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Introduction to UAV Systems. Mohammad H. SadraeyЧитать онлайн книгу.

Introduction to UAV Systems - Mohammad H. Sadraey

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_1cd97201-75a2-5f34-9604-e06db90c1918">Figure 3.8). As the airfoil angle of attack increases, the pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces will be higher.

Schematic illustration of pressure distribution for an airfoil section.

      (3.4)c Subscript normal l Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over c EndFraction integral Subscript 0 Superscript c Baseline left-parenthesis upper C Subscript p l Baseline minus upper C Subscript p u Baseline right-parenthesis normal d x

      where Cpl and Cpu are pressure coefficients at the lower and upper surfaces respectively, and c is the airfoil chord. Thus, the lift is produced due to the pressure difference between the lower and upper surfaces of the wing/tail. References such as [8, 10, and 11] provide techniques to determine the pressure distribution around any lifting surface such as the wing. The variations of lift coefficient versus angle of attack are often linear below the stall angle. The UAVs are usually flying at an angle of attack below the stall angle (about 15 degrees).

Photo depicts the Boeing Insitu RQ-21 Blackjack. Schematic illustration of net pressure distribution over an airfoil. Schematic illustration of spanwise pressure distribution around a 3d wing. Schematic illustration of downwash.

      Aerodynamics textbooks (e.g., Reference [8]) are a good source to consult for information about mathematical techniques for calculating the pressure distribution over the wing and for determining the flow variables.

      The drag polar will later be shown to be parabolic in shape and define the minimum drag (or zero‐lift drag), CDo, or drag that is not attributable to the generation of lift. A line drawn from the origin and tangent to the polar gives the minimum lift‐to‐drag ratio that can be obtained. It will also be shown later that the reciprocal of this ratio is the tangent of the power‐off glide angle of an air vehicle. The drag created by lift or induced drag is also indicated on the drag polar.

      The drag coefficient is the sum of two terms: (1) zero‐lift drag coefficient (CDo) and (2) induced drag coefficient (CDi). The first part is mainly a function of friction between air and the aircraft body (i.e., skin friction), but the second term is a function of local air pressure, which is represented by the lift coefficient. Pressure drag is mainly produced by flow separation. The sum of the pressure drag and skin friction (friction drag – primarily due to laminar flow) on a wing is called profile drag. This drag exists solely because of the viscosity of the fluid and the boundary layer phenomena.

      The drag coefficient is a function of several parameters, particularly UAV configuration. A mathematical expression for the variation of the drag coefficient as a function of the lift coefficient is

      (3.5)upper C Subscript normal upper D Baseline equals upper C Subscript normal upper D Sub Subscript normal o Baseline plus upper K upper C Subscript normal upper L Baseline squared

      This equation is sometimes referred to as aircraft “drag polar.” The variable K is referred to as the induced drag correction factor. It is obtained from

      where e is the Oswald span efficiency factor and AR is the wing aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of wingspan over wing mean aerodynamic chord (b/C). It is also equal to wingspan squared divided by wing area or b2/S. The variable AR is further discussed in this chapter.

Schematic illustration of airplane drag polar.

      A real three‐dimensional conventional aircraft normally is mainly composed of a wing, a fuselage, and a tail. The wing geometry

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