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Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy. Алексей СабадырьЧитать онлайн книгу.

Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy - Алексей Сабадырь

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Historical Fantasy

      Алексей Сабадырь

      © Алексей Сабадырь, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0062-0523-9

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Amina Queen of Persia Chapter No. 1

      Four friends decided to go on a picnic. It’s June, summer is just beginning and I really want to get to the water and into nature.

      They went to the river to relax for three days, swim, sunbathe and just spend time usefully, for their own pleasure.

      Elsa, she is already twenty-five years old and still not married. It happens, when I find someone worthy, then all my girlfriends will be jealous. I’ll get married, have children, two, maybe four, I don’t know yet, but I’m sure there will be children for sure,” she thought.

      She is a red-haired beast who has a good figure, and luckily she inherited intelligence.

      Zhenya, slightly well-fed and moderately well-mannered, blond, twenty-three years old, short in stature, prefers to spend his free time with the computer, or rather play with tanks.

      Lera and Max are cool guys, she’s twenty-four, he’s twenty-seven. They’ve been dating for two years now, but they’re in no hurry to get to the registry office.

      Lera is a dyed brunette, thin, she doesn’t shine with beauty, but she doesn’t hide the fact that mom didn’t want her, dad didn’t try. Max is a born brunette, tall, with shoulder-length hair, always positive, at school he played KVN and even wrote jokes for the team.

      Dad bought him a gray Volkswagen car, and he promised that as soon as he earned money for his, he would immediately return it.

      – Elsa, what are you thinking about? – Lera asked sitting in the front seat.

      Yeah, no big deal, it’s just stuffy in the car and I want to take a dip and turn into a goldfish, she answered.

      You’re already my goldfish, you only fulfill wishes according to your mood, Zhenya joked.

      – Seriously? Girlfriend, why do you infringe on the rights of men? – Lera asked.

      Listen to him more, he can say such things and notice them sober, can you imagine if you listen to him drunk, said Elsa.

      But today we’ll test its strength, Lera laughed.

      – How much longer do we have to go? – Zhenya asked.

      – Are we going to arrive soon? – Max answered.

      They drove into the forest and after three hundred meters their road led to a river on a grassy bank. Max stopped and they got out of the car.

      – Hello vacation! – Elsa screamed.

      The boys took out a tent and went to set it up, Elsa and Lera ran to the water just to touch it with their hands.

      – Maybe we can go for a swim? – Lera asked.

      You can, you just need to wear swimsuits, Elsa answered.

      I also have an inflatable mattress,” Lera said.

      And I haven’t grown out of my childhood circle yet, Elsa laughed.

      They took their swimsuits out of their bag and went into the forest to change clothes, then returned to the river and went into it. The water was excellent, warm and clear, in which shellfish swam.

      Girls, let’s go ashore, the tent is ready, so we need to get ready for the meal, said Max.

      Having spread the blanket on the grass, the girls began to make breakfast. They made a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, cut sausage, cheese, laid out fruit and got vodka for the guys and wine for themselves.

      We may not have enough food for three days, Lera said.

      We’ll go and buy something if anything, Zhenya said and took off his shorts and T-shirt and ran to the water.

      – It’s not fair, Zheka, what about us? – Max asked.

      I’ll just be a minute, you can pour it now, Zhenya answered, quickly taking a dip and getting out of the water.

      So girls, hold your glasses, now I’ll pour us some fire water, some wonderful wine for you, said Max.

      Please pour me a drink to wash it down, Lera asked.

      You’re not the only one, I’d better drink it too, said Elsa.

      I want to raise the first toast to the wonderful women who adorn us here with their presence,” said Max, and we all drank in support.

      Half an hour later everyone went swimming, Elsa and Lera asked the guys to inflate the mattress and ran to the water with a cheerful laugh.

      Nearby, a wooden bridge was built in the water from which the children jumped and dived.

      The day passed quickly, they were all tipsy, in the evening they lit a fire and sat down near it. Lera began to tell scary stories about the dead and all kinds of evil spirits, everyone laughed and joked.

      When it became dark, an unfamiliar man suddenly approached them and asked for a light from the fire.

      Please, we don’t mind, Zhenya answered.

      – Do you like to tell horror stories? – asked the stranger.

      Well, it’s still not true, Elsa answered.

      – And if I tell you one story, will you believe me? – asked the stranger.

      Tell me first, we’ll see, Max answered.

      Elsa had heard many different stories, many were true, so the appearance of a stranger was not a strange event for her.

      – One young girl was waiting in the wings to meet a good man and marry him. She was twenty years old, innocent and pretty. One day a carriage came to their village, with six black horses in front, and a man in a black tailcoat with a cane in his hands got out. He was of noble blood, and had a mute coachman with him. The girl lived alone with her mother, and when a stranger asked for a place to stay for the night, her mother fed the strangers from the road and provided them with a separate room, the man says.

      It’s already scary, Max laughed.

      Don’t interrupt me, young man, the man said and continued.

      – At night, the girl woke up from some strange sounds coming from her mother’s room. She quietly walked to the door and looked through the keyhole. And I saw how the wanderer bit into his mother’s neck, biting her and drinking warm blood.

      The girl, frightened, ran out into the street and, sitting in the coachman’s place, drove the horses towards the monastery.

      – And when there were a hundred meters left to the monastery, that stranger with bloody teeth appeared on the road in front of her and stopped the carriage with one wave of his hand.

      You belong to me now, the stranger laughed and, putting her into the carriage, disappeared with her. And since then no one has seen her again, the man finished his story.

      Not a bad story, Zhenya said fearfully.

      And the main thing is that it’s true, the man said and disappeared.

      – Do you understand anything? – Max asked, some man appears, told us some incomprehensible story and disappears.

      We need to leave here in the morning, said Elsa.

      – Are you scared? – Lera asked, personally, I’m staying and won’t go anywhere.

      I’m staying too, said Max.

      – And you? – Elsa asked Zhenya.

      I’m like everyone else, we won’t spoil our vacation because of some crazy person,” said Zhenya.

      Don’t you understand, this is not a madman, but a person related to the story that he himself told,” Elsa tried to reach her friends.

      You exaggerate everything, this is because you love to read science fiction, you come up with

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