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Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR. Hans Ulrich KriensЧитать онлайн книгу.

Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR - Hans Ulrich Kriens

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      ENE East-northeast

      ENR En-route (AIP Publication)

      ENRT En-route

      EOBT Estimated off-block time

      EQPT Equipment

      Es Spanish

      ESE East-southeast

      EST Estimate or estimated

      ETA Estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival

      ETD Estimated time of departure or estimating departure

      ETO Estimated time over significant point

      EUR European Region

      Ev Every

      EXC Except

      EXER Exercise(s) or exercising or to exercise

      EXP Expect or expected or expecting

      EXTD Extend or extending


      FAC Facilities

      FAF French Air Force

      FAF Final Approach Fix

      FAL Facilitation of international air transport

      FAP Final approach point

      FATO Final approach and take-off area

      FAWP Final approach waypoint

      FBL Light (used to qualify icing, turbulence, interference or static reports)

      FC Funnel cloud

      FCST Forecast

      FEB February

      FG Fog

      FIC Flight information centre

      FIR Flight information region

      FIS Flight information service

      FL Flight level

      FLG Flashing

      FLT Flight

      FLTCK Flight check

      FLW Follow(s) or following

      FLY Fly or flying

      FM From

      FNA Final approach

      FLP Filed flight plan message

      FPM Feet per minute

      Fr French

      FREQ Frequency

      Fri Friday

      FRNG Firing

      FSL Full stop landing

      FSS Flight service station

      Ft Feet (dimensional unit)

      FU Smoke

      FZ Feezing

      FZDZ Freezing drizzle

      FZFG Freezing fog

      FZRA Freezing rain


      G Green

      G/A Ground-to-air

      G/A/G Ground-to-air and air-to-ground

      GAF German Air Force

      GCA Ground controlled approach system or ground controlled approach

      GAFOR General Aviation forecast

      GAMET Area forecast for low-level flights

      GAT General Aviation Terminal

      Ge German

      GEN General

      GEO Geographic or true

      GLD Glider

      GND Ground

      GNDCK Ground check

      GP Glide path

      GPS Global Positioning System

      GR Hail or soft hail

      GRIB Processed meteorological data in the form of grid point values expressed in binary form (aeronautical meteorological code)

      GS Ground speed


      H24 Continuous day and night service

      HBN Hazard beacon

      HDF High frequency direction finding station

      HDG Heading

      HEL Helicopter

      HF High frequency (3000 to 30000 kHz)

      HGT Height or height above

      HJ Sunrise to sunset

      HLDG Holding

      HN Sunset to sunrise

      HOL Holiday

      HPa Hectopascal

      HR Hours

      HS Service available during hours of schedule operation

      HVY Heavy (used to qualify weather phenomena such as rain, e.g. heavy hail = HVYGR)

      HX Not permanently active, no specific working hours

      Hz Hertz (cycle per second)


      IAC Instrument approach chart

      IAF Initial approach fix

      IAL Instrument approach and landing chart

      IAS Indicated air speed

      IAWP Intitial approach waypoint

      IBN Identification beacon

      IC Ice crystals (very small ice crystals in suspension, also known as diamond dust)

      ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation

      ICE Icing

      ID Identifier or identification or identify

      Ident Identification

      IF Intermediate approach fix

      IFF Identification friend/foe

       IFPS Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System

      IFPZ Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing Zone

      IFR Instrument flight rules

      IGA International general aviation

      ILS Instrument landing system

      IM Inner marker

      IMC Instrument meteorological condition

      IMPR Improve or improved

      IMT Immediate or immediately

      INA Initial approach

      INBD Inbound

      INCERFA Uncertainty phase

      INFOBRIEF Information

      INOP Inoperative

       INS Inch(es) (dimensional unit)

      INT Intersection

      INTL International

      INTST Intensity

      IR Ice on runway

      IWP Intermediate approach waypoint


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