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Message from the matrix of humanity. SILVA OMSANTIPEDIAЧитать онлайн книгу.

Message from the matrix of humanity - SILVA OMSANTIPEDIA

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of fractal geometry, did not take it seriously many colleagues, that he not only has an enormous leap at the scientific level accomplished for mankind in all areas by, but a key was found on a spiritual level, it makes us possible the ancient knowledge of the civilizations now be able to implement logical.


Mandelbrot found, that fractals are not only a new set in the mathematics, but all, but also all, consists of fractals. The Universe, the world and life. He once claimed, he could see these Fractals on once, he thought he had a special gift.

      Just as first describes the Declaration of seeing, that one gets pulses and the images are assembled only in the visual centre, so he got these impulses to see it that way and to recognize, to give mankind a the main points and knowledge of science.


      In reality it was not a gift, but an order for humanity, or opened in a new sense Mandelbrot, by honing his visual perception. In this sense Mandelbrot was inadvertently, he could see in its structure all at once only. (In Indian or shamanistic rituals you can expand the senses or call even completely new in a particular trance meditation.)

      All that, what we have now considered scientifically, is practically all statements, Already a long time before it has ever been the first religions, spotlight in the first scripts of the world.

      Long time, well before the beginning of the first religions, there were people at a much higher level of consciousness, they were interdimensional and sensual gifted. They communicated via telepathy and vibrations, as in nature. They agreed and thus were their vibrations in unison and they produced an enormous potential of positive force fields.


      Even the covers again with the current state of quantum physics, because since you are now of the opinion, that with every act, Action, Save words and thoughts not only on our own hard drive (our karma), but also in the universal matrix, and there it is saved for all eternity. And this is much more than just a personal thing, because that we may work the vibration at, which keeps our earth's magnetic field in balance or pushes out of rhythm.

      It is probably true, that a single soul can not really do any damage, But it's not only a soul, but large masses of humanity. That is why every single person we obliged to take responsibility for our planet and our species to protect and make our energetic contribution.

      Our goal is to, to bring our planet and its species again in this high form of consciousness of the ancient civilizations. But he who separates himself from the Universal unit, oscillates separately and produces a negative force field of the opposite polarity generated at the Earth's magnetic field.

       Through many small negative energy fields are generated frequency interference, have not only fatal consequences for the nature, but also for us humans. Just as the migratory birds flying against their instincts in the wrong direction and whales, stranded by frequency interference, also a part of humanity running aimlessly through life. Loneliness, Depression, Dissatisfaction, is then a constant companion.

      In view of complex dimensions, and other levels of consciousness, opens up for us a whole new perspective. We need to turn these vibrations, so that the current, regenerated distorted geomagnetic field again. The only way to prevent a collapse of our social systems. If we were all not so stubborn close our eyes, we would, so we would not even hurt, lead a different life. We would be careful to not post negative emotions in the matrix, which in turn offers the next generation the negative as possible. We should also bear in mind, that we are, the incarnate again and we in the us “Here and Now” create the so-called karma.

      The history of our world shows us yet again, that humanity over and over again even destroyed by their counterparts polarity. It must now what happened, that we change our paradigms, only then can we benefit from it and get our species upright. Our society must rethink, we have our neocortex (recognize the headquarters of the logic and its) reduce, and the limbic system (the headquarters of the feelings) activate.

      This allows us to activate the pineal gland, which in turn activates our psychic sense, by neurotransmitters or hormones, we can thus slip into the visionaries and therefore we have to adjust our thinking mechanism.

      At the moment we live in a technologically driven world, only the “Here and Now” pretends, yet we see that all the knowledge of the current state of scientific knowledge has always stood in the ancient scriptures and it is not our duty as human, take finally to begin our task as a social being!

      If we do not stop us as human beings and our personal stories so important to take, to do but our responsibility and mission for the offspring and thus for ourselves, because we are our offspring in the next incarnation. We must reap the once, what we sow today.

       Let us look at ourselves, we see much, which coincides with the scientific knowledge.

      The ego has no reality, it's just an idea. One does not bring with, when one comes to this world. It is not part of our ego, it is formed and shaped by our actions , Actions and our thoughts on our Journey. Copes By the way how its individual life.

      When a child is born, it brings no ego with the world. The ego is something, what it learns, through the school of life, it is not part of our genetics. The self creates itself, because each soul is unique, every soul has to deal his own style and maturity with the situations of life.

      We get the information about the act of this matrix, as explained earlier using the quantum physics. But is there now only negatives stored, I get as an option automatically misinformation and negative information. Our human life becomes very complicated and we are losing more and more the orientation. We can no longer use our mind to higher things and take all our days on the spot.

      For this reason, the unique, there is this possibility, to create the ego and to shape. Even science says today, we can change our consciousness matter!

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