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Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy. Алексей СабадырьЧитать онлайн книгу.

Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy - Алексей Сабадырь

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came for three days, we’ll spend these three days, now everyone can go to sleep, Max snapped.

      After putting out the fire, they took turns climbing into the tent. It was a four-seater, Elsa and Zhenya lay down on one side, Max and Lera on the other.

      Everyone immediately fell asleep, only Elsa’s eyes did not want to close; what could this story mean – a warning and a threat or just a coincidence. What if this stranger is the same one from the carriage with the bloody smile. By morning, Elsa’s body succumbed to fatigue and she fell asleep hugging Zhenya.

      The next morning the guys made a shish kebab from the meat they took with them and marinated it. This strange story became almost a legend for them and was no longer remembered. There was no reason to worry, the guys sat down on the blanket, began to drink and eat barbecue.

      The pleasure was indescribable, the meat was soft and tasty, the wine was pleasant, the most important thing was nature, the river, the grass was green, the sun was shining, as they say, beauty and grace.

      – Well, why hasn’t anyone dreamed of horror stories? – Max laughed a little tipsily.

      – Not yet, or maybe Elsa is hiding something from us? – Lera asked sarcastically.

      No, everything is fine, we’ll consider yesterday’s conversation an ordinary misunderstanding,” Elsa answered calmly.

      – So it’s better, what about swimming? – Max asked.

      There is a proposal for the four of us to play patches, Lera said.

      – We don’t mind, do we Max? – Zhenya asked.

      The sailors have no questions, Max answered.

      The second day was more energetic and fun than the first and there was nothing that could disturb them.

      Chapter No. 2

      When it got dark, the guys sat around the fire again and Lera, laughing, began to tell a new scary story.

      Maybe that’s enough stories already, said Elsa.

      Don’t be afraid, you just shit your pants yesterday, baby, Max laughed.

      Suddenly Elsa’s phone rang and, picking it up, she said:

      – Hello.

      – Good evening, is there any interruption? – asked an unfamiliar voice.

      – Who are you? – Elsa asked turning on the speakerphone.

      Your friend who met you yesterday, the man answered.

      – What do you need from us? – Elsa asked.

      I want to tell you one more story, the man answered.

      We don’t need your stories, Elsa said and turned off the phone.

      The disconnected phone began to ring, Elsa got scared and shouted:

      – Fuck off, asshole.

      A moment later the stranger appeared near the fire, his pupils They turned red and when he laughed Elsa saw fangs – it was a vampire.

      He grabbed Elsa by the throat with his left hand and lifted her off the ground about twenty centimeters. She began to choke, trying with all her might to free his hand, but it was useless. Then Max pulled out a burning stick from the fire and hit the vampire on the back. He threw Elsa to the side, hit Max in the face with his right hand, Max fell and hit the back of his head on a stone lying in the grass.

      We have to get away, Zhenya shouted and ran to the tent to collect his things.

      Lera grabbed the knife and stabbed the vampire in the chest, he screamed, but then pulled the knife out of his chest and headed towards the car. We all got into the car and Max began to move away and then the vampire grabbed Lera’s hand and tried to bite her, Elsa remembered that she had holy water in her bag. After quickly rummaging, she opened the lid and poured water on him, he began to roar like an animal and charred ulcers began to appear in the chest area. Max stepped on the gas and we rushed along the road; luckily for us, he stopped chasing us.

      – What’s happening? – Max asked.

      I don’t know, Lera answered, but I feel we’re in trouble.

      I warned you, let’s leave, but you didn’t want to listen to me, said Elsa.

      I stabbed him in the chest with a knife, but he didn’t care, Lera was surprised.

      That’s right, this is not a person, but a vampire, said Elsa.

      – Vampire, are you high on smoke, where do they come from here? – Zhenya asked.

      I don’t know yet, but we need to find out, Elsa answered.

      They drove through the forest and got out onto the highway, it was dark, there weren’t many cars, so they had the road at their fingertips. Max was driving at high speed and after some time a man ran out of the forest and threw himself under the wheels.

      Max braked sharply and began to get out of the car.

      Maybe Max shouldn’t go out if it’s him, Zhenya said.

      Don’t you understand, there’s a man under the wheels of my car who needs help, Max said and approached the man.

      He felt the pulse in his neck and exhaled lightly:

      We need to take him to the hospital, said Max.

      Nothing will happen to him, he’ll pull through, we need to get out, and quickly, Lera shouted.

      You can leave, I won’t leave him here, Zhenya come out to me and help put him in the back seat of the car, Max asked.

      They took him by the arms and legs and brought him to the car and carefully placed him on the seat.

      The man was unconscious, only blood was coming from his mouth. Zhenya sat down next to him to watch and hold him.

      – How far is it to the hospital? – Zhenya asked.

      No, ten kilometers, Max answered.

      The delirious man began to say some words vampires are everywhere, they are nearby, they need to be stopped, vampires, vampires…

      Max, he’s talking about vampires, Zhenya said.

      Today, everyone is obsessed with these vampires, this is nonsense, there are no vampires and there cannot be, we’ve seen enough movies, said Max.

      What about that guy on the shore, don’t you believe it either? asked Elsa.

      It’s just that the guy turned out to be healthy and strong, Max answered.

      – What about the knife in the chest? – Lera asked.

      It’s just a coincidence, I don’t believe in these fairy tales, Max answered.

      Max, there’s blood on the back of your head, Elsa said.

      Now I’ll give you a handkerchief to wipe away the blood, Lera said and opened her bag and took out the handkerchief.

      Thank you, dear, Max said and began to drive up to the hospital.

      I’ll call the nurse now, Lera said and ran to the reception desk.

      Girl, we need a doctor, we found a man on the road, he is unconscious but has a pulse, Lera said.

      The woman quickly called a doctor and a nurse on the phone, who a minute later were heading outside with a gurney. Elsa and Zhenya carefully pulled him out of the car, put him on a gurney and the nurse took him away.

      Let’s all go, otherwise the cops will be called to clarify the circumstances, said Max.

      We’ve had a lot of rest, Lera said.

      Come on, who could have known that this would happen, said Max.

      It’s okay, we’ll go home, tomorrow we’ll wake up as if nothing had happened

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