How To Release Inner Blockades. HOMEMADE LOVING'SЧитать онлайн книгу.
Day 2: A healthy mind is in a healthy body
Day 3: Health includes nutrition
Day 5: The list of positive things
Day 7: Prepare your destination
Day 10: It's the focus that counts
Bottom line of internal blockades
How to release inner blockades
You feel something holding you back and blocking you again and again? Negative thoughts and expectations plague you and you almost never have energy? You have no motivation and suffer from depression? All this isn't just your fault in the vast majority of cases. These negative thoughts, the lack of energy and the depressions are simply the manifestations of your past that you always carry deep inside you. She holds your prisoner and she influences you, but you are not at her mercy. The truth is, it's you who gives her that power. But that also means that you can take that power away from her again.
Blockades are not to be taken lightly. They can keep you from many things, including your personal success and happiness. But the good thing is that they can only have power over you if you give them that power yourself. Yes, it's true that the blockages manage to influence and even control you. However, this is only possible if you allow it.
The truth is that blockages are not magic and they are not wondrous boundaries for you. They are a result of natural processes that take place in your consciousness and subconscious. On the other hand, this also means that you can influence the blockades. You can take away the power you gave them. Then, when you have solved them, the path to your success and happiness is open to you.
In this book you will find out how to regain control of your life. You'll see what blockages really are and how they work. You will find out what you can do personally so that they don't stand in your way and you develop into the person you always wanted to be.
Inner blockades and what they cause in us
Let's first take a look together at what the blockages that hold you back are and what they can do to us. The fact is that with blockades it is much easier to solve them than with most problems, once we have seen through them, it is much easier to solve them.
What are blockades?
Whenever something holds you back and you don't act, whenever you feel paralyzed, when you feel irrational fears or constantly look for excuses instead of fighting your way through, then a blockade comes into action. They range from exaggerated shyness, fear of flying and heights to the inability to deal with other people and situations in a normal, open and freeway.
The blockages are in our subconscious. There they simply wait until we experience a certain situation. This situation then triggers the immediate effect of the blockade. They stand in our way if we want to be successful and happy.
Blockades arise without our conscious involvement. As long as we don't deal with them, they have the chance to become firmly established in us and, over time, to gain even more effectiveness. In the beginning they are able to just paralyze you a little, absorb your energy and destroy your motivation. If left untreated, they can become even stronger and make you completely incapable of action.
Blockades usually start very small and inconspicuous. There's the fear of approaching an unknown person. Since many feel a slight uneasiness in such a situation, this is not yet perceived as a problem. But this blockade can then constantly gain power until we withdraw completely from other people and thus also lose our friends.
But the fears that bring blockages are irrational. What can happen to you if you speak to someone you don't know and ask for directions, for example? However, we do not question these fears and this is also quite simply explained. What holds us back are emotions and these are stronger than any argument. Blockages control our feelings and we do not question these feelings. This also gives the blockades their power over us.
How inner blockades arise
Inner blockages arise in most of us in our childhood. But they can also arise later due to serious experiences. In both cases, they start with the fact that the events are perceived but not processed.
Blockades due to childhood
Children don't know the world yet and have to learn. They follow a few simple procedures that are given to them from the subconscious. Every day they experience positive and negative influences.
However, if a child experiences a trauma, it cannot cope with it. The feelings that the child controls at this moment remain and continue to have an effect even when the child is no longer a child and has already reached the age of 50.
It is important to understand that childhood experiences are not just a thing of the past. They remain in us. They run in our mind's eye and they bring up the same feelings in us as they did then.
The old popular wisdom that time heals all wounds is simply not true. The negative experiences with their emotions survive all the time in our subconscious. Not only are they not healed, they are constantly gaining power over us. Since each of us has had his or her own individual experiences, the causes of the blockages, which originate from childhood, are also different for each of us.
Let's take a simple example. Let's just say a kid had an argument with a classmate. The child was right and wants to win the argument, but as a result he is beaten. What's the result? The child can then no longer assert himself as an adult in a dispute, because the childhood experience has programmed it that it is better to lose a dispute than to be beaten up again.
Blockades due to negative thoughts
Blockages can also occur due to negative thoughts. Then we program ourselves with these thoughts to have no success. That's easy with phrases like "I can't do this"/"I can't do this"/
"I'm not good enough for this." If you only repeat them often enough and believe in them, these sentences become real beliefs and can then block you.
These negative thoughts distort our image of ourselves and the world that surrounds us. However, they usually do not come directly from us, but we take them from our parents, teachers, friends and partners and even often from the media. If we then repeat them for ourselves only often enough,