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Kazakhs and Turks. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Kazakhs and Turks - Almaz Braev

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the head to look like beggars; for this, the people themselves had to take place, that is, a crowd of rootless scoundrels demanding for self a couple of hundred sheep from them. The bourgeoisie is formed from dirt and shit. From dirt, from conservative shit! This dirt and shit should be eaten by all future oligarchs, as the most unscrupulous people for tradition.

      Zhataks (recumbent men) – poor Kazakhs, weeded out by Kazakh relatives for their inability to maintain movement – could be the first to render in a foreign environment and in foreign cities; fate itself gives a chance to such all the poor. If they did not feel alienated from exactly the same generic dregs, some despicable Sarts should have felt contempt for the same Kazakhs from other clans instead of being ready to cooperate. (Kazakhs do not let strangers, that is, not relatives of Kazakhs, into the Nauryz pagan holiday yurt even now! And they stuttered about the Kazakh strategic cooperation. This is an absent Kazakh feeling) It is they who could establish cooperation. If not for one thing, it is precisely that the Kazakhs all remember their kinds. With this memory, they build their modern power. And at the same time, they walk with the illusion that it is possible to build democracy simultaneously. What each Kazakh has under democracy is a separate topic. And this topic does not go far from the Kazakh self-reflection.

      Chapter 8

      Why did the American Indians lose? The Path of Big Wings

      There are notes from Columbus about the meeting of Indians with Europeans. There, he described them as resembling children. This is true, including in the matter of strategic cooperation. An Indian of any age is not authorized to meet an enemy or relative, but people whose strategic cooperation literally replaces the smell of blood: if their blood, if this man is their tribe, that man is a friend; if not their blood, it is a member of another tribe. If the same Indians had been in the place of Columbus’ sailors, the first Indians might have eaten them. As it was, their curiosity kept Columbus alive, and he saw not children but unauthorized Indians for such meetings.

      When the settlers who arrived from the Atlantic created settlement agglomerations for several generations, they penetrated the American continent deep. The Indians showed their inferiority and complete incompetence. Apart from guerrilla tactics, they had nothing to oppose the white people. Of course, they created tribal alliances, but this was not enough for a strategic confrontation. White people surpassed the Aborigines not only in weapons and tactics but, most importantly, the whites could cooperate based on the small interests of the small owners. The great Indian myths could not help them in any way because the Indians were incapable of cooperation or joint actions, except for the «warpath» based on the interest of blood. Without the most extreme need, the tribes cannot cooperate in order for the Zerefs to have a strategic friendship – this is only when there is a war and when on the edge of the abyss. In other cases, the Zerefs will look at you too long to come forward or trample you. All other meetings of the Zerefs outside their ancestral villages are meetings of warriors and knight riders – a meeting of two wolves rather than jackals. This policy is maintained until the very last moment. (When a Kazakh looks at a Kazakh, he does not just look at the «knight»; he is a «cozben atady» (shoots with his eyes). Most likely, the Indians also looked at each other with heavy eyes without blinking at a chance meeting, creating a heavy look).

      The Indian elite, Indian leaders, and Indian shamans also could not do anything and could not help their people in any way. The fate of the Indians was sad. Too many tribes – too many «states.» They were with the elite, who were also incapable of a strategic agreement. Let savages go the way of heroes, and all tribes follow the path of tribal glory; no conservative people at the stage of «naturals» can survive if they are surrounded by small people who can win without blood, without a fight – just by selling and buying. People came to the Indians who could unite for small gains and create punitive detachments. From the particular to the general. This is what distinguishes the petty bourgeois (Zere, Refags) from the generally wild people who shoot at each other all the time with their eyes. The «path of heroes,» the «path of glory,» which distinguishes all conservative peoples, dooms such an elite to death in the first place. These people would never have adapted to the «white» trick. Most people have to die after their elite because, apart from curiosity and complexes, after realizing their impotence, these people are incapable of anything. This is the fatal tax of all conservative peoples until the savages assimilate the first skills of cooperation except kinship, except blood. This means that the entire older generation of the «curious» should also have gone to the valley of death; all barbarians are very persistent and stupidly stubborn when they try to retrain themselves, even with the help of violence. The colonizers even had to import Negroes from faraway Africa to the plantations. By the way, African leaders sold young, physically strong people to them.

      So. During a storm, swifts with medium wings survive. The wind carries away those who have wings that are too big; those with short wings themselves fall to the ground and break. So, to assimilate the Tatar tribe, Genghis Khan executed all adults, leaving only children who could pass under the cart.

      Chapter 9

      Top dubbing

      My books are not voluminous – a maximum of 200 pages. The main idea can be said in one chapter. But this will not give understanding, so the «understanding» stretches to 120 pages. The remaining 80 pages remain in reserve – for new discoveries on the topic.

      Three books have been selected for the manual so far: «Kazakhs and Arabs,» «Kazakhs and Japanese,» and Kazakhs and Turks,» because Arabs, Japanese, and Turks are successful nations today. (Which cannot be said about the Kazakhs yet). Arabs, Japanese, and Turks have their own history, their own way, and their own choice; these three nations are chosen to show where we are. Ordinary people don’t like difficult situations. Therefore, instead of a complex «self-reflection», a mirror no one wants to look into, another tactic was chosen – looking at yourself against the background of successful Arabs, Japanese, and Turks. Why do they succeed in the end, but the Kazakhs do not? If Confucius said, «If it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal – change your plan of action» – this is just right. Tactics have changed, but the strategy remains.

      The main argument of the Kazakh nationalists: «If it were not for the Russians, if it were not for the Bolsheviks, we, the Kazakhs, would be at a high level.» A lot of biased material has appeared. It is populism. Betting on arguments that contradict the facts is always the way to nowhere. «Fanatics can seize power. But they will never hold the victory. From fanaticism get tired» first of all, the audience gets tired, to whom fanatics prepare the fate of sacrificial sheep. It is enough to look at the speech of patriots in the parliament of one belligerent republic of the former USSR. No one listens to anyone there. But everyone comes to the podium and spews patriotic mantras and curses. Patriotic mantras and curses have already led these people to war, but spewing mantras and curses in 404 is a very profitable occupation. These parliamentarians themselves live happily ever after. At this very time, the people wash themselves, as they say, with blood. Why is there so much cynicism in 404? Why did we, the Kazakhs, lag behind them? Is it good, or is it bad? Our «backwardness», more precisely, our conservatism and «shukur» save us.

      To not repeat the state of Ukraine’s path under top scammers’ leadership, you need a little honesty and logic. It would be best to look a little in the mirror of facts.

      Revcon has the concept of upper and lower dubbing.

      Lower dubbing is when people with low status and reflection perform the tasks of noble people. For example, the communist ideology proclaimed the dictatorship of the proletariat. The proletarians began to play the role of the aristocracy. Kazakhs are not interested in what came out of it. The supposed Kazakh reaction will be this: we had our elite. If the Alash elite had been preserved, we would have lived at the Japanese level. The Russian Bolsheviks prevented us. But is it so?

      As we can see, the whole fate of the people rests on the concept of the elite.

      Arabs, Japanese, and

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