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Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission, Volume 1. Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission, Volume 1 - Группа авторов

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4.15 (a) Molecular structures and (b) PL and ML spectra of crystal tP...Figure 4.16 (a) Molecular structures of Py‐Bpin and Py‐Br. PL and ML spectra...Figure 4.17 (a) Molecular structure of FCO‐CzS. (b) Normalized PL spectra an...Figure 4.18 (a) Molecular structure and (b) PL spectra at different temperat...Figure 4.19 (a) Molecular structure of CzS‐CH3 and CzS‐C2H5. (b) Intermolecu...Figure 4.20 (a) Molecular structure of ImBr. (b)–(d) PL and ML pictures and ...Figure 4.21 (a) Molecular structure and multicolor switching of BrFlu‐CBr. (...Figure 4.22 (a) Molecular structure of tPE‐2‐Th and tPE‐3‐Th. (b) PL and ML ...Figure 4.23 Schematic diagram of practical application based on tPE‐2‐Th....Figure 4.24 (a) Molecular structure and design strategy of DOS. (b) Luminesc...Figure 4.25 (a) Molecular structure of p‐FP2OC3. (b) Normalized PL spectra o...Figure 4.26 (a) Molecular structure of BF2AVB. (b) Photographs of green crys...Figure 4.27 (a) Molecular structure of BP2VA. (b) Photographs of the ground ...Figure 4.28 (a) Molecular structure. (b) Electrostatic potential. (c) Molecu...Figure 4.29 (a) Molecular structure and fluorescence images of the original ...Figure 4.30 (a) Molecular structure and (b) photographs of single crystals a...Figure 4.31 (a) The steady‐state photoluminescence and phosphorescence spect...Figure 4.32 (a) Steady‐state PL and OURTP spectra with OURTP lifetime and PL...Figure 4.33 (a) Molecular structure and (b) energy level diagram for electro...Figure 4.34 (a) Molecular structure and the related PL data, photographs of ...Figure 4.35 (a) Molecular structure and the carton modes for their packing s...Figure 4.36 (a) Molecular structure and room temperature phosphorescence (RT...Figure 4.37 (a) Molecular design strategy of CS‐C n H2n+1. (b) Variation tende...Figure 4.38 (a) Molecular structure, single‐molecular configuration, and ant...Figure 4.39 (a) Molecular structure of TBBU. (b) and (c) Crystal structure o...Figure 4.40 (a) Photographs of PBA‐MeO crystal before and after irradiation....Figure 4.41 (a) Molecular structure and photographs of CAA before and after ...Figure 4.42 (a) Molecular structure and photographs of BDBT, FBDBT, ClBDBT, ...Figure 4.43 (a) Molecular structure of TMOT, DMOT, and CYAD. (b) Trajectory ...Figure 4.44 (a) Molecular structure and phosphorescence spectra before and a...Figure 4.45 (a) Molecular structure and phosphorescence spectra before and a...Figure 4.46 (a) Molecular structure of PCzT, BCzT, and FCzT. (b) Lifetime de...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 The structures of different categories of clusteroluminogens and ...Figure 5.2 (a) Chemical structures of quinuclidine (1), trimethylamine (2) a...Figure 5.3 (a) Chemical structures of polyethylene glycol (PEG), poly(ethyle...Figure 5.4 Chemical structures of oligomeric siloxane. Ref. [107].Figure 5.5 Chemical structures of (a) atactic and isotactic polystyrene, Ref...Figure 5.6 (a) Plots of the PL intensity change at 290 and 460 nm, respectiv...Figure 5.7 (a) Absorption and (b) photoluminescence spectra of 1,2‐diphenyle...Figure 5.8 (a) Chemical structures of poly[(maleic anhydride)‐alt‐(2,4,4‐tri...Figure 5.9 Schematic illustration of the unconventional luminescence of (a) ...Figure 5.10 CTE of Au(I)–thiolate complexes to ultrabright Au(0)@Au(I)–thiol...

