Introduction to Sonar Transducer Design. John C. CochranЧитать онлайн книгу.
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circuit for a simple tonpilz transducer example...Figure 4.2‐47 Transmit voltage response (TVR) for a simple tonpilz transduce...Figure 4.2‐48 A nodal mounted tonpilz transducer used for example.Figure 4.2‐49 Transmit voltage response (TVR) for a simple nodal mounted ton...Figure 4.2‐50 The trilaminar flexural disk assembly.Figure 4.2‐51 The trilaminar flexural disk assembly in a housing.Figure 4.2‐52 The trilaminar flexural disk assembly showing the edge moment Figure 4.2‐53 Deflection profile for the trilaminar flexural disk assembly, ...Figure 4.2‐54 Details of the trilaminar flexural disk assembly showing bendi...Figure 4.2‐55 Effective coupling coefficient for the trilaminar flexural dis...Figure 4.2‐56 Flexural disk in‐air resonance frequency constant (f r d) pl...Figure 4.2‐57 The radiation mass factor
is plotted against the Normalized ...Figure 4.2‐58 Flexural disk in‐water resonance frequency constant (f w d) ...Figure 4.2‐59 The trilaminar flexural disk mechanical Q M plotted as a fun...Figure 4.2‐60 Mechanical compliance of the trilaminar flexural disk plotted ...Figure 4.2‐61 Equivalent electrical circuit for the trilaminar flexural disk...Figure 4.2‐62 TVR for the trilaminar flexural disk transducer with different...Figure 4.2‐63 The bilaminar flexural disk assembly.Figure 4.2‐64 Details of the bilaminar flexural disk assembly showing bendin...Figure 4.2‐65 Effective coupling coefficient for the bilaminar flexural disk...Figure 4.2‐66 Flexural disk in‐air resonance frequency constant (f r d) pl...Figure 4.2‐67 Flexural disk in‐water resonance frequency constant (f w d) ...Figure 4.2‐68 Flexural disk mechanical Q m plotted as a function of total ...Figure 4.2‐69 Mechanical compliance of the bilaminar flexural disk plotted a...Figure 4.2‐70 TVR for a bilaminar flexural disk transducer with different bo...Figure 4.2‐71 Flat oval flextensional transducer.Figure 4.2‐72 Various flat oval flextensional transducers.Figure 4.2‐73 Illustration showing out‐of‐phase displacements in Class IV fl...Figure 4.2‐74 The tapered wall‐slotted cylinder projector (SCP).Figure 4.2‐75 Cross sectional view of the tapered wall SCP defined by a set ...Figure 4.2‐76 Piezo‐ceramic/shell assembly section showing strain under an a...Figure 4.2‐77 Normalized displacement profiles with comparison to same from ...Figure 4.2‐78 Example of in‐air resonance frequency as a function of shell a...Figure 4.2‐79 Example of effective electromechanical coupling for an SCP as ...Figure 4.2‐80 An equivalent circuit representation of a single degree of fre...Figure 4.2‐81 Example of the in‐water resonant frequency as a function of sh...Figure 4.2‐82 Example of the in‐water
as a function of shell taper paramet...Figure 4.2‐83 TVR and admittance (G, C p ), for example, tapered wall SCP t...Figure 4.2‐84 A cross sectional view of a moving coil transducer.Figure 4.2‐85 An equivalent circuit model for a moving coil transducer.Figure 4.2‐86 The performance of a simplified example of a moving coil trans...Figure 4.2‐87 The line‐in‐cone directional transducer.Figure 4.2‐88 The aperture function for the line‐in‐cone directional transdu...Figure 4.2‐89 The beam pattern typical for the line‐in‐cone directional tran...Figure 4.2‐90 An assemblage of λ/4 resonator rods.Figure 4.2‐91 A λ/4 resonator assembly – courtesy Raytheon Company.Figure 4.2‐92 An equivalent circuit for an assemblage of λ/4 resonator ...Figure 4.2‐93 A simplified equivalent circuit for an assemblage of λ/4 ...Figure 4.2‐94 Acoustic performance of a quarter‐wavelength resonator assembl...Figure 4.2‐95 Beam pattern, for example, quarter‐wavelength resonator assemb...Figure 