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Table of Contents
1 Cover
7 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Veterinary (or Assistant) Profession Ethics References
8 Chapter 2: Medical Terminology Medical terms Prefixes Suffixes Root words Common abbreviations used in veterinary medicine References
9 Chapter 3: Anatomy Anatomical directional terms Skeletal system Branches of science Body systems External anatomy Common veins Muscles Internal organs Urogenital system Internal structures of the thorax Conclusion References
10 Chapter 4: Behavior, Handling, and Restraint Social behavior Animal body language Fear Free® Identification Avian restraint Reptile restraint Rabbit restraint Handling rodents References
11 Chapter 5: Office Procedures and Telephone Techniques Telephone techniques Office procedures References
12 Chapter 6: Nutrition Overview Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Vitamins Minerals Water Palatability Recommendations Weight management Summary References
13 Chapter 7: Breeds Cat breeds Dog breeds References
14 Chapter 8: Breeding and Genetics Introduction Dogs Cats Determining gender in puppies and kittens Breeding management References
15 Chapter 9: General Nursing Care and Physical Exams Taking a history Physical exam Determining and recording vitals General nursing care Common diseases References
16 Chapter 10: Exam Room Procedures Recognizing ectoparasites Nail trimming Ear