The New Retirement. Jan CullinaneЧитать онлайн книгу.
to retirement plans.
9 Retiring too early (not enough money) or not retiring earlier (to enjoy the gift of being in control of your own time).
10 Not considering how they will use their time in retirement (what are they retiring to – not from).
11 Not traveling more when they had the opportunity to do so.
12 Not discussing, if part of a couple, their expectations for retirement ahead of time.
13 Not enough diversity in their retirement portfolio.
14 Buying/staying in a bigger house than they really need or one that is not aging-friendly.
Lessons from the Pandemic
It would be an omission to discuss retirement without exploring the effects of the pandemic on retirees' beliefs and attitudes. A 2021 study by Age Wave, Edward Jones, and the Harris Poll provides some important insights:
61% of retirees reported that “the pandemic has given them more appreciation for what makes life meaningful.”
92% of retirees agree that “purpose is a key to a successful retirement.”
67% of retirees said “spending time with loved ones provides them with the greatest source of meaning.”
93% of retirees believe it's “important to feel useful in retirement,” and 87% said being useful “makes them feel youthful.”
89% of retirees feel that “there should be more ways for retirees to put their talents and knowledge to use for the benefit of their communities and society.”
Regarding finances of those not yet retired, a third are “contributing more to their retirement savings because of the pandemic” and a third plan to “delay retirement because of the pandemic.”
Finally, 77% “wish there were more resources available to help them plan for an ideal retirement beyond just their finances.” (And that, of course, is a major purpose of this book.)It will be interesting to see how – or if – these beliefs and attitudes will change as we return to a postpandemic “normal” or a “new normal.”
Freedom, purpose, enjoyment, stress-free. These were the most common words when more than 5,000 workers were asked in a Transamerica Center for Retirement Study what the word “retirement” meant to them. Let's turn those words into reality by exploring what to do with your “168 hours a week” in the next two chapters. And, remember, much of learning is trial and error – retirement is a brand-new experience. Keep these wise words of Nelson Mandela in mind: “I never lose. I either win or I learn.”
Just for Fun
Since you're thinking about retirement, it's helpful to know some of the vocabulary. Here are a dozen words/acronyms you “need” to know:
KIPPERS (kids in parents' pockets eroding retirement savings): Hint – save for your own retirement first. Kids have more time than we do to save for the future.
SKIER (spending the kids' inheritance): SKIERs plan to spend all their money before they die … travel, have multiple homes, eat out, own luxury vehicles, and so forth.
Kidults: Offspring between the ages of 18 and 25, often financially and psychologically dependent on their parents. They are caught in the transition between childhood and adulthood, also known as “adultolescence.”
Splitters: Those who split their time between two (or more) homes. About 15% of adults over 50 own a second home, according to the Research Institute for Housing America.
FANBY (find a new backyard): People who relocate multiple times, perhaps moving to a resort style area, then closer to children/grandchildren, then to an active adult community, and then a CCRC (continuing care retirement community).
Freemales: Women who choose to be single (remove “spinster,” “old maid,” and “crazy cat-lady” from your vocabulary now).
Wusband: Self-explanatory.
Gray Divorce: Divorce among those 50 and older. The divorce rate in this age group has doubled over the past decade, and now makes up 25% of all uncouplings, according to Susan Brown, professor of sociology at Bowling Green State University. You may recall that Bill and Melinda Gates put out this statement after 27 years of marriage: “We no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives.” Two-thirds of gray divorces are initiated by women. Most common reasons for divorce from a survey of almost 2,400 recently divorced couples: falling out of love by one or both spouses (the most common reason); issues communicating (a close second); lack of caring, trust, or respect; a desire to move in a different direction because they had grown apart. For many, “'til death do us part” is no longer valid when life is long … and life is short.
Returnment: Going back to work after leaving a primary career.
Jhobby: Turning a hobby into a paycheck.
LATs (living apart together): Couples in committed relationships who maintain separate residences. Kevin R., for example, had a number of corporate transfers that required him to live in several different states throughout his career, but his wife, Caroline, a nurse, remained in their home in Michigan until Kevin retired.
LTAs (living together apart): No longer a couple, but remaining in the same household because of finances, children, or the perception of social stigma.
Quiz: Are You Ready to Launch Your Retirement?
For each question, please choose the statement which best fits your thinking and frame of mind at the present time. More than one answer may seem appropriate but you must pick only one.
1 How do you feel about giving up your job and career?AMy career is history. I'm ready to open a new chapter.BI would enjoy meeting other retirees from my profession.CI would like to stay up to date with trends and developments in my profession just to keep my hand in it.DOnce retired I'll be happy to mentor younger people in my profession.
2 How open are you to new adventures in your retirement?AI'll probably do things I've done in my past, but now I'll have more time for them.BI'm itching to try some things I never had time for during my career.CI don't plan on changing my leisure activities that much.DI earned my retirement so I'm going to have fun doing nothing.
3 What part will exercise play in your retirement?AMy outdoor activities will keep me in good shape.BI'll keep my weight in check by walking.CI plan to have a regular daily exercise program.DI probably won't have a planned exercise program.
4 Do you plan to include weight training?AWeight training may do me more harm than good.BWeight and resistance training will be part of my exercise program.CI'll get enough exercise through aerobic activities.DBody building for seniors doesn't make sense to me.
5 How “home-based” will your retirement be?AI'll spend a lot of time at home doing at least one of these activities – watching TV, talking on phone, doing household chores, working on computer, reading.BChilling out at home is my idea of retirement.CIf I am home too much I have to get out.DI expect to spend a good deal of time carrying on activities outside the home.
6 How does your spouse's retirement coincide with your own?AMy spouse has already retired.BMy spouse does not plan to retire any time soon.CMy spouse and I plan to retire together (within an 18-month period).DI don't have a spouse.
7 What is the status of your children?AI still have children living at home.BI have no children living at home.CI have “boomerang kids” who may want to return home for a while.DI have no children.
8 Are you at risk for depression?AI have suffered bouts of depression in the past.BMy spouse has had some problems with depression.CI have no history of depression.DI get anxious now and down at times but not what