4.2‐96 An example disk projector.Figure 4.2‐97 A simplified equivalent circuit, for example, disk projector....Figure 4.2‐98 Acoustic performance of a disk resonator.Figure 4.2‐99 Beam pattern, for example, disk resonator assembly.Figure 4.2‐100 HF line element in a soft baffle.Figure 4.2‐101 Beam pattern for aperture of dimensions W and L in a soft baf...Figure 4.3‐1 A simplified equivalent circuit for a piezo‐ceramic projector....Figure 4.3‐2 Impact of k eff on the bandwidth of a transducer TVR.Figure 4.3‐3 An equivalent circuit for assessing the impact of λ/4 matc...Figure 4.3‐4 Impact of λ/4 matching layers with different ρc chara...Figure 4.3‐5 Equivalent circuit for evaluating power limitations of sonar tr...Figure 4.3‐6 Equivalent circuit for evaluating loss‐related power limitation...Figure 4.3‐7 Geometry for thermal limitation problem.Figure 4.3‐8 Heat‐generation pulse train.Figure 4.3‐9 Temperature rise for a nonsteady‐state pulsed transducer.Figure 4.3‐10 The ratio of the maximum steady state hot spot temperature ris...Figure 4.3‐11 Cavitation intensity vs. frequency and depth.Figure 4.3‐12 Impact of fluid viscosity on cavitation intensity vs. frequenc...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1-1 A simple equivalent circuit for a piezo‐ceramic hydrophone.Figure 5.1-2 An abbreviated simple equivalent circuit for a piezo‐ceramic hy...Figure 5.1-3 A typical receiving voltage sensitivity (RVS) response of a bro...Figure 5.2-1 Ambient noise spectrum.Figure 5.2-2 Series equivalent noise source for a noisy resistive element.Figure 5.2-3 Parallel equivalent noise source for a noisy resistive element....Figure 5.2-4 Ambient noise in a sensor‐equivalent circuit.Figure 5.2-5 An equivalent circuit of a typical hydrophone with noise source...Figure 5.2-6 Preamp noise equivalent circuit.Figure 5.2-7 A typical preamp voltage noise spectrum. The current noise is I Figure 5.2-8 An equivalent circuit of a typical hydrophone and preamp system...Figure 5.2-9 Preamp noise equivalent circuit at frequencies well below the s...Figure 5.2-10 ENP and contributions to the ENP, for example, sensor compared...Figure 5.2-11 An equivalent circuit of a typical hydrophone and preamp syste...Figure 5.3-1 Configuration for a unidirectional hydrophone.Figure 5.3-2 Geometry for the hydrostatic hydrophone.Figure 5.3-3 Geometry for the spherical radiator.Figure 5.3-4 S OC open circuit sensitivity per unit outside diameter.Figure 5.3-5 Stress multiplier vs. t/d for piezo‐ceramic sphere.Figure 5.3-6 S OC open circuit sensitivity per unit outside diameter showi...Figure 5.3-7 Geometry for the radially polarized cylindrical hydrophone.Figure 5.3-8 Open circuit sensitivity per unit outside diameter (S OC ) for...Figure 5.3-9 Open circuit sensitivity per unit outside diameter (S OC ) for...Figure 5.3-10 Geometry of cylinder and endcap interface undergoing deflectio...Figure 5.3-11 Geometry of endcap deflection.Figure 5.3-12 Geometry of cylinder deflection.Figure 5.3-13 Relative radial displacement for a cylinder with an endcap.Figure 5.3-14 Relative sensitivity vs. L c /d.Figure 5.3-15 Relative sensitivity vs. tc /d.Figure 5.3-16 Relative sensitivity vs. tec /tc .Figure 5.3-17 Geometry for the circumferentially polarized cylindrical hydro...Figure 5.3-18 Open circuit sensitivity x number of stripes (N), per unit out...Figure 5.3-19 Open circuit sensitivity x number of stripes (N), per unit out...Figure 5.3-20 Geometry for the axially polarized cylindrical hydrophone.Figure 5.3-21 Open circuit sensitivity per unit length diameter (S OC ) for...Figure 5.3-22 Open circuit sensitivity per unit length (S OC ) for axially ...
6 AppendixFigure A.1-1 Unit vectors in a Cartesian coordinate system.Figure A.1-2 A vector in a Cartesian coordinate system.