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Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One. Svyatoslav DubyanskiyЧитать онлайн книгу.

Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One - Svyatoslav Dubyanskiy

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him were special mystical objects and genuine amulets in the truest sense of the word.

      During his conversations, he explained that if he materialized any objects to his followers, the objects subsequently informed him if the owners were having problems, difficulties, or were subject to dangerous situations, and that in their moment of need, he would send help and blessings to them. Any object materialized by him played this role of direct connection with him.

      Sathya Sai Baba proclaimed to his devotees that whatever form and name of God you worship, whatever religious tradition you practice, God accepts your prayer. The tradition of the three Sai Avatars is a single spiritual space of the divine evolution of all mankind. All forms and names belong to God, and you follow the spiritual path closest to your heart.

      Sathya Sai Baba spoke about the fact that, in accordance with Vedic ideas, the full cycle of development is divided into four periods, which are called the Yuga in Sanskrit. Periods of four Yugas (four epochs) return again and again. That is how the global cycle of time looks.

      The ten Avatars of God incarnate in these four epochs, most often the Vedic tradition calls them incarnations of the god Vishnu. It should be remembered that Vishnu is not the name of any deity, but one of the traditional Vedic names of the supreme Creator God. Different religions call God by different names, even within the framework of Hindu philosophy, there are a lot of names for God.

      The last incarnation of God in each cycle is the Kalki Avatar. In our age of Kali yuga, the Kalki Avatar has been divided into three parts: Shirdi Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, and Prema Sai Baba. The Vedic texts do not mention that the Kalki Avatar will split into three incarnations; however, Sathya Sai Baba explained this is exactly what will happen.

      Sathya Sai Baba said that such a triple incarnation of God on Earth can only be seen in this era. The triple incarnation of Sai has not been in the past and will not be in the future. That is why we are witnessing this unique event of the triple incarnation of Sai.

      God spiritually prepared humanity when he incarnated as Shirdi Sai Baba. God spread spiritual knowledge when he incarnated as Sathya Sai Baba. When God incarnated as Prema Sai Baba, all people will enjoy the fruits of divine self-realization. It is then Sai will bestow happiness and bliss on all mankind.

      Of course, it may seem strange to some that Sathya Sai has predicted such a bright outlook when the world is experiencing great political and social difficulties in the 20th and 21st century.

      In my opinion, it is possible to note clear positive trends in the spiritual development of a huge number of people. The spiritual development of people is much more active, while the political and social system of human society is still functioning in the old way, and no longer meeting the spiritual and intellectual needs of people.

      In 1944, Sathya Sai Baba told the first devotees of his third incarnation as Prema Sai Baba that, “Prema Sai Baba will be born in the small village of Doddamallur, which is located near the city of Channapatna, and this village will subsequently be prosperous, because it is here that God will receive his birth.”

      The prediction shows that in the beginning, the village in which Prema Sai is born would be very small and poor, but in time it would become a large and prosperous city.

      Sathya Sai Baba took Namagiri Amma and her daughter, Kannamma, to the village of Doddamallur. During this unique journey, Sathya Sai Baba was accompanied by several followers from the city of Mysore.

      In this small village there is an ancient temple of the god, Vishnu, who is called Aprameya Swami. In this temple there is a famous altar with a statue of the boy, Krishna, which pilgrims come from all over India to worship.

      Sathya Sai Baba said that Prema Sai Baba would be born into a poor family in this village and also indicated the house where he would be born. In the original text of the Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai book, we read about the great mission of the three Sai Avatars and accurate predictions about the place and time of Prema Sai Baba's birth.

      12. Additional predictions about Prema Sai Baba

      Sathya Sai Baba predicted he would live to be 96 years old. However, he left his body at the age of 84. Is there a contradiction in this? How could God be wrong? Obviously, there is no contradiction in this. Only Sathya Sai Baba himself can decide when he should be born and when he should leave this world.

      Several years before the end of his life, Sathya Sai Baba repeatedly said: "My mission is accomplished." Nobody wanted to take these words seriously. He left this world on the night of Easter 2011. This was unique because on April 24, 2011, all Christian churches celebrated Easter on the same night.

      According to the complex Christian calendar, different Christian communities usually celebrate Easter on different days. In the year when Sathya Sai Baba left the body, Easter coincided on the same day for all Christians. This was a great message of unity and love.

      Sathya Sai Baba has said many times that he will be reincarnated as Prema Sai Baba in eight years. At the same time, in some cases, he said he would be born in a year. I have accurate information that Sathya Sai Baba told Shri Kasturi and Subba Rao that he will incarnate in a year.

      Many devotees of Sathya Sai Baba are well aware of who Sri Kasturi and Subba Rao are. For those who do not know, I can only say these are two unique people who have lived in the ashram for many years and played an important role in the development of the mission of Sathya Sai Baba.

      On the pages of this book, I unfortunately do not have the opportunity to tell in detail the biographies of these great people, each of whom is worthy of a separate detailed narrative.

      Sathya Sai Baba openly said in his next life he would be born near the city of Mandya in the state of Karnataka, southern India. However, Sathya Sai Baba told Sri Kasturi and Subba Rao many more details, in particular, that he would be born in the village of Doddamallur, where the famous ancient temple of Aprameya Swami is located.

      I did not know Sri Kasturi personally as he passed away a few years before I first came to Puttaparthi. However, I knew Subba Rao very well, with whom I have been in close contact for several years. I often went to Subba Rao's room where he lived at the ashram. We talked about Sathya Sai Baba and his spiritual mission. Many Russian groups also visited Subba Rao and received spiritual guidance from him.

      Let's sum up the predictions about the birth of Prema Sai Baba. About the time of his next incarnation, Sathya Sai Baba told various people that he could be born in eight years or one year.

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