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Introduction to UAV Systems. Mohammad H. SadraeyЧитать онлайн книгу.

Introduction to UAV Systems - Mohammad H. Sadraey

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guns, and other weapons of an infantry platoon or squad. Switchblade was fielded on an emergency basis in Afghanistan beginning in 2012.

      There are a number of similar UAVs developed by other companies. Examples are Lockheed Martin Terminator, Mistral HERO‐30SF, Textron Systems BattleHawk, SAAB AT4 CS, Booz Allen Hamilton Vampire, Prox Dynamics Black Hornet, and Area‐I Air‐Launched, Tube‐Integrated, Unmanned System, or ALTIUS‐600.

      1 What do HALE, MALE, UCAV, FLOT, AGL, MSL, and EW stand for?

      2 Write classes of UAVs based on manufacturing location.

      3 Write classes of UAVs based on user.

      4 Write classes of UAVs based on mission.

      5 Write classes of UAVs based on size.

      6 Write classes of UAVs based on wing configuration.

      7 Write classes of UAVs based on number of uses.

      8 Write classes of UAVs based on altitude/range/endurance.

      9 Which FAR part governs small UAVs?

      10 What group of aircraft are often referred to as “model airplane”?

      11 What is the definition of very low‐cost close‐range required by the Marine Corps?

      12 What is the definition of close‐range in this chapter?

      13 What is the definition of short‐range in this chapter?

      14 What is the definition of mid‐range in this chapter?

      15 What is the loiter capability of an endurance UAV?

      16 How do we distinguish missiles from “unmanned aerial vehicles”?

      17 Define intelligence as the mission for a UAV.

      18 Define surveillance as the mission for a UAV.

      19 Define reconnaissance as the mission for a UAV.

      20 What is the mission for tier I UAVs in the US Air Force? Provide an example.

      21 What is the mission for tier II UAVs in the US Air Force? Provide an example.

      22 What is the mission for tier II+ UAVs in the US Air Force? Provide an example.

      23 What is the mission for tier III− UAVs in the US Air Force? Provide an example.

      24 What is the weight group for tier I UAVs in the US Marine Corps? Provide an example.

      25 What is the weight group for tier II UAVs in the US Marine Corps? Provide an example.

      26 Provide an example for tier III UAVs in the US Marine Corps.

      27 What is the weight group for tier I UAVs in the US Army? Provide an example.

      28 What is the mission for tier II UAVs in the US Army? Provide an example.

      29 What is the mission for tier III UAVs in the US Army? Provide an example.

      30 What mission accounts for most of the UAV activity to date?

      31 What is tier in UAV classification?

      32 List size classes of UAVs that are presented in this chapter.

      33 What is the typical size range for very small UAVs?

      34 Briefly describe the characteristics of DJI Phantom 4 Pro.

      35 Briefly describe the characteristics of RQ‐11A Raven.

      36 What is the range of data link for Bayraktar UAV?

      37 Write typical wingspan and payload weight for medium UAVs.

      38 Write three examples of air vehicles for the class of medium UAVs.

      39 What were prime operational missions of RQ‐2 Pioneer?

      40 Briefly describe the characteristics of BAE Systems Skyeye R4E UAV.

      41 Write four UAVs that are equipped with a rotary or piston engine.

      42 What is the most unique feature of the Skyeye, when it was fielded? Discuss.

      43 Write two disadvantages of a nose gear when the camera payload is located under the fuselage nose?

      44 Which UAS was the first one to replace the terminated Aquila system as the standard “Short Range” UAS for the US Army?

      45 Write names of three UAVs that were made of composite materials.

      46 Briefly describe the characteristics of RQ‐5A Hunter.

      47 What was the mission of Hermes 450/Watchkeeper?

      48 Write length, height, and engine power of Northrop Grumman MQ‐8B Fire Scout.

      49 Write the name of a UAV with a tilt‐rotor configuration.

      50 What are the maximum cruise speed and ceiling of Bell Eagle Eye?

      51 Write two example UAVs (one for the lower range and one for the high end) of the large UAV group.

      52 Write: (1) wingspan, (2) length, and (3) total payload weight of the MQ‐1 Predator A.

      53 Write cruise speed and endurance of the MQ‐1 Predator A.

      54 What can an MQ‐1 Predator A provide as its mission?

      55 What are the payload sensors for surveillance applications in the RQ‐4 Global Hawk?

      56 What is an expendable UAV?

      57 What is the type and mission of the Switchblade 300?

      58 Write features of the wing and fuselage of the Switchblade 300.

      59 What are the cruise speed and ceiling of the Switchblade 300?

      60 What are two payloads of the Switchblade 300?

      61 Write the maximum speed, endurance, and ceiling of ScanEagle.

      62 For ScanEagle, what are: (1) the maximum takeoff weight and (2) weight of payload?

      63 What are sensors of Boeing‐Insitu ScanEagle?

      64 According to FAR Parts 48 and 107, may you operate an sUAS at night in the US? Why?

      65 What UAV is defined as a small unmanned aircraft by FAR?

      66 Name four expendable UAVs and their manufacturers.

      67 List missions of Insitu ScanEagle.

      68 Describe the performance of the XQ‐58 Valkyrie.

      69 What is the capacity of bombs in the XQ‐58 Valkyrie?

      70 Write: (1) wingspan, (2) length, and (3) total payload weight of the Bayraktar TB2.

      71 Write the maximum speed and endurance of the Bayraktar TB2.

      72 What can a Bayraktar TB2 provide as its mission?

      73 What is the payload of Bayraktar TB2?


      1 1 Model airplane – generally known collectively as the sport and pastime of aeromodelling – here is not an aircraft model for the wind tunnel application. It is a small remotely controlled (RC) plane that is often designed by non‐aeroengineer traditional airplane enthusiasts and is usually built in a garage.

      This part introduces the subsystem at the heart of any UAS, the air vehicle. The section begins with a basic discussion of the aerodynamics (Chapter 3), followed by illustrations of how to analyze the key areas of air‐vehicle performance (Chapter 4) and flight stability and control (Chapter

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