animals, striving to plunge their dirty smelly teeth, thereby spreading a deadly infection.

      YouTube was filled with gory videos of infected lunatics throwing themselves at healthy people and tearing them with their teeth. Unfortunately, the Internet was slow and the videos had to be watched in very poor quality, but this did not prevent us from realizing the scale of the disaster around the world. First, quarantine was introduced and borders were closed, and military checkpoints appeared at airports, railway stations and sea routes. Then they talked about mass desertions among the military. After some time, the government stopped commenting on anything at all. It became obvious that he was no more, and the government could not protect anyone.

      People saw death through the windows, it was bursting at their doors. Fear, spiced with the smell of blood and death, was in the air, and everyone felt it. The cacophony of breaking glass, gunshots, screams, car alarms, the howls and groans of the infected turned into an endless rumble that made the blood run cold.

      A little later, videos began to appear in which brave guys taught how best to kill the infected. It turned out that it was not so easy. The Infected were not susceptible to pain, and even gunshots did not immediately kill them. But a good blow to the head or spine killed on the spot. The people who told this also said that one should not be afraid to take the life of the infected, even if it is a relative or close person. They are already dead, and what is standing in front of you is a monster in the guise of your loved one. About a week later, there were reports that military depots were to be reopened, and civilians were given weapons (one barrel per hand) and a certain number of cartridges for it. Weapons were issued according to the passport and only to those who did not have a criminal record. Judging by the news, despite the general devastation and the fact that almost the entire army fled, there are still people who are true to their duty. Only thanks to them in the cities there were still some echoes of the former order.

      Then I found out where the point of issuing weapons was in Leninsko-Kuznetsk, but I could not bring myself to go there, coming up with new excuses for myself every day. I was ashamed to admit it, but I was afraid … afraid, as never before in my life, to the point of trembling in my legs. Here on top of the mountain I was safe. The supplies of food and water should have been enough for a long time, and I really hoped that by the time they were running out, everything would settle down and return to the usual course for everyone.

      After the connection was gone, in addition to my own skin, I was only worried about the fate of my sister and her daughter. Katya divorced her husband and moved, as she herself put it, “for a while” to live with me. It happened exactly a week before the first news about the epidemic. At that time, I, accustomed to a lonely life in a small apartment in the center of Novosibirsk, gladly agreed to a business trip to Leninsk-Kuznetsky, because my seven-year-old niece Vika was still a wild child, and after the “family reunion” it was impossible to rest in my house and dream. No, of course, I loved my sister and nephew very much, especially after the death of my mother they were the only relatives. They just appeared in my measured life at the wrong time and very impudently. I was glad to be able to leave them for a while. Now the thought of

      While there was a connection, I talked to Katya on the phone almost every day and knew that my relatives were relatively safe. As soon as the riots began, Katya's ex-husband arrived and took them and Vika to his cottage outside the city.


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