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Справочник Жаркова по проектированию и программированию искусственного интеллекта. Том 6: Программирование на Visual Basic искусственного интеллекта. Продолжение 2. Валерий Алексеевич ЖарковЧитать онлайн книгу.

Справочник Жаркова по проектированию и программированию искусственного интеллекта. Том 6: Программирование на Visual Basic искусственного интеллекта. Продолжение 2 - Валерий Алексеевич Жарков

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column As Integer

      Dim row As Integer

      Dim aRow As Integer

      ' First remove the blocks from each column.

      For column = 0 To matrix.GetLength(1) – 1

      For row = matrix.GetLength(0) – 1 To 0 Step -1

      theBlock = matrix(row, column)

      If (Not theBlock Is Nothing) Then

      If theBlock.MarkedForDeletion Then

      For aRow = row To matrix.GetLength(0) – 2

      matrix(aRow, column) = _

      matrix(aRow + 1, column)


      matrix(matrix.GetLength(0) – 1, _

      column) = Nothing

      End If

      End If



      ' Reset the MarkedForDeletion flags.

      For row = 0 To matrix.GetLength(0) – 1

      For column = 0 To matrix.GetLength(1) – 1

      theBlock = matrix(row, column)

      If Not theBlock Is Nothing Then

      theBlock.MarkedForDeletion = False

      End If



      ' Remove any columns that are now empty.


      End Sub

      ''' <summary>

      ''' Provides access into the grid.

      ''' </summary>

      ''' <param name="row"></param>

      ''' <param name="column"></param>

      ''' <value></value>

      ''' <remarks></remarks>

      Default Public Property Item(ByVal row As Integer, _

      ByVal column As Integer) As Block


      Return matrix(row, column)

      End Get

      Set(ByVal Value As Block)

      matrix(row, column) = Value

      End Set

      End Property

      Private blocksToExamine As ArrayList

      ''' <summary>

      ''' Set MarkedForDeletion to True for each neighboring block

      ''' of the same color.

      ''' </summary>

      ''' <param name="row"></param>

      ''' <param name="column"></param>

      ''' <remarks></remarks>

      Private Sub FindSameColorNeighbors(ByVal row As Integer, _

      ByVal column As Integer)

      Dim color As Color = matrix(row, column).Color

      blocksToExamine = New ArrayList

      blocksToExamine.Add(New Point(row, column))

      matrix(row, column).MarkedForDeletion = True

      ' Each time you find a neighbor, mark it for deletion, and

      ' add it to the list of blocks to look for neighbors.

      ' After you

      ' examine it, remove it from the list. Keep doing this

      ' until there are no more blocks to look at.

      While blocksToExamine.Count > 0


      End While

      End Sub

      ''' <summary>

      ''' Look to the blocks on each side.

      ''' </summary>

      ''' <remarks></remarks>

      Private Sub FindNeighbors()

      ' Take the first block out of the arraylist and examine it.

      Dim location As Point = CType(blocksToExamine(0), Point)

      Dim currentBlock As Block = matrix(location.X, location.Y)

      Dim row As Integer = location.X

      Dim column As Integer = location.Y


      Dim nextRow As Integer

      Dim nextCol As Integer

      Dim selected As Block

      ' look up

      If row < matrix.GetLength(0) – 1 Then

      nextRow = row + 1

      selected = matrix(nextRow, column)

      ExamineNeighbor(selected, nextRow, column, _


      End If

      ' look down

      If row > 0 Then

      nextRow = row – 1

      selected = matrix(nextRow, column)

      ExamineNeighbor(selected, nextRow, column, _


      End If

      ' look left

      If column > 0 Then

      nextCol = column – 1

      selected = matrix(row, nextCol)

      ExamineNeighbor(selected, row, nextCol, _


      End If

      ' look right

      If column < matrix.GetLength(1) – 1 Then

      nextCol = column + 1

      selected = matrix(row, nextCol)

      ExamineNeighbor(selected, row, nextCol, _


      End If

      End Sub

      ''' <summary>

      ''' If the neighbor is the same color, add it to the blocks

      ''' to examine.

      ''' </summary>

      ''' <param name="selected"></param>

      ''' <param name="row"></param>

      ''' <param name="column"></param>

      ''' <param name="color"></param>

      ''' <remarks></remarks>

      Private Sub ExamineNeighbor(ByVal selected As Block, _

      ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer, _

      ByVal color As Color)

      If Not selected Is Nothing Then

      If selected.Color.Equals(color) Then

      If Not selected.MarkedForDeletion Then

      selected.MarkedForDeletion = True

      blocksToExamine.Add(New Point(row, column))

      End If

      End If

      End If

      End Sub

      End Class

      По второму варианту, в панели Solution Explorer выполняем правый щелчок по имени проекта и в контекстном меню выбираем

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