Options for everybody. Stefan DeutschmannЧитать онлайн книгу.
href="#ulink_0ed1b818-2637-5636-914c-c872340db4da">4.3 Option strategies for beginners
4.4 Which strategies do we not adjust and why?
4.5 Adjustment of loss positions
4.7 Holistic consideration of adjusting
4.8 Adjusting a „naked“ Option
4.9 Adjusting Strangles and Straddles
4.10 Why you should not use Stop Loss Orders
5.1 Repetition of the most important basics
5.4 What is to be considered before entering the trade?
5.5 What is the difference between strategies with and without predefined loss limits?
5.6 How does VIX help you choose the right strategy?
5.7 Procedure and execution of a trade (Option selling)
5.8 Procedure and execution of a trade (earnings trade)
5.9 Procedure and execution of a trade (trading volatility)
5.10 Procedure and execution of a trade („close your eyes and sell puts“)
5.12 Procedure and execution of a trade (Ratio-Spreads)
Bullish Strategies
6.1 Covered Call
6.6 Long Put Vertical Spread
6.9 Short Call Vertical Spread
6.10 Broken Wing Butterfly
Figure 1: CatchMark Timber Trust Inc. (CTT), Preis in USD, vom 15.02.2019 16
Figure 2: Option chain of the SPY 28
Figure 3: Rights and obligations for buyers and sellers 41
Figure 4: P/L-Diagram (Long-Call) 47
Figure 5: P/L-Diagram (Short-Call) 49
Figure 6: P/L-Diagram (Iron Condor) 50
Figure 7: "Moneyness" #1 63
Figure 8: „Moneyness“ #2 64
Figure 9: Intrinsic & extrinsic value or „Moneyness“ 71
Figure 10: Gamma-Change during days into trade 81
Figure 11: : Gamma-Influence on your P/L during the trade 82
Figure 12: Gamma within different strategies 82
Figure 13: Gamma at different strikes 83
Figure 14: Thetadecay over time, combined with premium 88
Figure 15: Verhältnis Ratio of premium / theta decay 88
Figure 16: Vega in different strategies 91
Figure 17: Vega at different strikes and expirations 92
Figure 18: Different IV-Ranks and their interpretations 97
Figure 19: Calculating the IVR 99
Figure 20: Expected Move at IV=15 102
Figure 21: Expected Move at IV=30 102
Figure 22: VIX "Contango" 105