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Конца света не будет. Почему экологический алармизм причиняет нам вред. Майкл ШелленбергерЧитать онлайн книгу.

Конца света не будет. Почему экологический алармизм причиняет нам вред - Майкл Шелленбергер

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Meyer, “The Oceans We Know Won’t Survive Climate Change,” Atlantic, September 25, 2019, https://www.theatlantic.com.


      Michael Oppenheimer (IPCC author) in discussion with the author, December 26, 2019.


      Michael Oppenheimer (IPCC author) in discussion with the author, December 26, 2019.


      Michael Oppenheimer (IPCC author) in discussion with the author, December 26, 2019.


      Michael Oppenheimer (IPCC author) in discussion with the author, December 26, 2019.


      Michael Oppenheimer (IPCC author) in discussion with the author, December 26, 2019.


      “Project Information Document (PID) Concept Stage: DRC – Growth with Governance in the Mineral Sector,” Report no. AB3834, World Bank, March 24, 2009, http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/341011468234300132/pdf/Project0Inform1cument1Concept0Stage.pdf. Ernest Mpararo, “Democratic Republic of the Congo,” Transparency International, 2018, https://www.transparency.org/country/COD. For an overview of Congo’s history and the role of colonialism and decolonization, see Van Reybrouck, Congo. Congo ranks 161st out of 180 (the highest) in terms of perceived corruption.


      “Top 20 Deadliest California Wildfires,” California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, September 27, 2019, https://www.fire.ca.gov/media/5512/top20_deadliest.pdf.


      Jon E. Keeley and Alexandra D. Syphard, “Twenty-first Century California, USA, Wildfires: Fuel-Dominated vs. Wind-Dominated Fires,” Fire Ecology 15, article no. 24, July 18, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1186/s42408-019-0041-0.


      Jon E. Keeley and Alexandra D. Syphard, “Historical Patterns of Wildfire Ignition Sources in California Ecosystems,” International Journal of Wildland Fire 27, no. 12 (2018): 781–99, https://doi.org/10.1071/WF18026.


      Jon. E. Keeley (U.S. Geological Survey scientist) in discussion with the author, November 4, 2019.


      Jon. E. Keeley (U.S. Geological Survey scientist) in discussion with the author, November 4, 2019.


      Jon. E. Keeley (U.S. Geological Survey scientist) in discussion with the author, November 4, 2019.


      Jon. E. Keeley (U.S. Geological Survey scientist) in discussion with the author, November 4, 2019.


      Jon. E. Keeley (U.S. Geological Survey scientist) in discussion with the author, November 4, 2019.


      David Packham, interviewed by Andrew Bolt, The Bolt Report, Sky News Australia, November 11, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6RrgBrb6R8.


      S. Ellis, P. Kanowski, and R.J. Whelan, “National Inquiry on Bushfire Mitigation and Management,” University of Wollongong Research Online, March 31, 2004, https://ro.uow.edu.au. Luke Henrique-Gomes, “Bushfires death toll rises to 33 after body found in burnt-out house near Moruya,” Guardian, January 24, 2020, https://www.theguardian.com. “Bushfire – Southeast Victoria,” Australia Institute for Disaster Resilience, https://knowledge.aidr.org.au/resources/bushfire-south-east-victoria. Bernard Teague, Ronald McLeod, and Susan Pascoe, Final Report Summary, Victorian Brushfires Royal Commission, 2009. http://royalcommission.vic.gov.au/finaldocuments/summary/PF/VBRC_Summary_PF.pdf. // “Black Friday bushfires, 1939,” Australia Institute for Disaster Resilience, https://knowledge.aidr.org.au/resources/bushfire-black-friday-victoria-1939.


      Lauren Jeffrey (British YouTuber) in discussion with the author, December 3, 2019.


      Dan McDougall, “‘Ecological grief’: Greenland residents traumatised by climate emergency,” Guardian, August 12, 2019, https://www.theguardian.com; Mary Ward, “Climate anxiety is real, and young people are feeling it,” Sydney Morning Herald, September 20, 2019, https://www.smh.com.au.


      Susan Clayton et al., “Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Impacts, Implications, and Guidance,” American Psychological Association and ecoAmerica, March 2017, https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2017/03/mental-health-climate.pdf.


      Reuters, “One in five UK children report nightmares about climate change,” March 2, 2020.


      Sonia Elks, “Suffering Eco-anxiety over Climate Change, Say Psychologists,” Reuters, September 19, 2019, https://www.reuters.com.


      Rupert Read, “How I Talk with Children About Climate Breakdown,” YouTube (video), August 18, 2019, https://youtu.be/6Lt0jCDtYSY.


      Zion Lights, interviewed by Andrew Neil, The Andrew Neil Show, BBC, aired October 10, 2019, on BBC, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=pO1TTcETyuU&feature=emb_logo.


      Здесь и далее: по состоянию на июль 2022 года Facebook, Instagram, Twitter и Linkedin внесены в реестр запрещенных сайтов на территории РФ.


      Lauren Jeffrey, “An Open Letter to Extinction Rebellion,” YouTube (video), October 21, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyYPLkWV3l0.


      Peter James Spielmann, “UN Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked,” Associated Press, June 29, 1989, https://apnews.com.


      Roger Pielke, Jr., “The Uninhabitable Earth – Future Imperfect,” Financial Times, March 8, 2019, https://www.ft.com.


      Allyson Chiu, “ ‘It Snuck up on Us’: Scientists Stunned by ‘City-Killer’ Asteroid That Just Missed Earth,” «The Washington Post», July 26, 2019, www.washingtonpost.com.


      Nick Perry, “Death toll from New Zealand volcano rises to 21 as victim dies from injuries nearly two months later,” Independent, January 29, 2020, https://www.independent.co.uk.


      “ ‘Stealth Transmission’ Fuels Fast Spread of Coronavirus Outbreak,” Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, February 26, 2020, https://www.mailman.columbia.edu/public-health-now/news/stealth-transmission-fuels-fast-spread-coronavirus-outbreak.



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