Continuous Emission Monitoring. James A. JahnkeЧитать онлайн книгу.
a NSPS applies if construction commenced after this date.
b NSPS applies if modification or reconstruction commenced after this date.
c CEM requirements are as applicable when meeting the conditions of the subpart.
d Rule applies if constructed before this date
e Organic monitoring device based on IP, photoionization, or thermal conductivity.
Not listed in the table are operational units or smaller sources that instead of installing CEM systems may alternatively be required to monitor process parameters such as pressure drops, temperatures, or fuel flow rates. Regulatory relief is applied to smaller sources where it can be a burden to purchase, operate, and maintain a CEM system. Here, the less stringent parameter monitoring requirements for low‐emitting sources may not be especially significant when considering their relatively smaller contribution to the atmospheric pollution burden.
The subparts tend to be complex. Accordingly, they should be referred to for detailed information concerning units of the emissions standards, monitoring requirements, reporting requirements, and exceptions.
General Provisions for the NSPS Subparts
General provisions pertinent to CEM systems required for sources regulated under the NSPS subparts are present in four sections of Part 60 of the Code. These sections are as follows:
§60.7 Notification and Recordkeeping
§60.8 Performance Tests
§60.11 Compliance with Standards and Maintenance Requirements
§60.13 Monitoring Requirements
Each of these sections gives important requirements regarding the opacity and gas monitoring systems mandated for source categories addressed by the subparts. These should be read in tandem with the subparts. For example, §60.7 gives requirements for Part 60 sources with installed CEM systems to submit excess emission reports and describes the information that is to be included in the report. In §60.8, requirements are given for conducting performance tests to determine whether the facility is within its compliance limits. Here, the performance tests conducted are those reference test methods of 40 CFR 60