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in the German language, to distinguish the mythical primary race of Indo-Europeans of Northwest India more clearly from the ideological construct ‘Arier’ of recent times.”
This quotation is even more cynical than the one circulated in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, isn’t it? Are these “historians” not clandestinely trying to escape the moral responsibility for their so-called scientific doings? Even today they talk about ‘the Indo-European family of languages', but do not tell us which languages are not to be assigned to this family. They act as if all those problems created during the „Tausendjähriges Reich“ had been over for them since long. But do they really believe that it will work if they just spell the term “Aryans” differently? Should it now concern the Indian historians only? Can one be more hypocritical?
So, the immigrating “Aryans” bring the “Aryan” language “Protosanskrit” along with them to Northwest India. Then they refine their language to Sanskrit, devise the Sanskrit script and produce and deliver an abundance of great literature to the world. The “modern historians” specialised on this period and on this area are busy with their dating of events. What else could be more important than to determine precise dates when each and every writing was first published and to dispute on such issues “scientifically” with colleagues in the same field?
Since the emergence of Jainism and Buddhism about 2,600 years ago the history of India is well documented. During that period Sanskrit was no longer spoken. The literature on metaphysics, on science, on history, the books (Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Sutras) and the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata were, however, already known in the 7th century BC. So the “modern scientists” concluded precisely that this abundance of Sanskrit literature emerged before the 7th century BC only. So far, so good. The conquest and/or immigration is, however, dated around the 15th century BC. How was this dating determined? We add this question to our list of notes to be dealt with later. The ancient Sanskrit literature could accordingly by no means be older than the invasion and/or immigration of the “Aryans”, with Sanskrit as their language.
Rigveda is established as the oldest of the four Vedas because it doesn’t mention the other three Vedas. It is also supposed to be the oldest of all Sanskrit scripts composed around 1200 BC. We cannot see how “scientific” fixing of the dates of these books could particularly enlighten us. We won’t pass judgement on that. We only wonder why we are so totally unable to comprehend the stories told by the “modern historians” and indologists about the origin of Sanskrit literature. It would be unfair not to mention here that there is dissent about the dating acrobatics among these “scientists” as well as among different “scientific” disciplines.
It is agreed by all “modern scientists” that something like an “Aryan invasion” or an “Aryan immigration” must have taken place in India. How else would Sanskrit have found its way to India? A brilliant logic, no doubt. Where else should Sanskrit have come from? Do we find Sanskrit elsewhere? We do not know. No one can tell us. But one fact is striking indeed: the inventors of the theory of the “Aryan invasion” and/or of the “Aryan immigration” resemble the “Aryans” in their physiognomy. Is it only by coincidence? We won’t know. The diligent diggers, the archaeologists have yet to find evidence of an “Aryan conquest”, however. On the contrary. Their finding shocked the “Aryan-looking-scientists” for a while but could not shatter the whole theory. Because the archaeologists are principally unable to disprove the immigration of a language. Immigration of a language does not leave behind archaeological evidence, does it? No one can deny the presence of Sanskrit in India. Does it not brilliantly prove that the “Aryans” did at least immigrate into India?
And, as already mentioned, the “Aryans” were tall, strong, fair skinned, fair haired, blue or grey-eyed. So they would have been able to conquer Northwest India with ease if they had faced resistance. There was no doubt about the presence of the “Aryans” in India. Every simpleton who visits India can obviously see the “Nordic race” in Northwest India. In the south on the other hand the people are of short stature, dark-skinned and dark-eyed. “Scientists” imaging the “Aryans” are obsessed in describing this physical appearance. They were, as said, tall, strong, fair skinned, fair haired, blue or grey-eyed. People with these features are of course superior to others. Does the scientists’ obsession not actually indicate an urgent desire to identify themselves with these “Aryans”? Is this desire rather an indication of “Ich-Stärke” (ego-strength) or of “Ich-Schwäche” (ego-weakness)?
Naturally the “race”, allegedly inferior to the “Aryans”, had also a name. They were “Dravidians”. Unfortunately we have not come across such an exceptional “scholar” having the “qualities” of a Friedrich Maximilian Mueller, who could have told us whether they also did call themselves “Dravidians” in their early literature. Did the “Dravidians” have “early writings”? Did they have literature at all? We do not know. We do however wonder how the dynamic, self-conscious and clever “Aryans” obviously never compared themselves with the “Dravidians” in order to develop their own “we-consciousness”. There is no reference whatsoever to “Dravidians”, to “two races” or to “race” in any ancient Sanskrit script.
Shouldn’t this lacuna have been noticed by the “modern scientists” and been reflected upon? Anyway. We are not yet through with the stories we are told. The “Aryans”, having either invaded India or immigrated into India, displaced the “Dravidians” to the South, settled down, developed their “Protosanskrit” almost to perfection, devised a script, produced literature of high cultural value, brought this culture to the pushed out “Dravidians” and spread the “Aryan” culture over entire India. Helmuth von Glasenapp gave clear indication that the “Dravidians” too are not indigenous people (Ureinwohner) of India. They immigrated in the “earliest early period” from ‚Africa and Melanesia' to India. We won’t comment on this. We just take a note of this version of the earliest history of India. But we have many questions. It need not be specially mentioned that we don’t find answers to our questions in the “modern-scientific-literature”. It is even worse. Most of these questions have not even been raised yet.
What was the numerical ratio, for example, when the “Aryans” conquering and/or immigrating displaced the “Dravidians” to the South? Is it within the realm of the imagination of these scientists that the more unfavourable the ratio of the conquerors or of the immigrants to the inhabitants was, the more difficult and more improbable it would have been to drive them from the North to the South? The “Aryans” could not have passed the Hindukush in masses. Which routes could they have taken from the steppe to the south? How were the conditions of the routes? Did they encounter human beings on their way? Which ones? How much did they roam around until they discovered the only pass, the Hindukush?
What is known about their logistics? What were the prerequisites of logistic considerations for these grazing nomads in the central-Asiatic steppe? Were there any? Did these “historians” ever study a map of this area? Even if we accepted the story of “population explosion” in these nomadic societies, how should they have been able to keep their direction in an imponderable, incalculable terrain? Can one imagine how it should have functioned? If this proposition is accepted, we should find the central–Asiatic nomads all around. As generally known this is not the case. And don’t the nomads generally look at the ground or straight ahead? Doesn’t directional orientation in unknown, imponderable, incalculable terrain presuppose knowledge about the movements of the celestial bodies? How could the grazing nomads have developed skills in astronomy?
And what Helmuth von Glasenapp has told? Under the heading “The vedic period” on page 32? “ Those Aryans who immigrated through the mountain route of the Northwest into the watershed of Indus and subjugated in continuous fight the prior residents of the north-west corner of India in the 2nd millennium BC, were warriors of a youthful group of herdsmen, who did already some farming, but knew nothing of town planning and of fine artistic work.”
Instead of asking at least a few of the many obvious questions, the “Glasenapps” describe how different the physical characteristics of those the two races, “Aryans” and “Dravidians”, were. As already said, the “Aryans” were tall,