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Dear Paris. Laura PaulsenЧитать онлайн книгу.

Dear Paris - Laura Paulsen

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a short moment the guilty conscience arose to have eaten all six muffins in a row again. She could have divided the muffins into two evenings or eaten half of them for breakfast the next morning. That would certainly have been better for her figure and a first beginning to lose weight.

      But the guilty conscience only lasted for a moment. She was full, it had tasted good and she felt a bit happy somehow. The fact that chocolate released happiness hormones was well known - so you could also see that she had done something good for herself. She had done something for a little luck. Even if this happiness lasted only for a short time. The cat's jammer usually followed.

      He also did not miss this evening. For when she slipped out of her jogging suit at midnight and into her pyjamas, she took a look in the mirror of her wardrobe. What she saw there she didn't like at all - and all of a sudden the feelings of happiness and the good mood that she was in just a few minutes ago, on her couch in front of the TV, fell over.

      Sitting had had and turned into the opposite.

      "That's not a figure, that's a disaster!" she sobbed shaking her head.

      "No wonder I'm single and unemployed. Who wants to do something like that to themselves and have to see me all day or even touch me?"

      She reached into her non-existent waist with both hands and turned a little back and forth to look at herself from all sides.

      "Just look at that swimming tire around your belly and those thighs and that fat ass!" she shouted to her reflection.

      Though fat asses were trendy right now. Yes, if only he were alone!

      "If the Kardashians or Nicki Minajs of this world had these swim rings around their waist and these rammers as legs besides their fat ass, they wouldn't be so hot!"

      So this day ended in a sea of tears and Sharon cried himself frustrated to sleep. Not for the first time, because the rage about her appearance and her regular craving for food overcame her regularly, in more or less large distances. Each time she decided to eat less and healthier from now on. But only a few hours later the good resolutions were mostly forgotten and the greed for the delicacies so great that they were again delightfully bitten into the next piece of cake or into a bar of chocolate.

      That's exactly how it was the next morning. When she got up with big eyes at half past six because her alarm clock was ringing, the frustration of yesterday evening was almost forgotten. The memory of it, tried to repress it. She would have liked to have stayed in a cuddly, warm bed a little longer, but today her application training began and she had no choice. She had no choice but to get up.

      When she pulled up the blinds and opened the window, the sun was already shining from the blue sky and the air was springlike mild.

      "What a beautiful sunny day! Winter is coming to an end, at last." She stretched and stretched yawning. "It's worth going right out there. But first, have a nice breakfast. There's plenty of time before I have to go.

      It doesn't start till nine o'clock, the course."

      She enjoyed her breakfast, consisting of a large cup of coffee, four slices of toast bread with Nutella and a bowl of cornflakes, and surfed the Internet like every morning. There she read the latest news from all over the world on Twitter and Facebook.

      "Oh shit, it's Marc's birthday today, I would have missed it if Facebook wouldn't show it to me. But you can't remember everything. Write a nice greeting right away - although I hardly hear anything from him. Actually, I might as well drop it and congratulate him on his birthday. Always those fake friends you're not really friends with....... How long has it been since I last saw him! I haven't worked with him for years Well, I'm just a nice person and think of my former colleagues".

      After all, she was so absorbed in her timeline and the cute animal videos that were shown to her that she almost forgot that today was not a normal day, where she had plenty of time, but she had to go to application training. Why did time always have to go by so quickly when you were sitting at your laptop? The time seemed to become independent and to have one minute not 60 seconds more but only 30 seconds left. Everyone who surfed on the Internet probably knew this phenomenon.

      Nevertheless, she managed to get ready in time, took the subway to the S-Train station on time - and there she stood waiting for the train that usually came every ten minutes, but just didn't want to come today. Suddenly a loudspeaker announcement sounded:

      "Due to a technical malfunction, there are unfortunately delays in train services on the S42 line. We ask for your understanding"

      Oh, great! Technical malfunction on the first day of her application training, exactly on the line she had to drive!

      Sharon 's good mood, which she had still had when she got up, when she had been smiled at so beautifully by the radiant sun, vanished by the way. After a felt eternity of waiting, a train finally arrived, which was of course overcrowded with annoyed passengers. Luckily she only had to stand four stations in the crowded S-Bahn until she reached her destination. After another five minutes on foot she finally reached the building where the application training took place.

      It was ten minutes after nine when she opened the door to the training room. All participants and the lecturer focused their attention on Sharon.

      "Good morning. I'm Mrs. Schröder. I'm sorry I'm late, but there was a technical incident on the subway. I waited there forever."

      "Good morning. Sit in an empty seat. The S-Bahn has also become really bad, these constant failures. But everyone else made it on time. The best thing to do tomorrow is to start a little earlier and include this in your schedule, which could happen something unforeseen. This is part of the foresighted planning, which I teach you here in application training, among other things. You never know what's gonna happen and what's coming."

      The lecturer's voice had an instructive, strict undertone that Sharon didn't like at all. This could become something, with that!

      From one of the seats she heard the muffled voice of a man who apparently spoke to his seat neighbor.

      "Maybe it wasn't the S-Bahn, but the masses she was carrying around with her. You can't move that fast." Giggling followed.

      Sharon gave him a nasty look. "It certainly wasn't that," she whispered to him, feeling her bright red.

      Actually, she was rather reserved and not necessarily the one who reacted quick-witted. But she couldn't hold back from remarks like that. Too often she'd been hurt because of her looks.

      What an asshole! She thought, but didn't want to say it. The lecturer abstained from commenting and continued with her introductory lecture, which she had interrupted because of Sharon.

      It turned out during this first day of class that the man who had blasphemed Sharon was called Kai and was generally a pain in the ass. Again and again he attracted attention with cheeky sayings and comments.

      "Well, this can be cheerful, with this quay," Sharon whispered to her table neighbour Sabine.

      "Yes, terrible the guy!" Sabine agreed with her. "Luckily, I don't have it at home, so I'd get a divorce right away. Oh, nonsense, what do you mean, divorce? I wouldn't let that happen in my life."

      Sharon giggled. "No, me neither."

      Sharon got along with Sabine at first go. She was a few years older than herself, almost forty, not exactly the slimmest either, but by no means as overweight as Sharon. Beside her she could bite into her bread, which was thickly covered with meat sausage, without expecting a stupid saying I have to.

      When it was finally over at 3 pm, not only Sharon found that the first day had been quite tiring. And that should go on for the rest of the week! Hopefully the next few days will be less boring. From tomorrow they wanted to start writing applications and get the right polish, as the lecturer had expressed herself.

      "You'll see, with the right application. They won't be sorted out right away. You are one of the short-listed and have a good chance of receiving an invitation for an interview."

      But Sharon was rather skeptical. Sure, the application should be good, not

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