      6 Chapter 6Chart 6.1 Structure of TPE derivatives.Figure 6.1 Images of TPE1 (a)–(d) and TPE2 (f)–(i): (a), (f) pristine crysta...Figure 6.2 Photos of (a) TPE5CA, (b) TPE5CB, (c) TPE5Am under 365 nm UV illu...Figure 6.3 (a) View of C−H⋯O (green dashed line) and (b) C−H⋯π (red das...Figure 6.4 View of C−H⋯O (green dashed line) interactions between molecules ...Figure 6.5 Fluorescent images and PL spectra of TPE13 converting reversibly ...Chart 6.2 Structure of DBF derivatives.Figure 6.6 Photos of (a) DBF4CO, (b) DBF4Am, (c) DBF4CY, (d) DBF4CB, (e) PL ...Figure 6.7 Analysis of the C–H⋯π interactions (green line) in single cr...Figure 6.8 Photos of luminogen BPPX in different aggregate states: (a) BPPXB...Chart 6.3 Molecular structures of the DCNAC derivatives.Figure 6.9 Fluorescent photographs of the DCNAC derivatives (a) in solution ...Chart 6.4 Molecular structures of the R‐DHA derivatives.Figure 6.10 (a) Photos and their transformation diagram scheme of TDHA‐b, TD...Figure 6.11 (a) Molecular packing of crystal TDHA‐g. (b) Molecular packing o...Figure 6.12 Photo and PL spectra of DMAME film in the crystalline and amorph...Figure 6.13 (a) Molecular structures and Φ F of the benzamide‐based diph...Chart 6.5 Molecular structures and Φ F of the CSCz derivatives.Chart 6.6 Molecular structures of the Bo1‐9.Figure 6.14 Photographs of boron diiminates in crystalline and amorphous sta...Figure 6.15 The emission colors of Bodipy‐TPA‐BH‐COOH in single crystal and ...Figure 6.16 Repeated switching between dark and bright states of the emissio...Figure 6.17 (a) IVL characteristic and (b) current Φ F of an LED devic...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Photograph of triphenylbenzene derivative (TPAB) without clay (le...Figure 7.2 Left: Unit structure of synthetic saponite‐type clay minerals. Th...Figure 7.3 Conceptual potential energy curve of molecule under the S0 and S1 Figure 7.4 Left: Absorption spectra of methylene blue in Kunipia montmorillo...Figure 7.5 Absorption spectra of p‐TMPyP4+ with (red) and without (blue) cla...Figure 7.6 Structures of the dyes examined in this chapter.Figure 7.7 Plausible conceptual potential energy curves of the ground and ex...Figure 7.8 Left: Fluorescence spectra and fluorescence quantum yields (φ...Figure 7.9 Top: Fluorescence spectra normalized by absorbance at the excitat...Figure 7.10 Plausible conceptual potential energy curves of the ground and e...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Molecule structures of aggregation‐induced delayed fluorescence m...Figure 8.2 (a) Crystal structures of DBT‐BZ‐DMAC (CCDC 1483487); (b) molecul...Figure 8.3 The proposed photophysical mechanisms for AIDF molecules in solut...Figure 8.4 The main exciton dynamic processes for (a) a conventional luminog...Figure 8.5 (a) Luminance–current density–voltage and (b) current efficiency–...Figure 8.6 Molecule structures of aggregation‐induced delayed fluorescence m...Figure 8.7 (a) EL spectra, (b) current density–luminance–voltage, and (c) cu...Figure 8.8 (a) Optimized geometries, (b) HOMO and LUMO distributions, and (c...Figure 8.9 (a) Emission spectra of microcrystals of OPPh, OPNa, OPAn, and OP...Figure 8.10 Molecule structures of aggregation‐induced delayed fluorescence ...Figure 8.11 (a) Transient PL decay curves of 4,4‐CZSPz film carried out from...Figure 8.12 Molecular structure of PXZ2PTO and EQE–luminance characteristics...Figure 8.13 (a) (Left) Packing diagrams of 34AcCZ‐PM (CCDC 1877512) and (rig...Figure 8.14 EQE–luminance characteristics of the nondoped device based on ND...Figure 8.15 PL decay curve of the neat films of Pz‐DMNI. Inset in plot: mole...Figure 8.16 (a) Spatial distributions of HOMO and LUMO of the HPB‐based mole...Figure 8.17 Device configuration, molecular structures and EQE–luminance cha...Figure 8.18 Molecule structures of aggregation‐induced delayed fluorescence ...Figure 8.19 PL decay curve (left), molecule structure (center) and (C) the r...Figure 8.20 Molecular design and chemical structures of through‐space charge...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Representative AIEgens, including pentaphenylsilole [1], tetraphe...Figure 9.2 Homogeneous systems reviewed in this chapter. (a) Schematic illus...Figure 9.3 AIEgens showing strong emission in the presence of anions in homo...Figure 9.4 AIEgens showing strong emission in the presence of cations in hom...Figure 9.5 AIEgens showing strong emission by the formation of inclusion com...Figure 9.6 AIEgens showing strong emission after adhesion to macromolecules ...Figure 9.7 AIEgens showing strong emission due to steric hindrance restricti...Figure 9.8 AIEgens showing strong emission by covalent linkage restricting π...Figure 9.9 Liquid AIEgens.Figure 9.10 Chemically crosslinked gels and crosslinkers derived from AIEgen...Figure 9.11 AIEgens forming physically cross‐linked gels.Figure 9.12 Molecules forming crystalline materials derived from AIEgens.

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 (a) Schematics of ππ stacking, (b) hydrogen bonds, (c...Figure 10.2 Preparation methods. (a) vapor‐phase method, (b) liquid‐phase me...Figure 10.3 Common packing modes of cocrystals formed via 1 : 1 stoichiometr...Figure 10.4 Schematic diagram of HAITE based on cocrystal, represented by th...Figure 10.5 (a) Structures of the reported donors and acceptors used in HAIT...Figure

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