Summer Food - 600 Delicious Recipes For Hungry Party Guest. Jill JacobsenЧитать онлайн книгу.
grams of green asparagus
6 shallots
150 grams of lean smoked bacon
1-2 tablespoons oil
120 milliliters of white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon vegetable stock (instant)
2-3 tablespoons liquid honey
3 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Salt and freshly ground pepper
2 bunches (so to the. 300 grams) mixed herbs for Frankfurt Green Sauce
120 grams of salad cream
120 grams of sour cream
The preparation sequence
Thoroughly clean potatoes in water. Covered in boiling water so the. Cook for 20 minutes. Meanwhile eggs cook 6-8 minutes awake soft in boiling water.
Asparagus cut generously underwater washing and woody ends. Chop asparagus into small pieces. Drain potatoes, cold discourage and eventually peel. Shred or chop into four pieces depending on the size in half.
Shallots Peel and finely dice. Bacon chop into small strips. Heat oil in a large skillet. Bacon crispy fry. Shallots, fry until soft. Remove.
Asparagus in hot cooking fat while turning so to the. Sauté 5 minutes. Deglaze with vinegar and 1/4 liter of water and heat again. Broth, honey and mustard and stir vigorously season with salt and pepper. Add bacon and shallot Mix again and all hot under the potatoes mixing How to. Infuse for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, for the sauce clean herbs in water, shake dry, pluck leaves and finely shred or chop chives into small rings. Salad cream, sour cream and herb mix. Season with salt and pepper.
Put the herb on the potato and mix everything. Peel eggs, coarsely chop and spread over the potato salad.
Ciabatta Bread salad with tomatoes, olives and feta
Serves 4 meals
150 grams Ciabatta bread
1 red onion
3 yellow tomatoes
3 green tomatoes
120 grams cherry tomatoes
1/2 cucumber
4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon sugar
Salt and freshly ground pepper
4 tablespoons olive oil
120 grams kalamata olives
5 teaspoons capers
200 grams feta cheese
4 sprigs basil
The preparation sequence
Ciabatta tear into bite size pieces and heated, preheated oven Electric stove: 120 ° C / with convection: 75 ° C) so the. Dry for 20 minutes.
Peel onion, chop in half and crush into fine rings. Clean tomatoes in water, wipe dry. Mince green and yellow tomatoes in half, remove the stalk. Chop tomatoes in columns.
Clean cucumber in water, dry it, clean it, chop lengthwise into two halves. Each half lengthwise into thirds and chop into small pieces.
Vinegar with sugar, salt and pepper, embezzled oil. Give bread, onion, tomatoes, cucumber, olives and capers in a bowl, give vinaigrette over it. Salad and refrigerate so the. Infuse 20 minutes.
Feta cubes. Clean basil in water, shake dry, pluck leaves and chop into strips. Serve salad in bowls and garnish with feta and basil.
Colorful salad on ciabatta bread
Serves 4 meals
1 fresh ciabatta bread (so to the. 500 grams)
50 grams of butter
300 grams Kassel Salmon
4-5 tablespoons of oil
600 grams of colorful peppers
250 grams of cucumber
150 grams of radish (net)
1 Mini romaine lettuce (so to the. 150 grams)
1 medium onion
3 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar vinegar
Salt and freshly ground pepper
125 grams Mayonnaise
80 grams of tomato ketchup
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
The preparation sequence
From the bread to the center wedge-shaped cut a lid. Crushing lid into small cubes. Melt butter in a large frying pan and fry the bread cubes crispy while turning brown. Remove from the skillet and allow to cool.
Kassel also chop into cubes. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a skillet and fry the Kassel under Apply for 4-5 minutes. Also let cool.
Clean pepper, cucumber, radish and romaine lettuce, let underwater wash and dry. Diced peppers and chop radishes in columns. Chop cucumber lengthwise into four pieces and chop into slices. Lettuce into strips crush. Peel and chop the onion.
Vinegar, salt, pepper and onion mix. 2-3 tablespoons of oil misappropriated. Mix pepper, cucumber, radishes, lettuce and smoked with Bratsatz with the vinaigrette. Fill bread with plenty of salad. Give remaining salad in a bowl.
Mayonnaise, ketchup and milk mix. Season with Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and sugar. Something distributing the cocktail sauce over the salad in the bread and sprinkle with croutons. Crush bread into 4 pieces. Remaining sauce and croutons and other salad rich now.
Fresh mozzarella-melon salad
Ingredients for 6-8 meals
5 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 teaspoon brown sugar
6 tablespoons of good olive oil
400 grams of mozzarella
1 kg watermelon
3 ripe nectarines
1 large Pflücksalat
1 bunch mint
The preparation sequence
For the vinaigrette vinegar, salt, pepper and so the. 1 teaspoon sugar. Propose including oil.
Mince mozzarella into pieces. Crush melon in columns. Pulp from the shell crushing and leaching the cores. Shred flesh into pieces. Clean nectarines in water, chop into two halves, stone and chop into slices.
Clean Pflücksalat, clean water, spin dry and tear into large pieces. Clean mint in water, shake dry and pluck leaves. Mix all salad ingredients prepared with the vinaigrette.
Peppers and courgette salad with mozzarella and dried meat
Serves 4 meals
1 yellow pepper
1 red bell pepper
2 zucchini
2 cloves garlic
4 sprigs of rosemary
4 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and freshly ground pepper
8 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
120 grams of arugula